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Little League bans composite bats in all divisions

December 30, 2010

2010-12-30 12:29:00 PST Williamsport, PA 17703, United States — (12-30) 12:29 PST Williamsport, Pa. (AP) --

Little League Baseball has extended a ban on composite bats to all its divisions effective immediately.

The moratorium announced Thursday is based on league-commissioned research from the University of Massachusetts in Lowell.

Composite bats have metal shells enclosing woven fibers inside the barrels.

Critics say the bats are dangerous because balls fly off them at high speeds and can injure fielders. Supporters say they are lighter and easier to handle.

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Little League banned composite bats in its junior, senior and big league divisions in August. The league broadened the ban Thursday to include the majors division.

Players can use wood bats, metal bats or bats with composite materials in the handle only.

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