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Sony NOT banning for MW2 Javelin glitch

Cheating on PS3 going unpunished, says Sony
Sony has told CVG it's not banning players who utilise the so-called Javelin glitch to cheat in online multiplayer games of Modern Warfare 2.

Xbox players exploiting a recently discovered Javelin glitch will be suspended from Xbox Live, said online boss Stephen Toulouse, as reported earlier this morning.

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"Using a glitch in a game to get an advantage is explicitly called out in the ToU. It's not like people are doing it by accident," he reasoned.

A Sony rep, however, told CVG today: "I don't believe we are banning people for using the glitch." So expect exploding corpses to be more prominent on Sony's platform, then. And no, we're not telling you how to do it because cheating's dirty (Google will do that for you).

Better hurry though as IW are already working on a patch to address this issue on PS3. Thanks for the spot eagle-eyed CVG reader allygray69.

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Read all 101 commentsPost a Comment
For once I have praise for Sony. This decision does right by the gamers, IMO.
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
In what crazy world is that fair on gamers? Real gamers don't cheat to get ahead!
jubbgi01 on 3 Dec '09
Good move Sony. It is not gamers' fault, it is IW's fault.
wildhook2 on 3 Dec '09
There's absolutely 0% chance of me getting banned from XBL for this.
altitude2k on 3 Dec '09
this will remain a glitch until IW fix it.

are MS just going to continue banning all who use it?

that makes sense Rolling Eyes

solve the root of the problem. get on to the developers, not the gamers.
svd_grasshopper on 3 Dec '09
IW have already announced a patch is nearly ready for the PS3 which will sort this. Panic over http://www.infinityward.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=202202
allygray69 on 3 Dec '09
For once I have praise for Sony. This decision does right by the gamers, IMO.

What? Sony does right by gamers?

Which ones? the ones doing the cheating, or the ones that suffer due to the cheaters?

Good move Sony. It is not gamers' fault, it is IW's fault.

That right, because IW force you into cheating, it's by no means a conscious decision on the part of the player.

Is there something in the water this morning?
FlimFlam on 3 Dec '09
That right, because IW force you into cheating, it's by no means a conscious decision on the part of the player.

are you saying hundreds of players havent done this by mistake?

its IW's job to make sure battles are balanced and fair. this includes no glitches.
svd_grasshopper on 3 Dec '09
haha cant wait try this glitch out tonight
spud-o on 3 Dec '09
haha cant wait try this glitch out tonight

Bad news, I think it is now fixed, according to NeoGAF. (If you use PS3 version).
wildhook2 on 3 Dec '09
For once I have praise for Sony. This decision does right by the gamers, IMO.

What? Sony does right by gamers?

Which ones? the ones doing the cheating, or the ones that suffer due to the cheaters?

Good move Sony. It is not gamers' fault, it is IW's fault.

That right, because IW force you into cheating, it's by no means a conscious decision on the part of the player.

Is there something in the water this morning?

Banning a paid for account on LIVE - be it for 2 weeks or permanently - is not a proportionate response to the use of an in-game glitch, IMO. Some gamers may be consciously choosing to exploit the glitch yet apparently it can also happen quite by accident. Should those who happen upon it by accident face the same punishment? How do you distinguish between those with intent and those whom were just fiddling around with their in-game equipment and settings? Furthermore, no money nor raw material is actually lost when someone exploits this glitch so banning them, which is a real-term paid-for resource, is not fitting and could possibly be grounds for a lawsuit despite what the ToU purports to state.

As has already been expressed in this thread and another thread, the problem originates from IW. Let the onus fall on them to fix it. Sooner rather than later.
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
I've just been killed by this glitch. Played some team death match & it was rife with double shotguns & javelin glitchers. Evil or Very Mad
 a3HeadedMonkey  on 3 Dec '09
I've just been killed by this glitch. Played some team death match & it was rife with double shotguns & javelin glitchers. Evil or Very Mad

The more I read about this game the happier I am that I chose to vote with my wallet and not buy this over-hyped, too-short-for-the-price SP/sub-par MP title.
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
are you saying hundreds of players havent done this by mistake?

its IW's job to make sure battles are balanced and fair. this includes no glitches.

I accept that any glitch is the fault of IW, but it has to be said that where there are glitches there are a bunch of talentless cretins ready to exploit it. It can be done by accident, but lets face it, what are the chances, really? the number of accidental detonations compared to those cheating must be tiny in comparison.

I would imagine if they can tell you are using it, they can tell how many times you are using it, so it should be fairly easy to ascertain who is cheating and who is just extremely unfortunate. In a fortunate way.
FlimFlam on 3 Dec '09
Thank you once again Sony i am more proud of these guys than any other gaming platform and this adds to the long line of reasons i will always stay with the playstation brand. Wink

Btw why do gaming companies take the control to far?
i dont like cheats but banning them for doing so is a step to far.
How about this a name and shame so it shows on their gamertag as cheat?
I am already anoyed that Mw2 was overpriced to start and the whole console style servers for pc user...What.. Who do these people think they are?
tommygouldbourn on 3 Dec '09
this is the reason i traded in my brand new ps3 slim i got for my birthday, sony endorse cheating, it just shows what the community is like ful of cheaters, chavs and paedophiles
dorian2011 on 3 Dec '09
its wrong to ban people for doing it, but by the same token the people doing it shouldnt be doing it either, does it matter to them so much winning a game that they'll cheat to win??? banning them is not the answer, i find ridiculing them in the post game lobby usually works quite well and exposing them to be the cheating (or camping) c**ks that they are, they usually end up getting ridiculed by everyone else in the lobby for it as well and therefore leave the lobby cos of the abuse they recieve for it.... result.... Cool
headspin on 3 Dec '09
this is the reason i traded in my brand new ps3 slim i got for my birthday, sony endorse cheating, it just shows what the community is like ful of cheaters, chavs and paedophiles

and your next analogy??? Rolling Eyes
headspin on 3 Dec '09
...Will probably involve Hitler.
jonbwfc on 3 Dec '09
Cheats never win. Oh wait ...
StonecoldMC on 3 Dec '09
Sony has choosen the right thing to do.
Yes its wrong to cheat, and you might think that MS are right to punnish those who cheat but here is the bottom line:

MS are taking the problem out of IW hands and putting it in gamers, so that means dev's can knock up shoddy games and its ok MS will punnish the gamers NOT the devs.

Sony see this (correctly) as a problem with the code that IW have written which will be patched VERY soon (if not already). If people dont play MW2 becuase IW cant write code right they'll play a differnt game, probably Uncharted 2. Sony don't lose IW does. If IW don't want to lose online users then they better get to work sorting out the problem sharpish.

MS are shooting themselves in the foot (again), they might ban people who done the glitch by accident, they might ban people who think this is some sort of secrect move. If these people get banned for something they didn't know, then both MS and IW loses becuase people will get pi$$ed off and might move to Sony for their gaming fix.

Yes cheating is wrong, but shoddy proggramming is even worse. MS have choosen to side with shoddy programming, Sony have choosen to give gamers the choice what they want to do.
only_777 on 3 Dec '09
That's b******s and a typical knee-jerk response.

It can take weeks for a developer to knock a patch together and test it sufficiently. In the meantime, the entire online community could be reduced to glitchers and cheaters. Then the only way to compete would be to play by the same (lack of) rules.

It takes no time at all to release a message that says you'll ban people for it until that patch can be released.

The only people Sony are helping in the immediate sense are the people using the exploit. Those not using it won't be affected. Those being hurt by it will continue to be hurt by it. That's hardly fair.
Dajmin on 3 Dec '09
That's b******s and a typical knee-jerk response.

It can take weeks for a developer to knock a patch together and test it sufficiently. In the meantime, the entire online community could be reduced to glitchers and cheaters. Then the only way to compete would be to play by the same (lack of) rules.

It takes no time at all to release a message that says you'll ban people for it until that patch can be released.

The only people Sony are helping in the immediate sense are the people using the exploit. Those not using it won't be affected. Those being hurt by it will continue to be hurt by it. That's hardly fair.

No point reasoning with all these cheating sympathisers Dajmin, didnt you know its ok to cheat now? This is what modern (warfare) Gaming is all about Wink .
StonecoldMC on 3 Dec '09
I'm sure they'll be a patch for the 360 version. too. I think MS are doing the right thing. Cheating in online games is the lowest of the low.

It completely defeats the object of the game. Like the bastards that spam zangeif in SFIV. whats the damn point.

Was playing borderlands the other night and some guy turned up with an apparently hacked rocket launcher that shot about 20 rockets a time. looked cool but was bloody useless as it never hit anything.
Those being hurt by it will continue to be hurt by it. That's hardly fair.

No, whats not fair is that IW can release a bugged game and not get punished for it. Its not Sonys, Microsofts or gamers fault - its the fault of IW.

And if people quit playing MW2 becuase of it then other devs wont make buggy games. But by banning gamers just gives ALL devs a green light to make buggy games and not have to worry.
They'll all say "So what if our game has bugs in it, its ok MS will punish the gamers, not us!"
And thats the message MS send out by banning people.

I hate cheaters too, but I would hate even more if this was the event that lead to 100's of buggy games to be released becuase dev's don't need to be as tight with their play testing stages of development.
only_777 on 3 Dec '09
only_777 haha your sony fanboyism makes me chuckle, "If people dont play MW2 becuase IW cant write code right they'll play a differnt game, probably Uncharted 2. Sony don't lose IW does" <<<<<< there are better games than this out this year namely assasins creed 2 and many more, and people have diffrent tastes lol this is teh average ps3 user http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNACBKwi-As
dorian2011 on 3 Dec '09
So the argument from the sympathisers is that "people shouldn't be punished for exploiting something that they have the ability to do in the game".

What about PC games where people can alter the code to do wall-clipping, for example? The fact that these people do it means they also have the ability to exploit the game (albeit with a little more effort), and nobody complains about the fact that they're banned from servers for doing so. It's the same thing, just on a different scale.
altitude2k on 3 Dec '09
here is another example of the ps3 community http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eocBZPHAhfM&feature=channel
dorian2011 on 3 Dec '09
lol. Haven't seen Devo in years.
I find it unbeleivebale that you guys argue about this (and almost everything else) on here. IT'S A GAME!! if someone uses a exploits a glitch like this then let them. Add them to you avoided players list and let them get on with it.

Remember if you die on line IT'S NOT REAL. Quit your whining and get on with it. MS should not be able to ban anyone for for doing something that the game allows them to do. It's IW fault and problem and they should fix it.
S0AP MacT4VISH on 3 Dec '09
If you paid for a ticket on an airplane, that doesn't mean you can stand in the eisle and sing songs from HMS Pinafore during lunch service. You have to follow the rules. Who do you blame for getting shoved out the door at 30,000 ft: the airline who made the rules or the asshole singing Gilbert and Sulivan tunes over my soggy chicken sandwich and pickle spear?

Same goes for Xbox Live. Paying for service doesn't give you a blank check to ruin everyone else's good time. Which is one of the great reasons FOR paying for XBL. You break the rules, you lose the $50 you spent. It helps keep people in line, where as banning people from the free PSN really doesn't do anything...
edgeofblade on 3 Dec '09
Sony I have to say you just suck!

I havent come across this glitch before but I have seen people go off the map and/or go on top of buildings they shouldnt be on and the like. The game has stopped the match once and said a player was of the map but again it was only once. These players should probably be warned first of all then banned if they continue but Sony doesnt want any part of it those freaking retards!

Sure it's the devs fault for keeping it in there (bastards think they're too good for a beta) but it's still cheating and no1 forces you too cheat.

Also why is the friends list thing feel like it's not even finished and why is there not any form of kicking (only if you're a host)?

I feel we got another gears of war 2 dilemma here.....
Sleepaphobic on 3 Dec '09
Im sure this glitch is being used as an opportunity to boost online mutiplayer usage for a game which all those too frightened to admit is not as much fun as the first.
Another-Monkey on 3 Dec '09
That's b******s and a typical knee-jerk response.

It can take weeks for a developer to knock a patch together and test it sufficiently. In the meantime, the entire online community could be reduced to glitchers and cheaters. Then the only way to compete would be to play by the same (lack of) rules.

It takes no time at all to release a message that says you'll ban people for it until that patch can be released.

The only people Sony are helping in the immediate sense are the people using the exploit. Those not using it won't be affected. Those being hurt by it will continue to be hurt by it. That's hardly fair.

No, the real bulls**t is that IW dropped the ball by apparently not testing their end product thoroughly enough before releasing it. That's their responsibility and if they want to ensure that their customer base doesn't suffer for it then they should be more thorough in their testing.

What's an even bigger pile of bulls**t is to come out with the ban treatment because it's easier. Yeah, easier for the companies who are responsible for this flaw. Typical.
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
Does anyone know how to play COD without dying every minute...im so rubbish at it....must be my broadband.........
TykerD3 on 3 Dec '09
Does anyone know how to play COD without dying every minute...im so rubbish at it....must be my broadband.........

Sit in a corner behind some tall grass with a sniper rifle and do NOTHING ELSE for the entire match. Seems to be what everyone else does.
altitude2k on 3 Dec '09
That's b******s and a typical knee-jerk response.

It can take weeks for a developer to knock a patch together and test it sufficiently. In the meantime, the entire online community could be reduced to glitchers and cheaters. Then the only way to compete would be to play by the same (lack of) rules.

It takes no time at all to release a message that says you'll ban people for it until that patch can be released.

The only people Sony are helping in the immediate sense are the people using the exploit. Those not using it won't be affected. Those being hurt by it will continue to be hurt by it. That's hardly fair.

No point reasoning with all these cheating sympathisers Dajmin, didnt you know its ok to cheat now? This is what modern (warfare) Gaming is all about Wink .

As opposed to being an corporate lapdog apologist? I think I'll stick with holding the fire to the companies feet in the hopes that they live up to their obligations instead of passing them on to the customers. Wink
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
IW need to update not Sony or MS ban. happy now. Laughing
hollywood111 on 3 Dec '09
Those being hurt by it will continue to be hurt by it. That's hardly fair.

No, whats not fair is that IW can release a bugged game and not get punished for it. Its not Sonys, Microsofts or gamers fault - its the fault of IW.

And if people quit playing MW2 becuase of it then other devs wont make buggy games. But by banning gamers just gives ALL devs a green light to make buggy games and not have to worry.
They'll all say "So what if our game has bugs in it, its ok MS will punish the gamers, not us!"
And thats the message MS send out by banning people.

I hate cheaters too, but I would hate even more if this was the event that lead to 100's of buggy games to be released becuase dev's don't need to be as tight with their play testing stages of development.

The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
sounds about right from sony, they don't give a f**k about anything other than money, thats why SWG turned into the pile of stinking bull turd that it is today.
Ganja_Ninja on 3 Dec '09
You shouldn't ban people for exploiting a glitch! It is IW's responsibility to eradicate any glitches and not the responsibility of MS or Sony.

And it's just stats guy's. Who really gives a toss?
Mark240473 on 3 Dec '09
So the argument from the sympathisers is that "people shouldn't be punished for exploiting something that they have the ability to do in the game".

What about PC games where people can alter the code to do wall-clipping, for example? The fact that these people do it means they also have the ability to exploit the game (albeit with a little more effort), and nobody complains about the fact that they're banned from servers for doing so. It's the same thing, just on a different scale.

Speaking for myself, I think you'll find that there is a difference between saying it's okay for players to cheat online as opposed to maintaining that the companies behind the product bear the ultimate responsbility of ensuring that their product lives up to a certain standard. Add to that the expectation that if any flaws are found - as is the case of this glitch - that said company or companies double time it to fix the flaw instead of taking the easy way out and passing the proverbial buck to the customers.

Also, when a banning of that nature takes place on the PC it is often done by local in-game admins that only affect that particular server and not the PC players ability to play other online games. Once again we bear witness to why dedicated servers are years ahead of this antiquated IW.net crap, and why having a single company monopolize any system is not a positive thing for the customers (referring to MS and LIVE).
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
Come on guys lets face it MS have spoken just to give the glitch users a little scare that’s all! There is no way in hell anyone will get banned for doing this… if this because of what a little twitter post and the rest of the internet has said stops at least 25% of the people doing it, it’s a winner!

Now Sony has told CVG they won’t ban, all you will see on the PS3 is fire works tonight and that’s a fact!
nejibob on 3 Dec '09
Does anyone know how to play COD without dying every minute...im so rubbish at it....must be my broadband.........

Add me as a playing partner - oh wait you already have - sorry can't help you then...

Sorry bro u'v either got it, or,.. ur u.
Back to topic - the online is pretty s**t anyway. I'm sure IW allow the glitches just to keep people like us talking about the game that will soon only be remembered as a short, linear single player, with crap multiplayer and only slighlty better special ops mode.

Please stop with the Sony/MS fanboy s**t. I had both consoles. I sold the PS3 and now only have an elite. Nuff said. Wink
S0AP MacT4VISH on 3 Dec '09
If you paid for a ticket on an airplane, that doesn't mean you can stand in the eisle and sing songs from HMS Pinafore during lunch service. You have to follow the rules. Who do you blame for getting shoved out the door at 30,000 ft: the airline who made the rules or the asshole singing Gilbert and Sulivan tunes over my soggy chicken sandwich and pickle spear?

I don't think they're allowed to do that anymore. As well as the "dead passenger" thing it often caused major depressurising issues and once, a woman from Wigan wasn't strapped in when they opened the door and was the first known "innocent bystander" in an airline passenger mid-air ejection scenario. It was quite sad because she was flying with her three year old son who, now unaccompanied, went to the toilet alone and couldn't work out how to get out again. By the end of the flight the poor chap had been orphaned, wet his pants and had a completely irrational fear of undersized lavatories. Crying or Very sad
Random Hangman on 3 Dec '09
Does anyone know how to play COD without dying every minute...im so rubbish at it....must be my broadband.........

Sit in a corner behind some tall grass with a sniper rifle and do NOTHING ELSE for the entire match. Seems to be what everyone else does.

Laughing Sounds positively riveting...
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
and had a completely irrational fear of undersized lavatories. Crying or Very sad
Don't we all?
ensabahnur on 3 Dec '09
That's b******s and a typical knee-jerk response.

It can take weeks for a developer to knock a patch together and test it sufficiently. In the meantime, the entire online community could be reduced to glitchers and cheaters. Then the only way to compete would be to play by the same (lack of) rules.

It takes no time at all to release a message that says you'll ban people for it until that patch can be released.

The only people Sony are helping in the immediate sense are the people using the exploit. Those not using it won't be affected. Those being hurt by it will continue to be hurt by it. That's hardly fair.

No point reasoning with all these cheating sympathisers Dajmin, didnt you know its ok to cheat now? This is what modern (warfare) Gaming is all about Wink .

As opposed to being an corporate lapdog apologist? I think I'll stick with holding the fire to the companies feet in the hopes that they live up to their obligations instead of passing them on to the customers. Wink

Im no corporate lap dog Laughing .

I do however enjoy Gaming, like many of us on here do and if im playing a Game online and there are people exploiting glitches or cheating then it takes my enjoyment of the Game away.

I actually cant believe how angry people are getting over cheating Gamers getting banned, even worse the majority of people complaining probably dont even own the Game.

Just another IW / MW2 bitchfest.
StonecoldMC on 3 Dec '09
Does anyone know how to play COD without dying every minute...im so rubbish at it....must be my broadband.........

Sit in a corner behind some tall grass with a sniper rifle and do NOTHING ELSE for the entire match. Seems to be what everyone else does.
ya man it's freaking annoying sometimes Evil or Very Mad

If anyone here plays the game while using both analog sticks and is p**sed off with campers add me on psn (same name) and we can have some fun Very Happy
Sleepaphobic on 3 Dec '09
Overpriced!!am i the only 1 to pay Ł26 quid i dont think thats overpriced. And as for the cheating, MS are right to ban them why should i have to endure playing these noobs while they exploit glitches to cheat anyone that does this is a TW@ and needs to learn to play fairly W>ANKERS.....rant over
dangermou5e on 3 Dec '09
If you paid for a ticket on an airplane, that doesn't mean you can stand in the eisle and sing songs from HMS Pinafore during lunch service. You have to follow the rules. Who do you blame for getting shoved out the door at 30,000 ft: the airline who made the rules or the asshole singing Gilbert and Sulivan tunes over my soggy chicken sandwich and pickle spear?

Same goes for Xbox Live. Paying for service doesn't give you a blank check to ruin everyone else's good time. Which is one of the great reasons FOR paying for XBL. You break the rules, you lose the $50 you spent. It helps keep people in line, where as banning people from the free PSN really doesn't do anything...

Two scenarios that are not even remotely close to being on par with one another for direct comparison purposes. Nice exaggeration though.
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
and had a completely irrational fear of undersized lavatories. Crying or Very sad
Don't we all?

I do, I was that child. Embarassed
Random Hangman on 3 Dec '09
If you paid for a ticket on an airplane, that doesn't mean you can stand in the eisle and sing songs from HMS Pinafore during lunch service. You have to follow the rules. Who do you blame for getting shoved out the door at 30,000 ft: the airline who made the rules or the asshole singing Gilbert and Sulivan tunes over my soggy chicken sandwich and pickle spear?

Same goes for Xbox Live. Paying for service doesn't give you a blank check to ruin everyone else's good time. Which is one of the great reasons FOR paying for XBL. You break the rules, you lose the $50 you spent. It helps keep people in line, where as banning people from the free PSN really doesn't do anything...

Apples and oranges. Try again.

So different, in fact that you thought it prudent to say it twice.

Nowt gets past me WinkRazz

He does raise a good point, though. If you pay nothing for PSN then you should guess that they may be less active in their cracking down of unfairness.
altitude2k on 3 Dec '09
If you paid for a ticket on an airplane, that doesn't mean you can stand in the eisle and sing songs from HMS Pinafore during lunch service. You have to follow the rules. Who do you blame for getting shoved out the door at 30,000 ft: the airline who made the rules or the asshole singing Gilbert and Sulivan tunes over my soggy chicken sandwich and pickle spear?

Same goes for Xbox Live. Paying for service doesn't give you a blank check to ruin everyone else's good time. Which is one of the great reasons FOR paying for XBL. You break the rules, you lose the $50 you spent. It helps keep people in line, where as banning people from the free PSN really doesn't do anything...

Apples and oranges. Try again.

So different, in fact that you thought it prudent to say it twice.

Nowt gets past me WinkRazz

Hee hee! I spotted that too and thught he'd gone through some strange wormhole that bounced him two minutes back in time. Shocked
Random Hangman on 3 Dec '09
If you paid for a ticket on an airplane, that doesn't mean you can stand in the eisle and sing songs from HMS Pinafore during lunch service. You have to follow the rules. Who do you blame for getting shoved out the door at 30,000 ft: the airline who made the rules or the asshole singing Gilbert and Sulivan tunes over my soggy chicken sandwich and pickle spear?

Same goes for Xbox Live. Paying for service doesn't give you a blank check to ruin everyone else's good time. Which is one of the great reasons FOR paying for XBL. You break the rules, you lose the $50 you spent. It helps keep people in line, where as banning people from the free PSN really doesn't do anything...

Apples and oranges. Try again.

So different, in fact that you thought it prudent to say it twice.

Nowt gets past me WinkRazz

He does raise a good point, though. If you pay nothing for PSN then you should guess that they may be less active in their cracking down of unfairness.

*sigh* CVG has one of the worst posting systems I've encountered in recent years. The talkead about website overhaul can not come a moment too soon, IMO.

Quoting others is now such a pain in terms of scrolling back and forth, editing, etc. that I increasingly question whether its even worth posting in here anymore. If I want aggravation I'll stick to work.

On topic: It is possible to have too much control and too many rules (and this comes from someone whom used to be very much "by the book"Wink viewed from a Western liberalism perspective. Where some will chose the easily visible tactic of striking out at the cheaters while also possibly hammering some innocents in the process, I prefer to focus on the root of the problem in this instance and hold the party responsible for creating the offending product accountable.

P.S. It's "naught"! Nothing gets past me either...Well, sometimes. Razz
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
Just had a try of this glitch, its awesome fun. going around with marathon perk,knifing people, and if they get to me first boom, took 4 people out at the same time. Only did it for the 1 map however.
allygray69 on 3 Dec '09
only_777 haha your sony fanboyism makes me chuckle, "If people dont play MW2 becuase IW cant write code right they'll play a differnt game, probably Uncharted 2. Sony don't lose IW does" <<<<<< there are better games than this out this year namely assasins creed 2 and many more, and people have diffrent tastes lol this is teh average ps3 user http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNACBKwi-As

Your an idiot, try reading what I said in the context it was written. I was naming Uncharted 2 as another PS3 multiplayer online game.
Im not saying that every MW2 user should switch to U2 even if they are on a 360, that they should jump ship to Sony.
Grow up kid and try reading things in context.
only_777 on 3 Dec '09
only_777 haha your sony fanboyism makes me chuckle, "If people dont play MW2 becuase IW cant write code right they'll play a differnt game, probably Uncharted 2. Sony don't lose IW does" <<<<<< there are better games than this out this year namely assasins creed 2 and many more, and people have diffrent tastes lol this is teh average ps3 user http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNACBKwi-As

Your an idiot, try reading what I said in the context it was written. I was naming Uncharted 2 as another PS3 multiplayer online game.
Im not saying that every MW2 user should switch to U2 even if they are on a 360, that they should jump ship to Sony.
Grow up kid and try reading things in context.

Fair comment. And remember this is a PS3 article...
S0AP MacT4VISH on 3 Dec '09
That's b******s and a typical knee-jerk response.

It can take weeks for a developer to knock a patch together and test it sufficiently. In the meantime, the entire online community could be reduced to glitchers and cheaters. Then the only way to compete would be to play by the same (lack of) rules.

It takes no time at all to release a message that says you'll ban people for it until that patch can be released.

The only people Sony are helping in the immediate sense are the people using the exploit. Those not using it won't be affected. Those being hurt by it will continue to be hurt by it. That's hardly fair.

No point reasoning with all these cheating sympathisers Dajmin, didnt you know its ok to cheat now? This is what modern (warfare) Gaming is all about Wink .

As opposed to being an corporate lapdog apologist? I think I'll stick with holding the fire to the companies feet in the hopes that they live up to their obligations instead of passing them on to the customers. Wink

Im no corporate lap dog Laughing .

I do however enjoy Gaming, like many of us on here do and if im playing a Game online and there are people exploiting glitches or cheating then it takes my enjoyment of the Game away.

I actually cant believe how angry people are getting over cheating Gamers getting banned, even worse the majority of people complaining probably dont even own the Game.

Just another IW / MW2 bitchfest.

Alright, so you're just an apologist then? Razz

As I already explained in a post to Altitude, it's not about protecting the cheaters nor just an opportunistic slap at IW (though I certainly don't mind!). Not for me at least; it's about holding the companies accountable for the wares they peddle. That means IW on this occasion.
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
Overpriced!!am i the only 1 to pay Ł26 quid i dont think thats overpriced. And as for the cheating, MS are right to ban them why should i have to endure playing these noobs while they exploit glitches to cheat anyone that does this is a TW@ and needs to learn to play fairly W>ANKERS.....rant over

Well said!

Although me and a few mates only paid 320 for it from makro Cool

I don't know anyone who has payed more than Ł26 for it either thanks to sainsburys having more than enough stock.

Even if the game cost Ł100 it would still be better value than all other games out there.

I have put 51hours into it so far and its by far the greatest online game to have ever graced this earth.
Most of the people that I see crying are the ones that are s**t at it and go camping. I can see why they think its boring when they sit there behind a door hoping someone walks by Rolling Eyes
Mmmmgrolsch on 3 Dec '09
The best way to deal with glitchers in COD games...only play hardcore game modes and don't be afraid to team kill anyone cheating,i spent many a game hunting and team killing skywalkers on the outskirts map on W@W,good times,i sometimes think i enjoyed my retribution slayings better than any game mode in COD.
lawless1891 on 3 Dec '09
Overpriced!!am i the only 1 to pay Ł26 quid i dont think thats overpriced. And as for the cheating, MS are right to ban them why should i have to endure playing these noobs while they exploit glitches to cheat anyone that does this is a TW@ and needs to learn to play fairly W>ANKERS.....rant over

Well said!

Although me and a few mates only paid 320 for it from makro Cool

I don't know anyone who has payed more than Ł26 for it either thanks to sainsburys having more than enough stock.

Even if the game cost Ł100 it would still be better value than all other games out there.

I have put 51hours into it so far and its by far the greatest online game to have ever graced this earth.
Most of the people that I see crying are the ones that are s**t at it and go camping. I can see why they think its boring when they sit there behind a door hoping someone walks by Rolling Eyes

Oh really?
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
The best way to deal with glitchers in COD games...only play hardcore game modes and don't be afraid to team kill anyone cheating,i spent many a game hunting and team killing skywalkers on the outskirts map on W@W,good times,i sometimes think i enjoyed my retribution slayings better than any game mode in COD.

While I haven't played WAW nor MW2, I can certainly appreciate that particular sense of satisfaction one may experience when exacting equal retribution from a team killer. Twisted Evil
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09

it's about holding the companies accountable for the wares they peddle. That means IW on this occasion.

shouldnt the gamers be held accountable for deviating from the terms of use THEY agreed to?

glitchers should be banned from all games they glitch in, for any glitch. maybe not from the whole of XBL, but thats what MS has chosen, and im fine with it.
Cernunnos on 3 Dec '09
I only team killed glitchers never my true brothers in arms,not on purpose anyways and i nearly always text an apology for friendly fire .
lawless1891 on 3 Dec '09
I only team killed glitchers never my true brothers in arms,not on purpose anyways and i nearly always text an apology for friendly fire .

i used to do that as well. until i realised i was playing Free For All Embarassed
Cernunnos on 3 Dec '09
lol ,class .
lawless1891 on 3 Dec '09
The best way to deal with glitchers in COD games...only play hardcore game modes and don't be afraid to team kill anyone cheating,i spent many a game hunting and team killing skywalkers on the outskirts map on W@W,good times,i sometimes think i enjoyed my retribution slayings better than any game mode in COD.

While I haven't played WAW nor MW2, I can certainly appreciate that particular sense of satisfaction one may experience when exacting equal retribution from a team killer. Twisted Evil


Personally, I quite like blowing up planes in 1943 – not enemy ones mind!

Best thing is to plant a charge on the said vehicle and soon as you see somebody running toward it...BOOM!

Really annoys the Yanks for some reason...Twisted Evil
PS3_fannyboy on 3 Dec '09
The best way to deal with glitchers in COD games...only play hardcore game modes and don't be afraid to team kill anyone cheating,i spent many a game hunting and team killing skywalkers on the outskirts map on W@W,good times,i sometimes think i enjoyed my retribution slayings better than any game mode in COD.

While I haven't played WAW nor MW2, I can certainly appreciate that particular sense of satisfaction one may experience when exacting equal retribution from a team killer. Twisted Evil


Personally, I quite like blowing up planes in 1943 – not enemy ones mind!

Best thing is to plant a charge on the said vehicle and soon as you see somebody running toward it...BOOM!

Really annoys the Yanks for some reason...Twisted Evil

Do the charges stick to the planes once the plane has taken off? That would be more special, methinks.
altitude2k on 3 Dec '09

it's about holding the companies accountable for the wares they peddle. That means IW on this occasion.

shouldnt the gamers be held accountable for deviating from the terms of use THEY agreed to?

glitchers should be banned from all games they glitch in, for any glitch. maybe not from the whole of XBL, but thats what MS has chosen, and im fine with it.

Which is why we disagree on this matter.

As stated previously I question the legality of any claims that T&C are always binding.
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
I only team killed glitchers never my true brothers in arms,not on purpose anyways and i nearly always text an apology for friendly fire .

i used to do that as well. until i realised i was playing Free For All Embarassed


Some online shooting with a few solid squad mates can be tremendous fun. Regardless, I consistently prefer single player games to multi-player games.
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
The best way to deal with glitchers in COD games...only play hardcore game modes and don't be afraid to team kill anyone cheating,i spent many a game hunting and team killing skywalkers on the outskirts map on W@W,good times,i sometimes think i enjoyed my retribution slayings better than any game mode in COD.

While I haven't played WAW nor MW2, I can certainly appreciate that particular sense of satisfaction one may experience when exacting equal retribution from a team killer. Twisted Evil


Personally, I quite like blowing up planes in 1943 – not enemy ones mind!

Best thing is to plant a charge on the said vehicle and soon as you see somebody running toward it...BOOM!

Really annoys the Yanks for some reason...Twisted Evil

I can't imagine why.... Laughing You bad, bad man, PS3f***yboy
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
The best way to deal with glitchers in COD games...only play hardcore game modes and don't be afraid to team kill anyone cheating,i spent many a game hunting and team killing skywalkers on the outskirts map on W@W,good times,i sometimes think i enjoyed my retribution slayings better than any game mode in COD.

While I haven't played WAW nor MW2, I can certainly appreciate that particular sense of satisfaction one may experience when exacting equal retribution from a team killer. Twisted Evil


Personally, I quite like blowing up planes in 1943 – not enemy ones mind!

Best thing is to plant a charge on the said vehicle and soon as you see somebody running toward it...BOOM!

Really annoys the Yanks for some reason...Twisted Evil

Do the charges stick to the planes once the plane has taken off? That would be more special, methinks.

I believe they do but you can't hurt your teammates hence I think the plane would effectively become indestructible once somebody climbed in.

However, my flatmate assures me that he managed to plant one on an enemy plane and detonate it post-takeoff...Razz
PS3_fannyboy on 3 Dec '09
I belive IWnet should be the ones dishing out punishment not microsoft.Whats so hard about IWnet wiping out you're stats ,knocking the glitchers prestige to nothing and then branding thier name with the clan tag .
I can also imagine the Sony Ex's s******ing in the back ground "gona stop making games for PS are you ,it's you're game you're rep on the line,ban you're own customers,not ours".
lawless1891 on 3 Dec '09
Oh, I'll bet the Sony Exec's are s******ing indeed!

They'll be s******ing a lot more after xmas too I reckon...Cool
PS3_fannyboy on 3 Dec '09
Clearly IW are at fault here for poor programming. Gamers should not be banned for finding this glitch... even if it is one? The correct policy by Sony, a wrong one by MS... and it even confounds the problem when people pay for their multiplayer experience. This is quite offensive to the gamer as money has been exchanged, and you're now banned because of a function available in the game. This is simply not logical.
Compare it to reality. Run into a crowd of people with a Javelin loaded, you're going to kill everything in the vicinity.
I don't see a problem here, just simply shoot the Javelin chap in the face before he gets near you, otherwise, be prepared to die for your lack of accuracy and awareness.

On a personal note, I dislike Call of Duty's multiplayer, it's absolute chaos. It has nothing on Killzone 2 or Battlefield multiplayer. But the single player and spec ops are worth Ł26.
pepperman on 3 Dec '09
So the argument from the sympathisers is that "people shouldn't be punished for exploiting something that they have the ability to do in the game".

What about PC games where people can alter the code to do wall-clipping, for example? The fact that these people do it means they also have the ability to exploit the game (albeit with a little more effort), and nobody complains about the fact that they're banned from servers for doing so. It's the same thing, just on a different scale.

WRONG. Altering the code is against the EULA. If you clicked the accept button on the EULA when you installed the game on the PC then you agreed not to alter the code. By breaking the EULA, they have every right to ban you seeing as you broke a written agreement. This glitch doesn't require you to do anything you specifically said you weren't gonna do (such as hack or mod the files) hence it doesn't have grounds for bannage.
Eyhren on 3 Dec '09
I assume there's no small print that suggests pirates, cheats or glitchers will be banned, but it's time Microsoft put that into the rules people sign up to with Xbox Live membership. I'm perhaps not surprised Sony won't do anything. This reeks of a company desperate to hold onto what customers it has. Shame they don't actually respect the large majority of honest gamers.

I'm shocked that anyone is defending the cheats. I guess that tells us what sort of gamer they are. Prize c*nts. The least talented gamer you'll ever have the displeasure of meeting. Perhaps we should even pity their desperate recognition for a better score or to appear higher up on a leaderboard.

I wish Microsoft could incorporate a filter that would allow us to avoid anyone they'd ever caught cheating or pirating games. I'm sure most of us would happily avoid the scum of the gaming world.
Jensonjet on 3 Dec '09
So the argument from the sympathisers is that "people shouldn't be punished for exploiting something that they have the ability to do in the game".

What about PC games where people can alter the code to do wall-clipping, for example? The fact that these people do it means they also have the ability to exploit the game (albeit with a little more effort), and nobody complains about the fact that they're banned from servers for doing so. It's the same thing, just on a different scale.

WRONG. Altering the code is against the EULA. If you clicked the accept button on the EULA when you installed the game on the PC then you agreed not to alter the code. By breaking the EULA, they have every right to ban you seeing as you broke a written agreement. This glitch doesn't require you to do anything you specifically said you weren't gonna do (such as hack or mod the files) hence it doesn't have grounds for bannage.

Actually, exploiting glitches to give you an advantage in multiplayer is forbidden in terms and conditions you adhere to when joining XBL.
altitude2k on 3 Dec '09
Clearly IW are at fault here for poor programming. Gamers should not be banned for finding this glitch... even if it is one? The correct policy by Sony, a wrong one by MS...

Wow what a thread...

Can I just point some things out?

Please name me one game that hasn't got or hasn't had some kind of a glitch? Games aren't perfect, never have been never will be.

Gamers are not being banned for finding this glitch.

Gamers are being banned for using this glitch to cheat.

MS are well within their rights to ban people for cheating.

Imagine if this glitch escalated, or a new one was found where you could get the tactical nuke after 1 kill, would that glitch be fine? Would MS be bad for banning people that did that too?
Shabozi on 3 Dec '09

I wish Microsoft could incorporate a filter that would allow us to avoid anyone they'd ever caught cheating or pirating games. I'm sure most of us would happily avoid the scum of the gaming world.

I always wondered would could happen if MS took their 'reputation' system further.

For example if someone had 50 pieces of feedback saying 'uses foul language' they are more likely to play with people that also have alot of 'uses foul language'.

You could reverse this and say that people that have alot of 'good teamplayer' are more likely to play with people that have 'good teamplayer' as opposed to 'bad teamplayer'

Just a thought...
Shabozi on 3 Dec '09
You're speculating Shabozi, and that's totally irrelevant. I don't see how this is a glitch. Gamers should not be banned for using a function that exists in the code. It's simply not cheating to run into a crowd and blow yourself up with a Javelin.
My fundamental point, which you missed, is, if it exists in the game, how is that cheating? It is not.

All I see on this thread is people complaining about a glitch that's not a glitch. It's just somebody running into a crowd with high explosives.
pepperman on 3 Dec '09
You're speculating Shabozi, and that's totally irrelevant. I don't see how this is a glitch. Gamers should not be banned for using a function that exists in the code. It's simply not cheating to run into a crowd and blow yourself up with a Javelin.
My fundamental point, which you missed, is, if it exists in the game, how is that cheating? It is not.

All I see on this thread is people complaining about a glitch that's not a glitch.

The fact that IW are removing the ability to do this 'glitch' surely implies it is something they didn't intend for people to do?

Going back to my point, if a 'glitch' or 'function that exists in the code' allows people to get a tactical nuke after one kill and end the game is that not cheating?

Or to bring it into real life, the 100 metre hurdles rules state "you must jump over the hurdles". The athlete can use the 'function in the code' or as I like to call it 'choice' to run around the hurdles, but it is still cheating.
Shabozi on 3 Dec '09

I wish Microsoft could incorporate a filter that would allow us to avoid anyone they'd ever caught cheating or pirating games. I'm sure most of us would happily avoid the scum of the gaming world.

I always wondered would could happen if MS took their 'reputation' system further.

For example if someone had 50 pieces of feedback saying 'uses foul language' they are more likely to play with people that also have alot of 'uses foul language'.

You could reverse this and say that people that have alot of 'good teamplayer' are more likely to play with people that have 'good teamplayer' as opposed to 'bad teamplayer'

Just a thought...

only problem is that people rarely care to leave feedback unless they have had a negative experience.

IW itself has said that this is NOT and intended function of the game, and is therefore a glitch. and it makes a lock-on only weapon detonate instantly without locking onto anything.
it alters the behaviour of one of the weapons, and gives a function not intended. therefore glitch, therefore cheating.
Cernunnos on 3 Dec '09
I'm perhaps not surprised Sony won't do anything. This reeks of a company desperate to hold onto what customers it has. Shame they don't actually respect the large majority of honest gamers.

I wish Microsoft could incorporate a filter that would allow us to avoid anyone they'd ever caught cheating or pirating games. I'm sure most of us would happily avoid the scum of the gaming world.

Best way to avoid the scum of the gaming world is to play on PSN. Wink
PS3_fannyboy on 3 Dec '09

only problem is that people rarely care to leave feedback unless they have had a negative experience.

Exactly, but if people knew that leaving good feedback meant it was more likely to play with the same kind of players as you they might start leaving more feedback.

Same the other way round, if people knew that leaving feedback on cheaters, or people shouting rubbish down the mic, will mean you are less likely to play them people may leave more feedback.
Shabozi on 3 Dec '09
Ok you've won me over on it being a glitch, you're both correct. But I wouldn't consider this cheating on my terms, simply exploiting poor programming. Until a patch is published, let it be.

I just find it terribly harsh for gamers to be banned for this, especially when it is IW fault. It seems such a basic error, and their consumers are being punished for it. I don't agree with it, but that's my opinion.
pepperman on 3 Dec '09
Best way to avoid the scum of the gaming world is to play on PSN. Wink

Haha! oh f***yboy your soooo hilarious and your sarcasm is so deep that I almost thought for a moment then that you actually believe that comment!

Oh wait a sec...
Shabozi on 3 Dec '09
Ok you've won me over on it being a glitch, you're both correct. But I wouldn't consider this cheating on my terms, simply exploiting poor programming. Until a patch is published, let it be.

I just find it terribly harsh for gamers to banned for this, especially when it is IW fault. It seems such a basic error, and their consumers are being punished for it. I don't agree with it, but that's my opinion.

Can I just say Kudos to Pepperman.

One of the biggest problems in this world is people not accepting that they could be wrong, and it takes a big man to hold his hands up and say 'you know what guys, you might be right'.

I agree with you 100% about it being a basic error, it really does scream 'playtesters' or even if a dare say so 'beta'. The fact that IW are having to release a 'big update' so quickly after launch says it all I think.
Shabozi on 3 Dec '09

Best way to avoid the scum of the gaming world is to play on PSN. Wink

you mean the online service that provides you with no way to filter out players you never want to play again? i mostly play my ps3 now, due to more friends having it, and therefore buying most multi-plats for it. and i keep bumping into the same annoying people over and over again. especially in socom.

@ shabozi: i always left bad feedback if the player was overly unpleasant. and sometimes left good feedback if it was the other way around. but seing as douche bags are usually the minority, good sportsmanship tends to be taken for granted. i even do that myself.

@Pepperman: this is basically not much different from people being overly foul-mouthed, racist, threatening etc online. if you willfully behave in a provocative and unacceptable way, you risk getting banned, and deserve to be so should that happen. if you stand up in a restaurant and shout, and make everyone uncomfortable, you will be kicked out regardless of whether or not you paid for your meal.
Cernunnos on 3 Dec '09
ye i totally agree, its IW and Activision's fault, its simple, Activision want our money so they don't care and told IW to get as much done by the launch date and M$ are actually setting a bad example by banning users, not helping the problem!

Well done Sony, at least one company is showing its intelligence WinkCool
bunneyo on 3 Dec '09
ye i totally agree, its IW and Activision's fault, its simple, Activision want our money so they don't care and told IW to get as much done by the launch date and M$ are actually setting a bad example by banning users, not helping the problem!

Well done Sony, at least one company is showing its intelligence WinkCool

Yeah yeah great, I tell you what the next game you play online I will come in and use my 'glitch' that ruins every game you play. Sound good?

I bet you will be really happy when I don't get banned and your still paying your Ł40 a year subscription.

Think before posting next time...
Shabozi on 3 Dec '09
This is another reason PC gamers want dedicated servers.

As soon as someone cheats the admin can instantly kick them out of the game or ban them from ever playing on that server again.
Paradaz - UK on 3 Dec '09
if ps3_f***yboy thinks paedophiles and chavs arnt scum i bet he would shake a nazi's hand
dorian2011 on 3 Dec '09
if ps3_f***yboy thinks paedophiles and chavs arnt scum i bet he would shake a nazi's hand
dorian2011 on 3 Dec '09
psn is infested with perverts, when my sister had her ps3 some man was pretending to be a 14 year old boy and was asking for pictures of her in her underear and another time this man was talking vile and racists things 2 her, my nan was so disgusted she bought her a wii, i stick with my 360 which has a banning system to ban the undesriabes
dorian2011 on 3 Dec '09
I assume there's no small print that suggests pirates, cheats or glitchers will be banned, but it's time Microsoft put that into the rules people sign up to with Xbox Live membership. I'm perhaps not surprised Sony won't do anything. This reeks of a company desperate to hold onto what customers it has. Shame they don't actually respect the large majority of honest gamers.

I'm shocked that anyone is defending the cheats. I guess that tells us what sort of gamer they are. Prize c*nts. The least talented gamer you'll ever have the displeasure of meeting. Perhaps we should even pity their desperate recognition for a better score or to appear higher up on a leaderboard.

I wish Microsoft could incorporate a filter that would allow us to avoid anyone they'd ever caught cheating or pirating games. I'm sure most of us would happily avoid the scum of the gaming world.

Which is why I am very glad that you likely have no say in the matter of the final decision on such a move. With that black or white, non-nuanced, bull-in-a-china-shop mentality I'm not sure I would trust you to lead me to lunch. This isn't about defending the cheaters though you apparently want to think so.
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
So the argument from the sympathisers is that "people shouldn't be punished for exploiting something that they have the ability to do in the game".

What about PC games where people can alter the code to do wall-clipping, for example? The fact that these people do it means they also have the ability to exploit the game (albeit with a little more effort), and nobody complains about the fact that they're banned from servers for doing so. It's the same thing, just on a different scale.

WRONG. Altering the code is against the EULA. If you clicked the accept button on the EULA when you installed the game on the PC then you agreed not to alter the code. By breaking the EULA, they have every right to ban you seeing as you broke a written agreement. This glitch doesn't require you to do anything you specifically said you weren't gonna do (such as hack or mod the files) hence it doesn't have grounds for bannage.

Actually, exploiting glitches to give you an advantage in multiplayer is forbidden in terms and conditions you adhere to when joining XBL.

Yet another reason for me never to contaminate my virgin Xbox 360 with a connection to LIVE. It offers me nothing that I truly want that my PC can't do better and I even get to keep more of my personal freedom - that applies to far more things than a mere glitch and I'm not willing to trade it away for proverbial "magic beans".
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09

I wish Microsoft could incorporate a filter that would allow us to avoid anyone they'd ever caught cheating or pirating games. I'm sure most of us would happily avoid the scum of the gaming world.

I always wondered would could happen if MS took their 'reputation' system further.

For example if someone had 50 pieces of feedback saying 'uses foul language' they are more likely to play with people that also have alot of 'uses foul language'.

You could reverse this and say that people that have alot of 'good teamplayer' are more likely to play with people that have 'good teamplayer' as opposed to 'bad teamplayer'

Just a thought...

only problem is that people rarely care to leave feedback unless they have had a negative experience.

IW itself has said that this is NOT and intended function of the game, and is therefore a glitch. and it makes a lock-on only weapon detonate instantly without locking onto anything.
it alters the behaviour of one of the weapons, and gives a function not intended. therefore glitch, therefore cheating.

So IW were sleeping then since the glitch clearly made it past quality control? Not good enough.
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
Clearly IW are at fault here for poor programming. Gamers should not be banned for finding this glitch... even if it is one? The correct policy by Sony, a wrong one by MS...

Wow what a thread...

Can I just point some things out?

Please name me one game that hasn't got or hasn't had some kind of a glitch? Games aren't perfect, never have been never will be.

Gamers are not being banned for finding this glitch.

Gamers are being banned for using this glitch to cheat.

MS are well within their rights to ban people for cheating.

Imagine if this glitch escalated, or a new one was found where you could get the tactical nuke after 1 kill, would that glitch be fine? Would MS be bad for banning people that did that too?

That begs the question as to whether or not banning is the most appropriate, and more importantly the most effective, means of stopping the glitch issue? I have my doubts. As has already been suggested, perhaps MS should be more focused on leaning on IW to pull its finger out and get back in the game.
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
ye i totally agree, its IW and Activision's fault, its simple, Activision want our money so they don't care and told IW to get as much done by the launch date and M$ are actually setting a bad example by banning users, not helping the problem!

Well done Sony, at least one company is showing its intelligence WinkCool

Yeah yeah great, I tell you what the next game you play online I will come in and use my 'glitch' that ruins every game you play. Sound good?

I bet you will be really happy when I don't get banned and your still paying your Ł40 a year subscription.

Think before posting next time...

No problem. Just make sure it's a game with dedicated servers. Problem solved presuming you have half intelligent and more or less fair admins. Oh wait. That's right: that was left out of "MW2" because....(insert your own hollow IW/Activision rationale trying to cover their greed)
The_KFD_Case on 3 Dec '09
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