Some Dems snub Nancy Pelosi in speaker vote

As expected, Republican John Boehner of Ohio was voted in as the new House Speaker on Wednesday, but not before nearly 20 House Democrats refused to vote for outgoing Speaker Nancy Pelosi, baring the lingering wounds from November's bitter elections that cost their party control of the House.

Most of the 18 naysayers were from conservative rural districts where Pelosi, of San Francisco, was a lightning rod. She becomes House minority leader, a post she held before becoming Speaker in 2006.

Countless GOP campaign ads had depicted Pelosi and her allies as out-of-touch liberals, and Democrats lost 64 seats.

Eleven House Democrats kept their campaign promises and voted for fellow centrist Heath Shuler, D-N.C.

California Blue Dog Democrats Jim Costa of Hanford (Kings County) and and Dennis Cardoza of Atwater (Merced County) voted for each other.

Posted By: Michael Collier (Email) | January 05 2011 at 11:08 AM

Listed Under: Congress