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  1. Joy! @jossgarman - one of the best enviro activists int he world - is on Twitter. If you don't follow him then you HATE the planet
  2. @VictoriaPeckham Mwah xx
  3. Did the media help pull the trigger on this shooting spree?
  4. Did the media help to pull the trigger? #raoulmoat
  5. @caitlinmoran You are not Frank Butcher? HOW COULD YOU HAVE LIED TO US FOR SO LONG? HOW?
  6. Every person who has ever massaged me gasps and says: "You are the most tense person I have ever massaged." And it's their job. Dammit
  7. RT @bengoldacre: .@tonyblairoffice do you worry your mission for peace is undermined by your wars, involvement in torture, and poor civi ...
  8. @thomascooling Which proves it's not due to New Labour's crazy prisons policy. The evidence shows it would have fallen more w rehab etc
  9. @thomascooling No - crime has gone down by a similar rate in every developed country on earth, whatever their penal policies
  10. It's not just Cheryl Tweedie. Here's the major malaria story of the year: #malaria
  11. Lock 'em up and throw away the key - and watch crime soar, you fool
  12. RT @indiaknight: Important! @indiaknight It's #Transplantweek! I've signed the Organ Donor Register, have you? ...
  13. Anyone spotted any good political research jobs for a v smart recent graduate? A friend of mine is looking...
  14. I seem 2 have sparked a wave of sanctimonious Xians praying for Hitchens. Pray to fictitious deity if u want, better 2 give 2 cancer charity
  15. How Goldman Sachs gambled on starving the world's poor - and won
  16. RT @CulturalSnow: RT @chrismoranuk BBC Breakfast: The Times paywall is "like a tollbooth in the middle of the ocean"
  17. This BBC headline is pure Brass Eye: 'Paeodphiles turn to webcams.'
  18. RT @walkyouhome: @johannhari101 I imagine your life would have turned out very differently had you been influenced by the Bruce Dickinso ...
  19. And I forbid everyone from praying for him. He would HATE that. And rightly so
  20. Hitchens MUST outlive Kissinger.