WikiLeaks suggest Chevron sought illegal oil deal with Tehran

Despite the U.S.'s aggressive support for sanctions on Iran, cables leaked as part of the WikiLeaks dump suggest that local company Chevron sought to establish an oilfield straddling Iraq's border with the enemy state.

Chevron's San Ramon, Calif., headquarters

Coolcaesar via Wikimedia Commons

Chevron's San Ramon, Calif., headquarters

The revelation comes in a cable reporting that Iraqi PM Nuri al-Maliki asked the U.S. for guidance on participating in such a deal with a U.S. company, given the sanctions.

According to the Guardian, "Chevron declined to either confirm or deny that it had been in contact with Iran, and confined its reaction to a statement saying it had not done, and would not do, anything in violation of U.S. law."

However, sanctions against Iran would appear to specifically prohibit engaging in such lucrative deals with Iran.

As Glenn Beck might say if he weren't a pro-industry conservative: Chevron. Tehran. Hear the connection?

Back on Earth, it's just another tick in the column that says reliance on oil undermines our national security, and it's a red herring to distinguish between oil that comes from friendly states — like Iraq or, you know, California — with oil that comes from countries that make their living sowing hatred for the U.S.

Posted By: Cameron Scott (Email, Twitter, Facebook) | December 21 2010 at 12:09 PM

Listed Under: Calif., fossil fuels