
Werrington (EMWERRI)

General information
Exchange name: Werrington
Exchange code: EMWERRI
Location: Peterborough,
Postcode: PE66LA
Maps: Our map | Multimap | Streetmap
Serves (approx): 12,285 residential premises
251 non-residential premises

Broadband availability overview
SDSL: Yes (via LLU operator)
LLU services: Yes
Cable: Yes
Wireless: No
View larger and more detailed map

BT Wholesale information
ADSL status: Enabled as of 31/05/2002
ADSL Max status: Enabled as of 31/03/2006
SDSL status: Not available
21CN PSTN switchover target: Q3 2008

Wireless broadband availability
LTT Broadband: Not available
Now Wireless: Not available

Cable broadband availability
Virgin Media: Available in some areas
Smallworld Media: Not available

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Local loop unbundling presence
AOL: Enabled
Be: Not available
C&W; / Bulldog: Enabled as of 13/05/2006
CPW / TalkTalk: Enabled
Edge Telecom: Not available
HomeChoice: Not available
Lumison: Not available
NewNet: Not available
Node4: Not available
Orange: Not available
Pipex: Not available
Sky / Easynet: Enabled as of 21/05/2007
Smallworld: Not available
Tiscali: Not available
WB Internet: Not available
Zen Internet: Not available

Exchange history RSS Updates
21/05/2007 Sky/Easynet has enabled the Werrington exchange for their service
19/10/2006 BT have set a target date of Q3 2008 for the switch to 21CN for the Werrington exchange
22/08/2006 Bulldog has enabled the Werrington exchange for their service
04/08/2006 A change in Bulldog data source has found that they do not have presence at this exchange yet
13/05/2006 Bulldog has enabled the Werrington exchange for their service
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