Drive Green

Toyota's alternative electric motor

Toyota's alternative electric motor

The maker of the popular Prius hybrid car, is developing a new type of electric motor to cut its dependence on rare earth metals and lower costs...
Electric car with backup

Electric car with backup

The innovative Chevrolet Volt is getting lots of attention. But in my home garage, the car that can travel...
GM a year behind on product development

GM a year behind on product development

A big cut in research and development spending while GM was in bankruptcy protection set the company's new product plans...
BYD to sell electrics, hybrids in US

BYD to sell electrics, hybrids in US

Plans to offer an electric crossover to buyers in 2010 didn't materialize...
Electric cars: Worth spying for?

Electric cars: Worth spying for?

There was a mystery in the pages of the New York Times this weekend. The front section's table of contents promised, on page 6...

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