Newnet unbundled exchanges (11 total)

Newnet unbundled exchanges | Exchanges with an Newnet unbundle date

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Exchange nameEnable dateCountyRegion
Basingstoke30/03/2008HampshireSouth East
Bracknell26/04/2008Bracknell ForestSouth East
Cosham09/02/2008PortsmouthSouth East
Fareham31/10/2007HampshireSouth East
Gosport18/02/2008HampshireSouth East
Guildford28/02/2009SurreySouth East
Havant12/02/2008HampshireSouth East
Portsmouth31/07/2007PortsmouthSouth East
Portsmouth North14/10/2007PortsmouthSouth East
Reading Central28/02/2008ReadingSouth East
Waterlooville29/08/2008HampshireSouth East

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