Chronicle Special Section

How To Save Water

Friday, April 17, 2009

Couple turn home into artificial ecosystem

Peter Fimrite, Chronicle Staff Writer

Early spring rain funneled off the roof of Laura Baker's Berkeley home and flowed into a downspout that connects to a gutter, which directed water into planter boxes containing her prized willow trees. The excess water...

Ditching your lawn? Plan replacement carefully

Mary Ellen Hunt, Special to The Chronicle

Estimates vary, but those lush, green turf grass lawns can account for 50 to 80 percent of a household's yearly water usage - adding up to thousands of gallons of water per acre of lawn. Conserving the copious amounts...

Planet's volunteer stewards honored, get busy

Jane Kay, Chronicle Environment Writer

Every day is Earth Day around San Francisco Bay as thousands of volunteers come out to build trails, pull weeds that clog waterways and pick up trash. Young and old from every neighborhood spread the word about...

Earth Day events in the Bay Area

Today Palo Alto What: San Francisquito Creek restoration. Clean up, plant habitat. Where: San Francisquito Creek When: 9 a.m.-noon Contact: (510) 452-9261 Ext.119, Saturday San Francisco What:...

Green tips

-Take Navy showers. Wet body, turn off water, soap up, rinse off. - Use the dishwasher - it's better than hand washing. But full loads only. - Tip Water plants in the mornings and evenings, not during the heat of the...

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