Special Reports

Dead by Mistake

Medical errors cause patient deaths.

Health Care Waste

Supplies head overseas rather than trash can.

Sounding The Alarm

Noise from traffic poses health risks for S.F. residents.


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Apple's Steve Jobs needs to explain his absence

Apple's Steve Jobs needs to explain his absence

Here we go again. The impresario of the world's most valuable tech firm is taking sick leave - for the...

New drugs could revolutionize hepatitis C treatment

There's new hope for an overlooked epidemic: Two powerful drugs are nearing the market that promise to...

Gary Johnson's plate of choice cuts

Gary Johnson, former Republican governor of New Mexico and likely 2012 presidential candidate, is serious when he says he wants to end...

Chronicle 1.18.11 4:00 AM

Review Blue Shield's unhealthy rate increases

In December 2010, the U.S. inflation rate was reported at 1.5 percent. The average inflation rate in the United States from the years...

Chronicle 1.18.11 4:00 AM

Liver transplants like Jobs' can lead to problems

Although Steve Jobs didn't give a reason for his latest medical leave, the chief executive of Apple Inc. faces continuing health risks...

Chronicle 1.18.11 4:00 AM

Health care opponents' passion cools, poll finds

As lawmakers shaken by the shooting of a colleague return to the health care debate, an Associated Press-GfK poll finds raw feelings...

Chronicle 1.17.11 4:00 AM

A first test of civility - GOP health bill

President Obama's call for "a more civil and honest public discourse" will get its first test sooner than we expected. Having properly...

Chronicle 1.17.11 4:00 AM

RNA research EteRNA gets its game on

Bejeweled and Angry Birds are fun, but the computer games represent little more than a pleasant way to kill time. Then there's EteRNA...

Chronicle 1.17.11 4:00 AM

Inventor never stops operating

Any time Dr. Kevin Stone is riding the KT-22 lift with his wife, Susan, to start a day at Squaw Valley, he knows he'll be at a...

Chronicle 1.16.11 4:00 AM

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Reader Blogs

The Clock Ticks

The Clock Ticks

by bryan_costales

1/8/2011 10:51:00 AM