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the olympics

  • London celebrates two-year Olympic countdown

    Today we enter another new phase of London 2012 - bringing the Great British public on-board," Sports and Olympics Minister Hugh Robertson said. On sale will be 8 million tickets for the Olympics and 2 million for the Paralympics.
  • West Ham confident over Olympic Stadium

    West Ham confident over Olympic Stadium

    And, two years before the Olympics start, Brady told The Hammers confirmed earlier this year they want to leave their existing Upton Park home for the Olympic Stadium, while London mayor Boris Johnson…
  • Coe confident of balanced budget as 2012 stays ahead of the game

    Coe confident of balanced budget as 2012 stays ahead of the game

    Minister for Sport and the Olympics, yesterday. Olympics timeline July: Opening ceremony of the London Olympics London 2012 appears to have left its early budgetary troubles far behind. They are in a healthier position at this…
  • Swimmer remembers a frugal London Olympics

    Swimmer remembers a frugal London Olympics

    I never made any money out of my competing in the Olympics, I have nothing to compare it to, but I imagine a lot of today's athletes do ok from it. I would like to go to the 2012 Olympics. Susan Halter was then a 19-year-old…
  • Van Commenee demands flying start from his British team

    Van Commenee demands flying start from his British team

    Farah and Thompson are unlikely to fare any worse than Van Commenee himself did when he travelled to the 1992 Olympics as a personal coach. We may hear a good deal of the British national anthem, too – starting tonight, when…
  • Chambers given 2012 boost ahead of his 100m campaign

    With a home Olympics for the rest of the team to aim at in 2012, and Olympic trials, too, the British squad in the Finnish capital will be of the shadow variety. As Charles van Commenee, the head coach of UK Athletics, put it…
  • Idowu's task gets tougher after Tamgho is declared fit

    Meanwhile, as Dwain Chambers continued his preparations for his 100m duel with Christophe Lemaitre in the knowledge he will be barred from the 2012 Olympics by the British Olympic Association because of the two-year doping…
  • Two years to go and London is so ahead of the Olympic Games

    Two years to go and London is so ahead of the Olympic Games

    Some might suggest that the one aspect of the Olympics which has ballooned is the cost, though actually this is not the case. We won't be able to match Beijing in terms of money spent but one of the great things about these…
  • Inside Lines: That's show business? No, it is sport casting its magic spell

    Last week several of their number took time off from their nationwide roadshow to help Britain strike gold in the World Acrobatic Gymnastics Championships in Wrozlaw, Poland, capturing both the men's pairs and fours titles…
  • Out of Africa: What are six Kenyan distance-runners doing holed up in a leafy English suburb?

    Out of Africa: What are six Kenyan distance-runners doing holed up in a…

    The runners you see tearing away at the front in the Olympics, leaving everyone else panting hopelessly five laps behind. Micah is Micah Kogo, the world-record holder for 10km on the road; bronze medallist behind the great…

the olympics

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