Smallworld Media (LLU)

Latest exchange coverage map2
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General information
Provider name Smallworld Media (LLU)
Exchanges Enabled 3 | Pending 0
Premises covered by enabled exchanges1
Within 1000m 7,029.00 (15.66%)
Within 2000m 21,107.00 (47.04%)
Within 5000m 42,671.00 (95.09%)
Average premises per exchange 14,959
Serves (approx) 44,875 total premises
Exchange coverage by region
Enabled exchanges 3 (100%)
Scotland 3 (100.00%) list
Notes & data source information
Smallworld provide triple-play services in the North of England and Scotland, and use both cable and LLU technologies. Note that this page covers their LLU network only.

Smallworld provided us with their LLU and cable coverage data in May 2007. Updates occur infrequently and are on an ad-hoc basis.

NOTE: This information pertains only to the LLU (Local Loop Unbundling) activities of Smallworld Media (LLU). The provider may also offer broadband services using other technologies (most commonly BT Wholesale ADSL services), but this is not included on this page.

  1. Based upon implied line length, which is calculated by taking the straight line distance from the exchange to the premises and then multiplying by 1.4
  2. Coverage maps are regenerated automatically at least once per week