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Denim diapers: Stylish or trashy?

Finally, babies have a pair of diapers to wear on casual Fridays.

Today, Huggies announced that it's releasing a new line of "denim" disposable diapers.

"Jeans have always been a Mommy fashion must-have, but now it's time for their little ones to steal the style," Stuart Schneider, senior brand director of Huggies, said in a press release. "The design helps babies stay trendy while keeping dry with the same revolutionary design and proven leakage protection that moms have come to know and trust from the Huggies brand."

The diapers will be available June through July 2010.

If this is an attempt to win back those hipster parents who are switching over to cloth nappies, I'm not so sure it's going to work. I'm sure they'll want to know what sort of dye was used to make the diapers appear denim-looking and how it will affect their baby's skin.

What do you think about the new diapers? Are they hip or ridiculous?

More on the Mommy Files

Get your kid out of diapers in there days

Diapers: Are they necessary?

Who are the better diaper changers? Men or women?

Posted By: Amy Graff (Email, Twitter, Facebook) | May 20 2010 at 02:53 PM

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Is anything wrong with American Girl dolls?

Some children are born with the doll gene. They spend their time attending to their babies, rocking them to sleep, changing their bonnets, combing their hair. You can put blocks, Legos, puzzles, and all sorts of other toys in front of these children and they keep going back to their dolls.

My daughter, Paris, is one of those kids. She mothers a family of five dolls. Alice is a reissue of the Toni doll made in the 1950s; Rose is a Madame Alexander from Aunt Judy; Baby Ballerina has hair that smells like vanilla cupcakes; Raggedy Ann was lovingly made by a friend's grandmother; and Dora, well, she's an explorer. They're a diverse bunch but Paris loves them equally. She gives her dolls timeouts, feeds them pretend apple sauce, and puts them to sleep every night at the foot of her bed, except Raggedy who sleeps in her arms.

I was also a doll child. Baby Lisa, Elizabeth, and Abigail Florida Graff were my favorites. My Mom still has her childhood collection, including two suitcases full of handmade clothes. Maybe the gene runs in families?

So when the American Girl doll catalog unexpectedly arrived in today's mail, you think I would have been excited. But I opened the cover with trepidation. I've heard from friends that American Girl is benign compared to Disney, but I'm not ready for Paris to become captivated by a specific brand. I cherish her unbiased love for all types of dolls.

Most of the American Girls are based on historical characters. There's Felicity Marriman, "a spunky colonial girl growing up as America is on the brink of the Revolutionary War," and Joesefina Montoya, "the youngest of four growing up on a rancho in Mexico." My favorite was Julie Allbright, a "fun-loving girl growing up in San Francisco" in the 1970s. She wears bell-bottom jeans and a peasant top.

The catalog is actually quite tame--not too splashy or flashy. The dolls appear sweet and innocent. No tight sequence dresses, low-cut tops, or big boobs. No dolls holding iPods or cellphones. Actually, each doll comes with a storybook. The American Girls are a wholesome bunch.

My one complaint is all the stuff that's sold along with the dolls. If I buy Julie ($90), then I have to purchase her personalized necklace and crocheted hat ($20), bunk bed draped in groovy beads ($118), her pet bunny named Nutmeg ($20), and her satin roller skating outfit ($16). And what about Julie's birthday dress ($24) and her birthday goodies ($48), which includes a hibachi-style grill with faux coals and shrimp-and-pineapple skewers? And if I buy a doll, then I have to bring Paris to see the American Girl movie that's coming to theaters everywhere in July. And of course she'll need an American Girl outfit to wear to the movie. When does it all stop?

Posted By: Amy Graff (Email, Twitter, Facebook) | April 30 2008 at 02:56 PM

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Trend alert: organic baby wear

Thanks to the rising interest in the environment, eco-minded parents no longer have to resign themselves--or their baby--to a drab aesthetic. Remember all the oatmeal-colored organic onesies? Now, clothes made from organic cotton are fun, stylish, and brightly colored.

You can find many of these designs--all 100 percent organic--at Bay Area shops, or online.

Babysoy Kimono Bodysuit, $15

O! babybaby, Berkeley

Available online and in store

Babylegs, $15

Tender Cargo, Berkeley

Available online only

Speesees Dandelion Jumper, $28

Little Fish, San Francisco

Available in store only

Kate Quinn Lounge Dress, $28

Ooma, San Francisco

Available in store only

Earthline Bodysuit, $22

Positively Organic

Internet only

Posted By: Amy Graff (Email, Twitter, Facebook) | April 24 2008 at 12:40 PM

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Trend alert: Baby Bjorn potties

Have you noticed parents toting around the sleek little Baby Bjorn potties?

Paris and Dante had a training potty but it was big, clunky, and impossible to clean--nothing you'd want to bring out in public. We frequented parks with restrooms, or the kids went in the bushes. But the popular Baby Bjorn potties are easy to clean and carry. I see parents bringing them everywhere--to the park, beach, swimming pool. A friend even brought one to my house so her son didn't have to use our big, scary toilet.

Posted By: Amy Graff (Email, Twitter, Facebook) | April 21 2008 at 03:23 PM

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