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AVP sequel to include motion control?

Tech not ready for this iteration Rebellion tells CVG
Alien vs. Predator developer Rebellion says it's "keeping a sharp eye" on recent motion control developments from Sony and Microsoft.

Speaking in an interview with CVG, art and design head Tim Jones said he's excited about the idea of getting his Predator, Marine and Alien waggle on... but the idea will probably have to wait for the sequel.

"We're always keeping a sharp eye on any new developments available to make games more immersive, and the new motion control developments look very exciting," he said.

"I don't think the technology will be quite ready for us to use in this iteration of AvP - but maybe next time..."

Alien vs. PredatorOfficial trailer
1:39  A Marine trailer
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Jones also kept tight lipped when quizzed on the possibility of a demo or beta test for the shooter, telling us: "I can't confirm or deny a beta test or demo for the game. Obviously we'd love to but you'll have to wait and see."

Look for the full transcript on these pages shortly.

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Posted by altitude2k
Regardless of what you think about Sony and MS's motion control solutions, you have to admit this is pretty funny.

Nintendo released the Wii years ago, and the uptake for the motion control has been (with the exception of Nintendo themselves, and a handful of other games - i.e. Dead Space) for games that are a bit of a joke. They have really struggled to market the Wiimote as a genuine control solution for high-profile developers.

Yet both Sony and MS come out with their solution, and everyone's straight on top of it, working out how to get it to work with their games. Good work, Ninty...
Posted by spam23
So this is a story about how a game won't be using Natal? Umm...

Project Natal looks effing sci-fi cool beans but I doubt there'll be any games using it for quite some time yet. I'd like to see it used well in 'high profile' developers games, but how would it work in an FPS? How would you walk forward, strafe, etc without bumping into / losing sight of the screen? Meh. Still want it though.
Posted by sonic_uk
I'm glad to hear it probably won't use it. Please don't ruin what looks like a perfectly good game right now with motion controls.
Posted by YCshinobi
lol yeah it is kind of funny when you think about it, I was thinking while reading this article why they don't just... you know... make an AvP game for the Wii, if they're that interested in motion tech? Natal should be interesting, but theres not a huge differene between Sony's wand controller and the Wiimote with motionplus, is there? :?

no its a story about a dev team who are interested in motion control, and may use it for the sequel to this new AvP game.
Posted by Jensonjet
Actually, isn't this a story about a developer who's doing what every developer's doing right now. That is keeping an eye on future technology to see if it's likely to sell more games and make them more money.

I predict Natal will not impact on hardcore, skill-based, conventional gaming whatsoever. The reason is, games such as first- and third-person shooters will always have to have the option of allowing you to play without Natal. And as much as the industry keeps mouse and keyboard gamers away from controller gamers. Anyone with Natal playing against a controller gamer simply wouldn't be able to compete. For example, would a gamer using a motion sensitive controller playing a boxing or a tennis game (both of which use motion control reasonably well) stand much of a chance against a joypad user?

I have no doubt there'll be slow-paced single player games that will incorporate Natal. But games which require speed, precision, reactions and accuracy won't have any use for Natal. Which considering most games we play have us either controlling a vehicle of some sort, playing a sport, or shooting, Natal is completely useless.

Ultimately I think it'll end up as a show-off way of navigating menus, the odd slow paced single player games and party games.
Posted by altitude2k
You're thinking about Natal in quite an unimaginative way. There's plenty of ways it can be used in hardcore games - they will just be supplement to the use of a controller, rather than replacing it.
Posted by Dinalfos
Oh gawd, enough with the motion control crap already. When has this ever been fun for more than a couple of minutes? That's right, NEVER. And to make matters worse, developers appear to be thinking they can substitute gameplay content for it.
Posted by Dinalfos
Oh gawd, enough with the motion control crap already. When has this ever been fun for more than a couple of minutes? That's right, NEVER. And to make matters worse, developers appear to be thinking they can substitute gameplay content for it.
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