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obama camp

  • Mary Dejevsky: Fact: our politicians are not necessarily safer than theirs

    In fact, many accusers went much further, claiming that the gunman took his cue directly from the language and imagery of the Palin camp. Over the months, Obama's supporters have often seemed at a loss to parry the fearsome…
  • March: From Panama's beaches to the shores of Tripoli

    March: From Panama's beaches to the shores of Tripoli

    Explore Morocco's highest sand dunes, set up camp under the stars and get to know the volcanic landscape of the Draa Valley, which is virtually uninhabited and scattered with crumbling kasbahs. Barack Obama will be there,…
  • Silvio Berlusconi: A leader who has eroded Italian democracy

    Mr Berlusconi is most famous around the world for his off-colour jokes on the international stage, such as his repeated references to Barack Obama's "tan", or his suggestion in 2003 that a German MEP should play a…
  • Ivory Coast leader sworn in despite dispute

    The move was met by stinging criticism from Gbagbo's camp, which issued a threat to Choi on the evening newscast. The international community will hold those who act to thwart the democratic process and the will of the…
  • Letters: World Aids Day

    This year, however, I had the opportunity to spend some time with other young people who are HIV-positive at a summer camp, held at a school, but run by the Children's HIV Association (CHIVA). Everyone involved with the camp…
  • Leading article: Let us not doom Cancun to failure before it even begins

    Britain's chief scientist, John Beddington, appeared to place himself in this camp at the weekend when he said he did not expect a comprehensive agreement at Cancun and believed it unwise "to think that the 2C goal will happen".
  • Leading article: A vindication of justice and democracy

    Upon entering the White House almost two years ago, Mr Obama promised to close the military prison camp at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba and to put the remaining terror suspects there on trial, some in military tribunals and some in…
  • Detainee convicted of one out of 286 terror charges

    Detainee convicted of one out of 286 terror charges

    He was captured in 2004 in Pakistan and was held by the CIA at a secret overseas camp. Pete Hoekstra, the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, said Wednesday's verdict confirms that the Obama administration's…
  • Shop for your dream wedding dress online

    Shop for your dream wedding dress online

    They will even camp out at night. What's more, the luxury e-commerce site recently announced that fashion darling Jason Wu, who designed First Lady Michelle Obama's inauguration gown, will unveil five wedding dresses in an…
  • Rupert Cornwell: Time for the US to level with Russia

    Not to ratify Start would merely play into the hands of the Putin camp, and conservative nationalists who still smart at defeat in the Cold War and see a plot in every foreigner. He happens, too, to be one of few foreign…
  • Jack's last chance to save the world

    Jack's last chance to save the world

    Guantánamo Bay, Lieutenant Colonel Diane Beaver, a military lawyer from the camp, declared that Jack's attitude, "gave people a lot of ideas". In recognition of Barack Obama's repeated opposition to torture in season eight,…
  • Eyelashes: Under false pretences

    Eyelashes: Under false pretences

    Five years ago it was a quaint, camp thing – the preserve of drag queens – now every woman is experimenting with extensions, lash-regenerating mascaras and magic re-growth formulas that you apply nightly.
  • Is Obama the new Jimmy Carter?

    In office, Carter brokered the Camp David accords, secured ratification of the Panama Canal treaty and created a Department of Energy; while Obama, despite unrelenting Republican opposition, has already pushed through…
  • Is Obama the new Jimmy Carter?

    Is Obama the new Jimmy Carter?

    In office, Carter brokered the Camp Somewhat illogically, however, Obama, just as Carter was 30 years ago, has also been accused of surrounding himself with a palace guard of intimates who have cut him off from the real world.
  • Middle East peace push faces settlement deadline

    When US efforts to broker a deal at Camp David collapsed in 2000, Palestinians rose up in what became known as the Second Intifada, with more than 500 Obama has urged Israel to continue the freeze, but Prime Minister Benjamin

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