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Articles about “DiddyRuns”

Blogs: Baking, Best Of, Birthdays

rachelle tries out the Kottke family recipe for Tater Tot hotdish, but prefers her family's recipe, which is basically the same, but with Tater Tots on the top, not the bottom as the Kottke recipe specifies. Gothamist,...

Diddy Diary, Week 2

Bad news for Diddy in the second of the Post's Diddy Diaries. He tried to get the word out to America's youth about his marathon running for charity, byjogging on a treadmill during MTV TRL. But he's...

The Running Diary of Diddy

Our favorite music-fashion-food impressario whose name sounds like a children's toy, P.Diddy, reveals more about his process to run the [ING] NYC marathon in the NY Post in a running diary, Diddy-style. Our favorite parts of it:...

Diddy Runs The City

Okay, Gothamist has to give it up for the Diddy. P. Diddy's entry is going to bring more attention to the (ING) New York City Marathon that the New York Road Runners Club knows what to...