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Holiday books: poetry

November 28, 2010|By John McMurtrie

The Poets Laureate Anthology (W.W. Norton; 762 pages; $39.95). Poems by the country's 43 poets laureate have been assembled - for the first time - in one book.

The Best of It: New and Selected Poems, by Kay

Ryan (Grove; 270 pages; $24). Wit enlivens much of the work by the former poet laureate.

A timely example: "Only a certain/ claque of beasts/

is part of the/ crèche racket/

... Anything more/ exotic

than/ a camel/ is out of luck/ this season."

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The Place That Inhabits Us: Poems of the San Francisco Bay Watershed (Sixteen Rivers Press; 142 pages; $20 paperback). Kay Ryan is in this anthology as well, as are dozens of others who celebrate our surroundings.

The Apple Trees at Olema: New and Selected Poems, by Robert Hass (Ecco; 352 pages; $34.99). An invaluable survey of the Bay Area poet's work, a lot of which is deeply rooted in the local landscape.

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