• Health Quangos: £180m of cuts 'a blow to the NHS'

    Although the Department of Health's overall budget is being "ring-fenced", the ever expanding demands on the NHS each year mean that significant savings must be found. The Health Secretary Andrew Lansley justifies the cuts…
  • Help! I can't get rid of my baby bulge

    Help! I can't get rid of my baby bulge

    I loved being pregnant but I remember a sinking feeling when I was reading an NHS pamphlet that warned me not to eat too much. Media attention tends to focus on one end of the scale – the pressure on women created when…
  • Last Night's TV - The Hospital, Channel 4; The Games That Time Forgot, BBC4

    Led by the unflappable Rachael Jones, their Errol Morris-style straight-to-camera interviews were among the highlights of the hour, and even as patients crapped on the carpet, they remained exactly as our nearly religious …
  • One by one, the quangos are abolished. But at what cost?

    One by one, the quangos are abolished. But at what cost?

    NHS Institute for Innovation and Improvement The move to scrap such quangos as the Health Protection Agency provoked anger among nurses and doctors' organisations, which warned that public wellbeing would suffer as a result.
  • View nhs visually. Visit the NewsWall.
  • Paramedic quizzed over murder of nurse ex

    Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, said: "We are all shocked and devastated by the news of the tragic death of AWe would like to offer our sincerest condolences to Jane's family, friends and work colleagues at this difficult time.
  • Man stabbed to death in 'disturbance'

    Detectives said there was a "disturbance" in Meadow Lane, Loughborough, between 2am and 3am before the man was taken by a member of the public to the nearby NHS walk-in centre in Pinfold Gate. Paramedics were called and the…
  • Fast food chains drop watchdog's calorie-count display scheme

    Fast food chains drop watchdog's calorie-count display scheme

    NHS in treating obesity and other diet-related illness, diners usually have to search out calorie information. With increasing numbers of Britons eating meals outside of the home – most often in cafés, sandwich stores and…
  • Kids, eh? Now they persist in being useful and contented

    Kids, eh? Now they persist in being useful and contented

    But what about that NHS report? Surely this NHS report, and the bizarre behaviour of my daughter's (admittedly middle-class) friends, must be an anomaly. Last week's NHS report was not a flash in the pan.
  • Karren Brady: Upton girl with £125m masterplan to save West Ham

    Karren Brady: Upton girl with £125m masterplan to save West Ham

    We've got plans for a school on the site, working with the community and NHS for new services. At the moment there is no long-term strategy or future. But my plan is not just to have a new stadium for West Ham but a real…
  • Leading article: Mavericks rock the boat

    Last week's launch of the National Citizen Service for teenagers was sensibly a pilot scheme – a principle that could have been adopted for the NHS reforms. As the votes were counted in May, it became clear that a government…


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