
Mon 15 Jun, 5:00 pm BST

Fitness: 10 cycling myths busted

By Nick Morgan, Cycling Plus

In cycling there are known knowns and known unknowns. Nick Morgan uncovers the truth behind the riddles wrapped up inside enigmas…

Sex hurts

Plenty of footballers, boxers and even cyclists claim that abstaining from ‘how’s yer father’ before a big event is vital to performing at their peak. ‘No nookie after Wednesday if you’re racing on Saturday’ is their philosophy.

Sadly, it looks as if such monkish behaviour is in vain. There’s no scientific evidence to suggest that sex before an event reduces endurance or speed.

Indeed, in a treadmill test, male athletes showed no decline in performance 12 hours after having sex. In fact, if you’re the type who gets restless the night before a race, the sleep-inducing powers of sex may actually help. But whether you can persuade your other half to help you out with this is another matter entirely…

'Warm' is the crucial word in warm-up

Despite its name, a warm-up has little to do with temperature, so you can bypass blowing on your hands before a chilly morning ride. A team from Aberystwyth University heated the leg muscles of riders before cycling and found it had little or no effect on their endurance performance. Instead they discovered that the warm-up is all about telling your body it’s going to need to recruit plenty of muscle fibres to work soon.

The team went on to look at the best way to help your body do this and found out that a few gentle stretches aren’t enough. They recommend a five- to seven-minute interval session at 75-80 percent effort 10 minutes before you start your ride.

“At the onset of high-intensity exercise, the body recruits the muscle fibres it thinks it needs, but invariably it doesn’t recruit enough, because it doesn’t know how long you’ll ask it to exercise for,” says Dr Mark Burnley, one of the researchers. “A heavy warm-up recruits more motor units to start with, which slows down the rate of fatigue – it’s a bit like adding more people to a tug-of-war team.” The heavy warm-up is advisable only when glycogen depletion isn’t a factor, so forget it for races that last longer than an hour.

Warm-ups aren't about being warm:

Aspire not to perspire

It’s commonly assumed that the less fit – or more fat – you are, the more heavily a period of exercise will make you perspire. “Actually, after repeated training your body becomes more efficient at cooling, so you start to sweat earlier and produce a greater volume of sweat,” says Dr Nick Gant of Loughborough University. “So, in fact, the fitter you are, the more you should sweat.”

It may not sound like it, but that’s something to be thankful for. New research shows performance drop-off in the heat is caused primarily by your body retaining excess warmth, rather than due to a lack of fluids. This not only means cooling your skin will help dramatically, but that sweating is vitally important, so think twice before you spray yourself from head-to-toe with anti-perspirant!

We should all be aspiring to more perspiring:

Harder is better

Can filling your tyres with enough air to fill a Zeppelin lead to faster riding? A team at the University of Texas decided to investigate if rock-hard tyres really make a difference. They asked seven riders to cycle at top speed on a four percent incline four times, each at different tyre pressures. The riders used identical bikes and conditions were controlled to ensure each trial only varied in tyre pressure. “The difference in rolling resistance caused by varying tyre pressure is too small to be detected physiologically,” lead researcher Dr Timothy Ryschon concludes.

Furthermore, if you try to pump your tyres until their pressure is sky-high, you’re going to be in for a rough and uncomfortable ride, because you’ll effectively have no suspension to cushion the blows. Feeling every bump in the road through your undercarriage is likely to slow you down and may even cause some damage to your bike.

Pumping up tyres doesn't always pump up performance:

Dehydration puts a dampener on performance

Dehydration’s effect on performance is one of the most prevalent myths in sport, but all is not as it seems. “The theory of dehydration limiting performance in the heat is completely bogus,” says Dr Ross Tucker of the University of Cape Town. Several studies have shown that your performance drop-off in hot conditions is due to the body’s level of heat storage, rather than its lack of fluids. Indeed, a South African study looking at competitors in an Ironman Triathlon found that although many suffered from extreme dehydration, there was no correlation between their levels of hydration and performance.

“There may exist a tolerable range for dehydration that won’t impact negatively on endurance performance, but which may even confer an advantage by preventing the increases in body mass due to the consumption of large volumes of fluid,” says Professor Yannis Pitsiladis, who has devoted many years to studying the nutritional habits of Kenyan distance runners.

The upshot? Don't get thirsty but even more importantly, keep your cool (see Aspire to Perspire above).

Dehydration isn't always bad:

Balancing act

Many people with hip, leg or foot injuries are told they have one leg slightly shorter than the other, so using a wedge should balance them out and resolve the problem. That advice may be useful in a small number of cases, but often using a wedge isn’t necessary. According to biomechanics expert Martin Haines, it may not be that there’s a real difference in the length of your legs, but that there appears to be one due to a problem with the pelvis. In this scenario, he claims the best cure is to correct the pelvic problem through manipulation and exercise, instead of through the use of a wedge.

“A rotated pelvis is probably the most likely reason for people who have one leg shorter than the other,” Haines explains. “Certainly the anecdotal evidence points to this and – in these cases – wedges can cause [the patient] more problems than they solve.” Given Haines’ opinion on the matter, we’d recommend that you get your injury properly diagnosed by a medically qualified expert, rather than by a salesman in a cycling shop. After all, waiting may only exacerbate the issue.

Could one leg be shorter than the other? it's unlikely:

Lactic acid brings the pain

Lactic acid has long been the bogeyman of speed and endurance athletes. The commonly held belief is that once you push your body to its limits, lactic acid starts to flood your system causing the pain and ‘jelly-legged’ feeling we all know so well. However, the truth of the matter is quite different. “Lactic acid is a partially broken-down carbohydrate molecule containing lots of energy,” says Dr Louis Passfield, who works at the University of Glamorgan. “If we exercise very hard, the body doesn’t have time to break down glucose fully, so it breaks it down as far as lactic acid, which is then used to provide lots more energy. The pain experienced is more likely to be caused by nerve endings in the muscles being stimulated.”

Lactic acid is unlikely to cause pain:

Eating is cheating

It seems logical that your body will be in a fasted state if you do your exercise before breakfast and, without food to burn, it’ll set upon the spare tyre round your midriff instead. Not true. Well, at least it’s not true that your spare tyre will diminish any more quickly than if you do your exercise at any other time. “It’s a pretty straightforward equation,” says sports nutritionist Karen Reid. “You eat a certain amount of calories per day and exercising burns some of those calories, regardless of when you do it. If you cycle in the morning, you may burn fat, but you’ll add the calories back throughout the rest of the day.”

With that myth busted, early morning cycling may even be best avoided. Statistically, it’s the most common time for suffering heart attacks and strokes during exercise.

Skipping your cornflakes won't neccesarily help you shed weight:

A leg that's free from hair moves swiftly through the air

Non-cyclists simply don't understand why many male bikers shave their legs. The most used excuse is the aerodynamic benefit of baldness. Oops! While leg shaving makes your muscles look nicer and road rash easier to clean, no academic study shows any kind of significant advantage in terms of speed.

But before you bin the razor, the same is not true if you plan on dabbling in triathlons. Given that water is around 1,000 times denser than air, the resistance hairy legged athletes face when swimming is more of an issue. Several studies have proven that body hair removal can reduce the drag effect significantly. One study even found that swimmers achieved 10 per cent greater distance with each stroke.

Shaving leg hair gives no significant aerodynamic advantage:

All fat is bad

“Fat gets bad press and endurance athletes have developed an almost pathological desire to reduce body fat as much as possible,” says Dr Arthur Stewart, who is an expert in the relationship between anatomy and movement. “But fat plays a useful role in maintaining energy balance, in repairing tissues after training and in providing shock absorption for feet and organs, which is crucial for preventing injury.”

Trying to measure your personal fat levels accurately is difficult and expensive. So a good tip, according to Dr Stewart, is to only worry about dieting a few weeks prior to competition. During the training months, it’s best to eat sensibly but not stingily. Remember that carrying a few extra pounds may help you stay healthy and free of injury.

Not all fat is bad:

User Comments

There are 48 comments on this post

Showing 1 - 30 of 48 comments

  • Dehydration puts a dampener on performance, THIS IS TRUE, I do not care what some educated man or woman tells me, I know this is a fact.

    Bitter experience has taught me this, not just with myself but others that work with me, the body needs to be hydrated to perform period, no if buts or what have you, simple as!

  • I think the part on dehydration is an irrisponsible piece of journalism. I for one would rather take the advice of the NHS and my own doctor.


  • +1 I thought, but after re reading that section it appears that what is being said is that a certain (minimal) level of dehydration is ok for an athlete whose body is prepared for it but performance drops off if water loss is continued.

    10 mls from end take on water 1 ml may not need it.

  • I can"t function on my bike without fluids. If i don"t drink I feel crap and tired. Stupid comment Yannis Pits' blaa blaa blaa

  • I thought that, at least at pro level, the shaved legs were so as to make massages easier/more comfortable.

  • I agree that the comments regarding dehydration are wholly misplaced. Even at 1-2% of body weight loss as water impairs some fatigue and minor reductions in strength, this is when you start to feel thirsty. At 3-4% you have a reduction in maximal aerobic power and increased overheating. At 5-6% you start losing concentration, get chills, nausea and decreased cardiac output. At 7-10% you risk cardiogenic shock.

    The more water you lose the thinner your blood becomes which means you heart has to work harder. Therefore it doesn't take much understanding of the subject to realise dehydration is directly correlated to performance in sport.

    Most fluid is lost through sweat so in hot conditions even more care to stay properly hydrated is needed. Whilst I agree that top level athletes can continue to function with a higher degree of water loss for longer, the risks to the your average person is potentially greater due to being less educated on the risks. Kenyan long distance runners will be even more tolerant so therefore I feel that printing such material without proper context or warning is ill advised as if there was one piece of advice I could give to any sportsperson it would be to stay properly hydrated.

  • Hmmm, the difficulty in interpreting a snippet of information........

    Dehydration as stated may not directly cause fatigue but it is associated with it. Reduction in plasma volume, reduced rate of persperation increased core temperature.......

    The Kenyan distance runner model is somewhat misleading and not wholly appropriate to Western Europeans living in a temperate climate and Yanis is likely to ackonwledge this. After all, the diet of the east african is quite low in CHO and high in protein..... against the wisdom of the European nutritional theories but how many Kenyan's can run under 2:15 for a marathon?

    I dunno about the sex either. With my ultra-endurance and ability to do a blistering sprint I require specific recovery strategies!

  • Man, those are some DUMB photos.

  • http://www.sportsscientists.com/search/label/dehydration

    about half way down.

  • Article is super lame, what a waste of time, BR please ban the author of this article and the photographer to.

  • ive read that 2% dehydration results in 20% defecit in performance!

  • most entertaining roadie article I've seen on here!


  • I don't have a problem with sex before a race. However, during a race it seriously affects my overall time...

  • What a load of rubbish. Was this proof read before it was published? The dehydration section was way off the mark. E.g. a study conducted in 1992 by Montain and Coyle found roughly an increase in HR by approx 7bpm for every 1% loss in body weight due to dehydration.

  • Interesting how passionate people are about some of these myths, incl. hydration. Deeply held beliefs are so hard to change.

  • When i studied sports science 2% dehydration greatly effects performance.

  • @ liversedge, next time you are out, leave your fluids behind, then comment again! M8 this is potentially dangerous.

  • I liked the article. The dehydration seems to be the most controversial, however the article states it's talking about dehydration in hot conditions - something virtually unknown in cooler Britain ;-)

    Shaving hair in cycling is for mucle rubs and cleaning road rashes, it also looks better the hair's sticking outta ya shorts lycra.

    I also liked the photos.

  • never had a problem with pre ride sex, if anything I actually ride better and for longer. must be something to do with the endophins released?

  • Nice article. The dehydration issue is an interesting one, I recently listened to a triathlon podcast where they discussed this very thing. The general conclusion was that mild dehydration isn't something to fear, indeed when tested they found that in a lot of cases the winners of various triathlons where more dehydrated than a selection of the other competiors.

    I'm sure they are not advocating racing or training with no fluid intake but maybe one doesn't need to drink gallons of the stuff to perform at your best.

  • Triathlon and marathon running may be endurance sports, as is cycling, but the type of activity (not counting the cycling leg) is quite different with different speeds and abilities to take on fluid while doing the exercise.

    Ok it's not a serious article but I doubt if the writers of the original studies would claim that their results would apply to long distance or even training cycle rides.

  • Dehydration doesnt thin the blood, in fact it thickens the blood which is why it is harder to pump because it is more viscous. Drnking lots of cider the night before has a similar effect, and I know from experience that I cannot operate at TT efforts, though I can still ride fairly hard. I suspect that the levels of dehyration experienced after a night on the pop are much higher than those referred to in this article.

  • The pictures are quite funny ! I especially liked the one where he is shaving his legs.

  • Not sure if I remember correctly but I think it was Jack Charlton when he managed the Irish footie team who said that it wasnt the sex the night before a match that affected the players performance, it was the staying up all night looking for it that did the damage.

  • Coyle's 1992 study of the effects of fluid ingestion on performance has been mentioned. Two minutes on Google shows that this study was paid for by Gatorade, and we already know from his association with Armstrong that Coyle is willing to produce the result the 'man with the money' wants, even if that involves the use of bogus statistics.

    Anyhow, it appears that in the Coyle study the riders weren't cooled by the sort of airflow they would experience on the road, and that had that vital variable been accounted for the increase in core body temperature that Coyle recorded would not have occurred, even if they hadn't taken on fluids at all.

    Whilst it is certain that extreme dehydration can have very serious effects, it may well be that the idea that even moderate dehydration drastically affects performance really does belong on the pile of other debunked myths, such as the idea that stretching should be part of a pre-exercise routine and that having elevated levels of blood lactate is a bad thing.

  • If dehydration is not important how come I fell off my bike after 2 hours not drinking in the TopEnd Tour 10 years ago ? Didn't feel thirsty and wasn't sweating as it was just going out of the body into the air !

  • Perhaps you have no technical skills?

  • The topic of tyre pressures is also a load of balls too. It doesnt really give us any useful information. For example if the test was done at 30, 40, 50, and 60 psi the reults would be very similar on resistance. yet 20, 10 and 5 psi resistance woudl be much greater due to kinetic energy heating up the tyre. How is this section supposed to be of any help?

    Also on dehydration. The quoted study must have had a very very limited scope.

    I suppose its just food for thought though.

  • Not a very good article at all. I don't think I saw any comments on shaving so here goes. Back in the early 90's when I started racing and got serious every Friday I had a deep tissue massage. Try that with hairy legs! I think you will find that is one of the original reasons behind such an act. Next it is part of the culture and for many some sort of right of passage and a way of saying "I am having a serious go". A bit fickle to me. But many years on I still shave even though I no longer get massages. So why? I does feel good and my gal loves it.

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