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Section: Rumours

'Half-Blood Prince' will have 38 chapters

Listen carefully, I shall say this only once: the only sources you should trust concerning information on the Half-Blood Prince are official spokespeople for my publishers and my official website. As a spokesperson for Bloomsbury, my UK publisher, has already said, HBP is shorter than Order of the Phoenix, and I can tell you now that it has fewer than 38 chapters.

Let's face it: it wouldn't be a new Harry Potter book if hoaxers didn't pop up regularly on the net claiming to know new characters or plot-lines, or to have found stray chapters lying around a printer's back yard. I can't waste time denying each and every lunatic rumour, because I've got editing to do! So let's agree here and now that each of these 'claims' comes with a free barrel of salt and rise together above the madness.

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