
Mon 3 Aug, 5:00 pm BST

News archive

Narrow escape for cyclist shooting victim

By Richard Peace

A US cyclist had a narrow escape when an enraged driver shot at him and hit his helmet, missing his head by a fraction of an inch.

Police in North Carolina said the attacker, firefighter Charles Diez, fired his gun at Alan Ray Simons because he was angry that the cyclist was riding with his child on a busy road.

The shooting took place in Tunnel Road, Asheville while Simons was with his wife and three-year-old son, who was in a child seat on his bicycle.

Diez, who was driving past, pulled out a gun and opened fire. The bullet penetrated the outer lining of Simons' helmet but missed his head. Diez was charged with attempted first degree murder and his bond was set at $500,000.

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  • When I was knocked off my bike; five burly passing fire fighters gave me oxygen. I prefer that.

  • Mr. Diez was angry at the cyclist for putting the child in danger?? I say castrate this Mr Diez so he can't create any offspring that would inherit his inbred genes.

  • Lets see...Angry at he Cyclist for riding with his kid on busy road and putting him in Danger so he pulls out a gun and shoots at them???? Who is putting Who in Danger??

    I say a Short Rope with a Long Fall is just what this Firefighter needs!!!! Thank God the cyclist and his child are OK!!!!

  • Maybe now the CTC will advocate helmet use!

  • I second renegades rope suggestion!!

  • he hasn't been fired yet? He must work for a government agency...

  • Just as with that NYC cop at the CM last year this guy had a switch go on that took him from protect to endanger.

    This guy must be a proper fruitloop though.

  • Many of your comments put you in the same category as the shooter - speaking/acting without thinking before speaking/acting. You want to "kill" the "killer" - "burn" the "shooter" and ultimately you become the evil that you seek to quell. Only the State - legal authority - by using a slow and deliberate process of investigation can deliver any form of punishment: this is what makes us civilized. The State of North Carolina appears to be acting very effectively in doing this too.

    Best outcome here? The shooter is punished - rehabilitated - re-educated - and repatriates society by providing helmets and bike safety courses to children in his community.

  • zencyclist - you speak like a brit? America is sensible enough to still have the ability to remove scum like this from our beautiful planet, take it whilst you can and eradicate the oxygen thief!

  • Sorry Man - I'm a bonafide American Southerner and military: believe me - I'm honest when I say that I don't always behave on the bike like I should - but by speaking about it I am trying to change my behavior for the better too. This almost killed someone and thank God - he failed. Now that's a damn learning moment!

  • What a madman!

  • M6TT F - he speaks like a Brit? Are you refering to the fact that he is using long and complicated words? You sound crazy - "eradicate the oxygen thief".

    Only from a mouth of an American....."in a place sensible enough to remove scum like this"......oh - in fact, its the only place 'sensible enough' to have scum like this.

    Run along back to your Fox News politics

  • Speaks like Brit??? Where are you getting this generalisation from M6TT F ?

    We're not all PC treehuggers here you know! Most of us actually live in the real world and would want to make sure he got what was coming to him.

    ZenCyclist- sorry mate but I wouldn't let ANYONE LIKE THAT near kids EVER, let alone out of jail.

  • "Guns don't kill people - People kill people".

    Though the gun helps quite a bit.

  • boy got issues hmm hmm

  • Well, just another echo of what's already been said, but as I said to my cycling buddy.

    It's reality-check time again... and guess which country is once again pushing the boundary between normality and stupidity.

    And two cheers for ZenCyclist. We shouldn't get over excited by this. Keep perspective

  • This is sadly just another case of a crazy man doing crazy things.

    A cyclist happened to be the victim this time, but anyone who makes a decision to shoot someone in the head because he doesn't like the way he cycles etc, is clearly a ticking bomb, and someone was always going to get hurt by this mad-man for some perceived slight.

  • MrRex "Maybe now the CTC will advocate helmet use!"

    I'm assuming your comment is tongue-in-cheek? Mr. Simon is alive because the incredibly stupid Mr. Diez had a "bad" shot.

    Cycling helmets do not stop bullets (even military headgear can't) and encouraging or forcing everyone to wear them will not make roads safer or reduce cycling deaths per Km ridden.

    The CTC have looked long and hard at the available data and concluded that helmet wearing would be detrimental as they do not have a beneficial effect on reducing death and serious injury. The info is out there, the problem is the results contradict "common sense" and what helmet manufacturers want you to believe.

    Allowing ordinary citizens to carry guns is a recipie for barbarism as this case clearly proves. Death sentences do not work as results in China, Iran, Saudi Arabia, USA, Iraq, Vietnam, Afganistan and Northe Korea prove (what a great list of progessive and democratic countries!).

    PS I am not an Ap-Merig'an

  • Probably a normal day in the US of A

  • "Speaks like Brit??? Where are you getting this generalisation from M6TT F ?

    We're not all PC treehuggers here you know! Most of us actually live in the real world and would want to make sure he got what was coming to him.

    ZenCyclist- sorry mate but I wouldn't let ANYONE LIKE THAT near kids EVER, let alone out of jail."

    not my views i can assure you - but the views of our lame ass government - if they put capital punishment to a national vote i'd wager it'd be an overwhelming yes from the public. I myself am sick of PC do gooders saying that a murderer has rights and so on ....

  • D E Ranged

  • Only in America!

  • M6TTF

    "I myself am sick of PC do gooders saying that a murderer has rights and so on ...."

    With all due respect, have you ever heard of wrongful arrest? Sometimes the police, jury and the justic system get things wrong you know.


  • Until America gets around to realising that allowing virtually anyone to own a gun, this kind of thing will continue to happen.

  • Edric, really? Virtually anyone can carry a gun in America? You numbnutz! You really have not left your house in a long time have you.

  • I have been spit on, yelled at, had shit thrown at me, almost beat up, this doesn't surprise me. This is the U.S.. It is a horrible place to ride a bike, especially in the midwest and the south. I look at certain places in the U.S., like Portland, with envy, but when I hear about European attitudes and behavior all I can think about is how far behind we Americans are.

    And as far as some "god' deflecting the bullet, that's just dumb. I'm sure the guy who shot believes in gods/faeries/unicorns/santa/whatever,and maybe at his trial he'll talk about how christ has forgiven him or some other church crap.

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is "God,guns, and guts is what made America what it is today!'. Who needs intelligence,independent thought,exercise,health care, democracy,when you have a bible and a gun.

  • God rides a Pinarello with Zipp 404's. I've seen him.

  • "Until America gets around to realising that allowing virtually anyone to own a gun, this kind of thing will continue to happen."

    "Only in America!"

    I'm not pro gun but the gun was the weapon he had to hand. If he hadn't the gun then maybe he'd have rammed them with his car like the case here (UK) where a cyclist was killed by an enreaged driver who went after him and mounted the kirb to hit him.

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