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The Conduit

Wii's Halo? More like Wii's BlackSite
Many Wii owners have been excitedly awaiting The Conduit, "a Wii game that looks like a 360 title" boasted the dev. Unfortunately, the final product is neither technically very impressive nor a particularly noteworthy shooter.

The premise has secret agent-type Mr. Ford (that's you) in a near future Washington DC, where he quickly uncovers a government conspiracy involving aliens, a secret agency known as 'The Trust' and begins shooting explosive barrels in the Pentagon. So far, so generic.

Narrative is driven by Metal Gear Solid-esque codec briefings and the ever-present radio in your ear. Even here the voice acting is truly House of the Dead-calibre rubbish.

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The best bit of the single-player campaign, as you'd expect for a shooter on Wii, is its control scheme. Neither overly sensitive like Red Steel nor requiring time to master like Metroid Prime 3, The Conduit's Wii controls feel just about right and we had few complaints.

Aiming and shooting is naturally assigned to the Wii Remote and B trigger, while melee attacks are quickly initiated with a thrust of the controller and grenades with a throw of the Nunchuk. The option's there to customise your control set-up too if you wish, but you'll probably never use it. High Voltage has obviously invested a lot of time here and it shows.

Unfortunately every other element of The Conduit's make up, from its generic alien baddies, stupid soldiers and dull puzzles, is as bland as Roger Federer's face.

Far too much of the disappointing solo campaign has you progressing through lifeless, repetitive corridors, engaging in firefights with all the strategy and excitement of a shooting gallery, before moving on to the next mission and doing it all over again.

Missions have you chasing down alien baddies in The Pentagon, the White House and various secret government bases, with objectives varying from "go here," "kill these" and little in-between.

The centre stage 'gimmick' around which the solo campaign is wrapped is the All Seeing Eye; basically a futuristic torch which finds hidden switches and uncovers invisible bombs.

It's a nice idea, but the gameplay behind it ultimately isn't deep enough to build an entertaining seven-hour experience. Even though you'll have to fiddle with the Wii Remote and pull out a new gadget to solve them, they're still the same switch puzzles most FPS games left behind years ago.

In an added frustration the ASE makes the most irritating, shrieking beep whenever an hidden object is in the immediate area. How High Voltage's QA team didn't go marching into the development halls, demanding that this stroke-inducingly horrible noise be removed from every line of code, we'll never know.

The blandness unfortunately isn't limited to just the puzzles and The Conduit simply lacks the standard of set-piece and design we're used to seeing in even the most run-of-the-mill current gen first-person shooters.

With the exception of the Half-Life-esque alien guns, the weapon roster is strictly generic 'shotguns and assault rifle' fare and thanks to stiff enemy animation that has alien numpties failing to react to any of your shots, the process of gunning itself isn't particularly satisfying either.

The fact that almost every enemy in the game flows from infinite, alien-spawning portals just hidden around the corner doesn't help. Every grunt killed is quickly replaced with another and you're forced to abandon all strategy to run and gun towards the aforementioned portals. It really is the definition of mindless shooter design.

In terms of spectacle, the best it has to offer is a giant, generic 'boss' bug that's killed hundreds of special forces soldiers, but is completely powerless when faced against your alien-killing "knowledge".

After three minutes of repeatedly shooting it in the face, it awkwardly slumps over and disappears. This is the sort of stuff we were playing on Xbox 1 and it wasn't very good then either.

And for whether or not is looks like "a 360 title", you can look at the screenshots and video on this page and decide that one for yourself.

With a rather bland single-player game then, it's unsurprising that Sega's marketing is edged firmly towards the online multiplayer, which actually fares better than the below-average single-player game.

As a package Conduit's deathmatch mode is comparable feature-wise to your average shooter on Xbox 360 or PS3, which is commendable in itself. Countless modes, options and character customisation boxes litter the menus, while matchmaking is robust and Halo-esque.

When you jump online The Conduit's matchmaking system will automatically find a group of competitors and chuck you inside a game. If you want to band up with friends and have a chat over Wii Speak, that's also possible.

The online game itself also carries an air of the Master Chief; with players limited to just two weapon slots deathmatch quickly becomes about countering your opponents' weapons with your own tools, while lobbing grenades and flinching melee attacks in your spare time.

It's certainly not pulling a wild one in the areas of map, weapon and game mode design which are all quite unremarkable. But it's still one of the most workable online shooters available on Wii, which goes somewhat in salvaging the car crash solo game.

If you do find yourself contemplating a purchase over the counter then, the only reason you should possibly imagine picking up The Conduit is if you're an online deathmatch enthusiast who only owns a Wii. But let's face it; there aren't many people who fit that description.

// Overview
A generic, below-average first-person shooter experience marginally cushioned by robust online options.
  Solid, if unremarkable online mode
  Nice controls
  Mindless, target gallery shootouts
  Dull, lifeless environments
  Stupid AI
  Doesn't look like a 360 game
// Screenshots
// Interactive
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Posted by skeemag
how hard can it be to make a decent shooter for the wii?

thank god ive got my ps3 and 360 to keep me occupied until one is released :P
Posted by will7476
Sold! Anything that gets a 5.9 on the Wii must be good.
Posted by palancas7
Downer: Doesnt look like a 360 game...

Posted by Galactus5
Having "doesn't look like a 360 game" on downers is just plain stupid. Of course it doesn't look like a 360 game since the machine isn't capable of doing that. Duh.
Posted by milky_joe
Yeah, as I expected all along, generic garbage.
Posted by altitude2k
Normally that would be right - but in this case the reviewer has every right to say that because it was said (can't remember if it was dev or publisher) that it will look like a 360 game.
Posted by CVG Gav
@altitude2k - At least someone got it.
Posted by RumbleThunder
I feel really sorry for HVS - this had potential.

They obviously worked hard and well.. Eeesh.
Posted by altitude2k
In all fairness they could have seen that if they'd actually read your review.
Posted by Dajmin
Sounds about the same as I've heard elsewhere. Disappointing, but not entirely unexpected.

But the best part of this game isn't actually this game, it's the Quantum3 engine's potential for future games.
It might not look like a new 360 game, but it actually looks way better than some 360 launch titles, and that in itself is an achievement (pun intended).

And if other developers look at this the same way they look at the Unreal engine, there could be a very nice-looking future for the Wii. License the engine and you get more time to spend working on making the other elements more impressive.
Posted by dm_1782
For everyone who is judging this game without playing it, I wouldnt believe everything the reviews say. This game is great admittdley it could be alot better, but its loads of fun to play and is something the Wii has been lacking. It reminds me so much of Perfect Dark on the N64 which isnt a bad thing also the multiplayer is great. Dont judge it till youve tried it.
Posted by dm_1782
Also if this review is anything to be believed, when they reviewed Red Steel and decided to give that an 8/10 im sure that was correct (sarcasm). Not that Red Steel is very bad but it doesnt deserve such a high score when this which is clearly better scores much lower.
Posted by carterlink
To be honest, that was totally (and sadly) expected. - From the very first bland, generic screenshot, I had seen nothing to get either excited or build my hopes up for. - When a developer spouts on endlessly about graphical and technical jargon, rather than actual gameplay and fun, you know that something dodgy is going down. - Saying that a Wii game could look anything like something done on a high-spec console is really setting yourself up for a fall. - I'll champion the Wii and its 'proper' games till the last, but I'm under no illusions as to its raw power (or lack of).

That said, the failings of The Conduit should not be levelled at the Wii itself, but dodgy game design.- The Wii has proven that its remote/pointer aiming control can provide the ultimate and most satisfying FPS experience, and in Metroid Corruption, we still have an adventure/shooter to rival anything on the higher spec consoles (as a single player).

And balls to the self-styled 'hardcore' anyway. I bought my Wii for stuff like De Blob and Zack+Wiki. The type of game you just don't find elsewhere. - I for one never wanted the type of game that bores me silly on PS3 on Wii.

The whole development, hype and bitter disappointment has more than a bad whiff of Geist about it.
Posted by The Kool Kid
I noticed it. :)

Cookie please. :D
Posted by The_KFD_Case
Under different circumstances I might agree with you, however on this occasion the developer made the bold claim that it would look like a Xbox 360 game. It doesn't measure up to the gem FPSes of the Xbox 360 and thus the critique seems both pertinent and fair.
Posted by carterlink
I think most people got it, but it was so obvious that we couldn't be bothered mentioning it.
Posted by Biggwedge
Jesus, way to lose the plot CVG. Best online on the Wii and yet completely average, oh yes that makes sense.

Guess what, every HD console game pales in comparison to Crysis. I don't remember such a comparison coming up in reviews of such high profile games... It should be compared to what is available on the platform first, well if you want to do your job properly of course.

They said it would look like an 'early 360 title' and frankly it blows stuff like GRAW and Perfect Dark out of the water in terms of sheer technology and visual variety. I don't recall you lot calling out COD4 for its bare bones engine or sub-HD visuals either, so I doubt your ability to judge 'technical' value. Not every 360 game is Gears 2.

So it has the same issues COD has (respawning enemies etc.), except they make perfect sense this time.

I fully expect you to give every FPS on a regular controller a lambasting for crap controls, lest you become slightly more hypocritical because after all it 'doesn't play like a Wii game'.

Cool, I'm off to support the most important third party game for the Wii so far. I won't be playing on the lowest difficulty setting either. This is a first step for the Wii people, it was probably made on a tenth of the budget Killzone 2 had.

Also, how is Washington D.C or even conspiracy elements generic? I expect an answer.
Posted by carterlink
It is the alien/enemy design and overall story/setting which is hugely generic. We're not necessarily talking about level architecture.

Why should Wii owners have to settle for and support a second-rate, sub-par PS3 cast-off, simply because we have few other choices?

It's only the most important third-party release assuming that you want to see Nintendo and Wii pandering to disgruntled, self-styled hardcore. I don't.

Roll on Wii Sports Resort.
Posted by Herr_Lowe
Accept it Biggwedge, everyone but you thinks this game is average at best. Deal with it.
Posted by YCshinobi
Neither HVS or Sega came out and said this will look like a 360 game, all HVS said is that they wanted to make the best FPS experience for Wii and the best looking game for Wii, it was just a bunch of people at a gaming event who saw it running and mistook it for a 360 game, because of course they had not seen anything like it before on Wii, and gaming sites like IGN reported it.

It doesn't look like a 360 game, no, but it does come closer than anything else on the Wii right now, like us they were tired of most of the games on Wii looking no better or even worse than what you can find on Gamecube, so you can't blame them for at least trying to set some standards on the bloody thing.
Posted by Biggwedge
In the second paragraph the review pretty much labelled the entire concept as generic.

This include Washington D.C.
This include conspiracy story elements.
There was no mention of enemy design, only aliens. Metroid has aliens, is that game generic?

The game isn't wholly original, but does it really deserve such a kicking? Read the review by Gamepro, and you'll be well aware of the mentality with which these journalists are approaching the game. Second rate efforts indeed.

It is quite selfish to assume the only thing the Wii needs is cartoony games. The Wii is supposed to be for everyone, and the games should show that. Developer assume the Wii can't do shaders or anything more fancy than a PS2 game, The Conduit is a huge slap in the face. When is the next huge third party effort that brings something new to the platform (and isn't screwed from the start) going to appear then?

Don't normally see you in the comments, nice to see you made it worthwhile :lol: .
Posted by carterlink
In the second paragraph the review pretty much labelled the entire concept as generic.

This include Washington D.C.
This include conspiracy story elements.
There was no mention of enemy design, only aliens. Metroid has aliens, is that game generic?

The game isn't wholly original, but does it really deserve such a kicking? Read the review by Gamepro, and you'll be well aware of the mentality with which these journalists are approaching the game. Second rate efforts indeed.

It is quite selfish to assume the only thing the Wii needs is cartoony games. The Wii is supposed to be for everyone, and the games should show that. Developer assume the Wii can't do shaders or anything more fancy than a PS2 game, The Conduit is a huge slap in the face. When is the next huge third party effort that brings something new to the platform (and isn't screwed from the start) going to appear then?

I agree, this is about the most severe review of the game I've seen so far, but those negative points made are entirely valid. - Don't get me wrong. I'm a Nintendo/Wii fan and I want to see a range of quality games on the system, but this isn't one of them.

And I'm not suggesting that every release should be a cartoony one. I don't know what gave you that impression. - What I am against is blandness, and The Conduit is utterly devoid of its own personality. Look at Red Steel 2. That has a great design and style about it and is how an FPS should be approached and developed for the system. Play to the Wii's strengths and don't try to copy what the high-spec systems are doing.

There are less 'cartoony' games already available for the system, with many more on the way, and despite what you think, many of them are third-party. Monster Hunter Tri is a beautiful looking thing and proves that the Wii is a more than capable machine.
Posted by dannybuoy
Wii FPSs R.I.P
Posted by dm_1782
You know what I like it it's been a while since I've played a Perfect Dark style shooter. No it isn't perfect but its good for what it sets out to do and the multiplayer rocks. I think I shall spend my day on that thank you :P
Posted by dark_gamer
I don't get how a lot of people on here are saying with confident that this game is 'average at best' purely based on a poor review and low score?

At most from the review I'm not expecting the game to be amazing but it's still probably going to better than the review gives it credit, and I for one and am not going to be afraid to try. At least then I can form my own opinion rather than basing it purely on what someone else has said.

And anyway so what if it's a 'generic' shooter with infinite amount of spawning enemies? I enjoyed those kind of games on older consoles and even today with games such as CoD as Biggwedge mentioned and people didn't complain about that (well I did at times on veteran, lol).

And yeah we've now moved onto a newer generation but who's to say I'm not allowed to enjoy older styled games? Look at games like Mega Man 9 for example, that got a lot higher scores and that's going to an age even further back than this! And you get older games on services such as VC games, XBLA & Steam etc.

So yes I agree with Biggwedge that the review seems a little too harsh, especially for a game which is setting a landmark for future Wii titles in terms of graphics, hardcore crowd and online multiplayer that might restore faith in the Wii yet. Talking of which I'm sure a lot of us have Wiis we barely play on anymore so lets go buy this and start shooting each other in the face :wink:
Posted by kricca
Funny to see the same old people on this forum with the same blinkered views.

Reminds me of the Gears2 review, and the Killzone2 review with the respective fanboys blatantly defending the game.
Posted by yuzi87
FFS i can't believe its getting such bad reviews, for ages and ages people moan that there isn't many quality fps's on the wii then when a developer tries really hard to create a decent fps with a great multiplayer they get shot down to the ground.

How many other wii games are there that you can go online chat run and gun in loads of different modes with your mates answer - none and for that alone it should be commended.

It may not be the best new original fps out there but it gives us wii owners something that is lacking on the wii and hopefully other developers will not take notice of these reviews but take what hvs have come up with and improve it further.
Posted by newsinthefield
Finally, someone agrees with me. GR, while it is my shrine, was singing it's praises. This is a good review and, to be honest, it's generic, and LOOK AT THE TEXTURES!.

P.S, you can't diss Federer like that. he won Wimbledon.
Posted by carterlink
I honestly cannot believe that people are holding The Conduit up as an example of the Wii at its graphical best. Are you lot totally blind? - The game is as ugly as sin. It's all so bland and vapid it makes me want to throw up.

Even on a technical level it's really nothing special at all, with a much lower frame-rate than Corruption ever had and with twice as many jaggies. Not forgetting a tiny fraction of the imaginative art-design that was found in the third Prime.

I think people need to start looking properly and being honest with themselves. In no way can this game be described as a graphical landmark.

And the Review had the gameplay spot on. Whether you are in an airport, bunker, base, Pentagon or whatever, you are still being sheperded down corridor after lifeless corridor of shallow, repetitive blasting.

I've played a good portion of the game. Thank God I didn't buy it myself. My friend is hoping for a full refund or at least a swap. Told him to get Punch-Out!! instead.

I'm partially blaming CVG for the fact that some people are finding it hard to believe that the game is quite as bad as it's turned out. After all, you were the ones writing all those previews about 'how promising' it was all looking. At least N-Gamer warned us well in advance.
Posted by ei8hty5ive
Where's Wheresmymonkey boy? He was only bigging this game up on US release day saying he bought it on, ahem, 'import'....
Posted by THX-1138 4EB
All hail The Wedge.

All hail The Conduit.


It's been panned Wedge, accept it and move on. GamesTM, 1up, Edge, Game Pro, CVG, Euro Gamer and even f*cking ONM have all said the same thing, it's bland, doesn't look as good as they said, poorly designed, dated, generic pap.

Who cares how it controls if the game is garbage? It's the perfectionism of banality.
Posted by Biggwedge
Play to the Wii's strengths? You say that as if nobody should attempt to make Wii games with any sort of realism. Why should consoles even bother then when the PC is so far ahead? The visuals in The Conduit prove the Wii can use the same technology other systems can, which is far harder and more admirable than what Ubisoft is doing.

Monster Hunter 3 looks appealing, but the game doesn't even have shadows. It doesn't have even half the technology that Twilight Princess has, the only thing that changed from the move from the PSP is the sheer fidelity of everything.

Nobody said that this game is the Wii at its full potential and even the developer is gearing up for better, but if you are saying this looks poor then you clearly must not have played many Wii games. All Wii games look jaggy on screens or when stretched to fit a HD resolution.

Corruption is beautiful and the artistic value is probably some of the best in the industry, the fact remains it is doing precious little more than what Echoes did on the Gamecube in terms of technology. While 60 frames is a technical achievement, it means little to those that look down on the system (gamers and developers alike) and isn't needed anyway.

The Conduit completely destroys everything in terms of effects and as a Wii fan you should be damn grateful someone made the effort. If this is not the kind of game you want then fine, but what is the point of crusading against it?

Real life is full of corridors, and try to find an FPS these days that isn't trying to funnel you down somewhere.

How is the game shallow? Judging by the sheer amount of weaponry and enemies (6 or so), there are much worse example out there.

@THX-1138 4EB

Like Killzone :wink: .


You followed me in here?

Calm down chum, we are only having a bit of debate (something you have failed at numerous times...)
Posted by carterlink
Play to the Wii's strengths? You say that as if nobody should attempt to make Wii games with any sort of realism. Why should consoles even bother then when the PC is so far ahead? The visuals in The Conduit prove the Wii can use the same technology other systems can, which is far harder and more admirable than what Ubisoft is doing.

Monster Hunter 3 looks appealing, but the game doesn't even have shadows. It doesn't have even half the technology that Twilight Princess has, the only thing that changed from the move from the PSP is the sheer fidelity of everything.

Nobody said that this game is the Wii at its full potential and even the developer is gearing up for better, but if you are saying this looks poor then you clearly must not have played many Wii games. All Wii games look jaggy on screens or when stretched to fit a HD resolution.

Corruption is beautiful and the artistic value is probably some of the best in the industry, the fact remains it is doing precious little more than what Echoes did on the Gamecube in terms of technology. While 60 frames is a technical achievement, it means little to those that look down on the system (gamers and developers alike) and isn't needed anyway.

The Conduit completely destroys everything in terms of effects and as a Wii fan you should be damn grateful someone made the effort. If this is not the kind of game you want then fine, but what is the point of crusading against it?

Real life is full of corridors, and try to find an FPS these days that isn't trying to funnel you down somewhere.

How is the game shallow? Judging by the sheer amount of weaponry and enemies (6 or so), there are much worse example out there.

@THX-1138 4EB

Like Killzone :wink: .

No,I'm sorry. I've agreed with a lot of your posts on other threads in the past, but you've really got it wrong this time. - You can go on all you like about what tech The Conduit is using, but it will not make it look anything other than incredibly ugly.

Not every Wii title has overly noticable jaggies. I certainly don't remember seeing too many on Galaxy or Corruption (to name a couple). I'd also rather have something running in 60 frames per second, than running in 30 with an extra level of texture/shading or whatever.

Who gives a shit whether Corruption is doing anything more advanced than Prime 1 or Echoes?! It's all about the imagination and art-design and The Conduit has none. I'm taking more issue with this game and the fact that it's on Wii because I can't remember ever having played a more lifeless, soul-destroying piece of software on a Nintendo console. I even enjoyed Geist more than this. At least that game had some genuinely interesting ideas and puzzles (and it looked marginally better also).

And with regards to Monster Hunter Tri, it is the sheer scope, scale and detail of the enviroments and the incredible monster animation that impresses. I can't believe you would be so fickle as to moan about a lack of real-time shadows! Have you not watched the latest trailers? It's beautiful.

I'm not on some sort of crusade against The Conduit, but this is a gaming forum where we put forth our views. Perhaps you should accept that The Conduit really is a pale shadow of the game you and I were hoping for.
Posted by PTG
@CVG Gav So if a developer says something and it doesnt turn out to be true then it'll get marked down? Shall I get my list of games you scored highly that didnt do what the developer said?

The developer at least tried, to get something out of the Wii, but when he's slammed for it, its hardly going to encourage him to make a second -perhaps better- attempt.

I dont doubt this is a decent at best game, but I think you've had this review written for a while. It doesnt sound like your being objective at all.
Posted by dark_gamer
That's not exactly what I said. I said it looks good, but I didn't say it's the best the Wii is capable of. Yes there are some games like Metroid which looks better but for a 3rd party title it's set the standard quite high.

Like with me and like I had said I played and enjoyed games from past generations which were like that. And yeah you can get 'better' games now but that doesn't change that I enjoyed those old games and still do. I'm sure you still listen to 'old' style music by newer bands as well as 'new' style music by new bands. There's nothing wrong with loving the past.

Oh wait look at that, what a hypocrite eh? :roll:

Hey that's what CVG does best! (Apart from the typos, late news and copied articles). Why else would you be here? :lol:
Posted by carterlink
Hypocrite?! - What the hell are you talking about dark-gamer? - So I recommended a very good game instead of a very bad one. That's very hypocritical.

The developers themselves stated that The Conduit was supposed to resemble a 360 game. - Now you are saying that it was never meant to be a showcase for the Wii's graphical capabilities? - Make your mind up!

So you think that The Conduit should be acceptable because it has old, retro-style gunplay instead of showing the massive strides forward that the FPS genre has made? - No one likes retro gaming more than me. - The Conduit is NOT retro gaming. It's just plain bad and you should not make excuses for its simplistic design.

And you didn't say 'it looks good'. You and a few others stated something along the lines of it 'setting standards'. There are far better looking third party titles already available for Wii, with more on the way. Why are you so insistant on defending an abysmal game?
Posted by yuzi87
even if the single player is generic and bland, there is no other decent fps online shooter on wii
they have set a standard and for that they should be commended
Posted by carterlink
So because there is no other, we should all settle for a second-rate one? - That's like saying that if we were stranded on a desert island with a wind-up gramaphone and a copy of the Birdie song, we should play it because we don't have anything by the Beatles.
Posted by dm_1782
You cant settle for second rate if there isn't anything else out there dude. And to be honest its the best online FPS the Wii has and for those such as myself who only have a Wii its the only FPS that isnt set during WW1 or 2.
I know theres Red Steel and Metroid but lets be honest Red Steel is far from perfect yet it received a better score than this game and that was with its poor controls during swordfighting, aiming and lousy multiplayer. Dont get me wrong it looks and sounds good and as for Metroid its great and has been since the first. My point is The Conduit may be generic to other consoles but for the Wii its a first and a good one at that.
Posted by Sinthetic
i cancelled my preorder of this just in time. i support risky games like madworld on wii and encourage people to buy it if they haven't. single player gamers like myself don't want a bland few hour campaign.
sucks that this game didn't quite live up to the hype.
Posted by starsail
Finally, a Wii game to match Haze.

Anyway, Wii bots can still choose from COD and Metroid for a solid FPS. I do feel that Nintendo are reaping the punishment for producing an enhanced PS2 machine rather than a next gen machine.

If the conduit had of been released on one of the current gen machines, it may have produced a greater degree of it's initial ambition but you can't fault the developer for trying to push the Wii.
Posted by carterlink
I knew we'd get one eventually! - Look, the failings of The Conduit have absolutely nothing to do with the quality of the Wii as a gaming platform. - It is purely and simply a bad game by a bad developer.

It's like saying that the PS3 is rubbish because it's got Haze.

Anyway, the game is being panned, not for its graphics (insipid as they are), but its gameplay. If HVS had developed this for a higher spec system, I fail to see how the intrinsic gameplay would have differed.

Just started playing Corruption again, to remind myself that the Wii is more than capable of running an FPS/adventure to rival anything on the high-end systems.
Posted by starsail
I'm sorry but it does. It was the ambition of this title that set many Wii hearts alight not to mention sparked the interest of non Wii gamers, like myself.

Haze did nothing of the sort and I knew it would be a fail. It didnt push the PS3 they way Conduit intended to push Wii.

When Killzone set out to deliver its ambition on PS3, it lived up to the hype while remaining a fairly generic shooter (not adding much new elements in particular), yet it achieved positive widespread press and public opinion (negatives usually with the fanboys of other machines) and a metacritic of 91%.

Had it have been released on the limited last gen tech of the Wii, then it wouldve been an epic fail. I'm sorry, but I think that's rather straight.
Posted by pp82
What do you expect from the people who made, Wait for it.
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
and it gets better they also made shiteo.
Leisure suit larry and the the Magna CUM Laude wow what two fine examples of true classics.And now you can add The Conduit to that list.
Posted by starsail
Edited: I'm sorry but the failings of the title Conduit does demonstrate the quality of Wii games. It was the ambition of this title that set many Wii hearts alight not to mention sparked the interest of non Wii gamers, like myself.

Haze did nothing of the sort and I knew it would be a fail. It didnt push the PS3 they way Conduit intended to push Wii.

When Killzone set out to deliver its ambition on PS3, it lived up to the hype while remaining a fairly generic shooter (not adding much new elements in particular), yet it achieved positive widespread press and public opinion (negatives usually with the fanboys of other machines) and a metacritic of 91%.

Had it have been released on the limited last gen tech of the Wii, then it wouldve been an epic fail. I'm sorry, but I think that's rather straight.

Metroid is a good game but its ambition is limited to what the developers could achieve if it were running on PS3 celll tech or Xbox 360. If you dont believe me then wait until its released on the next Nintendo machine (I bet you wont disagree then) : )
Posted by carterlink
Sorry starsail, but the reasoning of your argument is utter bollocks. You cannot pick one particular game out from many and say 'there you go, the Wii's crap. This game proves it.'- There was no ambition in the development of The Conduit, other than to pander to the disgruntled, self-styled 'hardcore' like yourself, and dare I say it, only the disgruntled hardcore fell for the hype and the tech demos being shown. My heart wasn't 'set alight'. Far from it.

And you are wrong about Haze. I remember reading previews and letters about the game and it was being hyped up beyond belief. - So the game turned out to be poor. That does not make it indicative of the PS3's whole games library. The same applies to the Wii and Conduit.

I own a PS3. Killzone 2 did not live up to the hype in many people's eyes. I personally felt deflated that, as good as the graphics were technically (the generic design leaves something to be desired), the intrinsic gameplay had all been seen and done before (and many times better). - I'm not saying it's a poor game by any means, but it certainly didn't live up to the hype. A lot of my friends agree.

Metroid isn't a good game, It's a great game and its graphical brilliance lies not with how much tech the developers can throw at it, but with the imagination shown in the art design. That's what you should judge the quality of a game's visuals on. Not number of polygons, textures and shading. If HVS had understood that, we'd be looking at a far more beautiful piece of software than The Conduit. - I have certainly never played a metroid game and thought 'this would be better on the PS3'. Far from it when I think of using the PS3's lousy pad with those God-awful analogue sticks.

If your interest was sparked by a game from the developers of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, then more fool you.
Posted by starsail
I picked out the Wii game Conduit becasue this is a Conduit blog and highligted its ambition much to the same degree as Killzone 2 had on PS3. I said the Wii is limited in comparision, I never said it was crap, I rated Metroid as a good solid FPS (it got a 90% meta score but would have offerd more potenial on a higher power machine like PS3 or 360), explain how I called the machine crap or I'll assume you're putting words into my mouth!

Haze got hyped because it was being made exclusively by the same guys who produced the Timesplitters series, not known for outstanding graphics. Conduit doesnt compare in the same degree of ambition, it wished to push the machine the same way Guerilla pushed the PS3. Stick that in your pipe!

Like it or not, PS3s Killzone delivered, to a mainstream public and press highly critical of the PS3, Conduit with it's ambition didn't. This isn't difficult to undersatnd.

I never judged Metroid on graphics, there you go putting word in my mouth again, I never done that. I just added that Metroid (again) probably would've been much better on PS3 or Xbox as they offer more tech, more processing power etc than the limited (didnt say crap) Wii (read it again), when a new Metroid is released on a new Nintendo machine, I bet you'll revert your argument.

There now, all lovely and crystal clear.
Posted by kimoak
I bought it Friday. Played 50% opf the single player game. nothing new, but I find it enjoyable. Multiplayer for the amount I have played it is a blast. Will be getting my friends to pass on our friends codes to play it online. I do think that review mark is harsh to say the least. Review sounds like he lost £1,000,000 and found a penny.

So there ya go. I enjoy it so f**k you lot :)
Posted by carterlink
Stick that in your pipe?! Nice to see you keeping the debate mature. - I'm not twisting your words. - With regards to Metroid, I know you said it was a good game. My point in debate was that I, unlike you, feel that throwing the extra tech of the PS3 or 360 at it, would not make it any better than it already is on Wii. That is unless you enjoy perving over polygon counts and bump-mapped textures more than intuitive remote-pointer control.

Anyway, the initial debate wasn't about Metroid. - It was about you suggesting that Nintendo are supposedly reaping the rewards for sticking with last gen tech. - Do you honestly believe that HVS would have suddenly become more talented if they had decided to develop The Conduit for the PS3 instead? I don't think so. They may have been able to disguise a poor game a bit better, but a poor game it would remain.

I don't think anyone with a modicum of gaming knowledge (press included) honestly believed that The Conduit was going to be the Wii's answer to Killzone 2. - Your comparison just doesn't hold water. It was the developers themselves who were talking up their own tech and many of the mag previews I had read gave some pretty harsh comments about how things needed to improve, gameplay wise.

Maybe it's just me who has gone through the whole 'hardcore' thing and out the other side, but I just wasn't interested in ever seeing a game like The Conduit on Wii. - I'd much rather play Wii Sports Resort to be honest and who cares if games like that don't attract the 'hardcore' fraternity?
Posted by PTG
Also, CVGgav, when you do this for a living you should really get your quotes right. The developer didnt say it would look like a 360 title, they said "With Conduit, we are trying to make a Wii game that looks like a 360 title".

And seeing as it has a darker pallete and is shinier and is more reminiscent of Perfect Dark Zero than Metroid Prime, id say they achieved it, artistically if not technically. But seeing as the latter is 1) something they never promised and 2) Impossible on the Wii's hardware. You shouldnt really hold it against them.
Posted by Biggwedge
The Conduit is probably the greatest example that the Wii isn't 'slightly stronger than the PS2' (although you would be utterly deluded to believe that anyway...). The PS2 could not even hope to use any form of shaders, the Conduit not only has a range of effects unmatched by any game on any console last generation, but it beats out plenty of HD games too. Bear in mind this is a first attempt by a reasonably small developer, they have already displayed better.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think Conduit looks fantastic in places, but obviously it could have used more time/money. Effects do make a difference, ask the developers behind Crysis.

Other Wii titles are no more resilient to jaggies than The Conduit (although I have no problems on an SD set), that is just something we have to deal with. If you prefer a higher framerate then fine, I would like to see better quality and more visual depth with effects over a slighty smoother running game. Imagine if the guys behind MP3 used this level of technology.

Monster Hunter 3 looks nice I agree, but the incredible simplicity counts against it and I expect more from a giant like Capcom.

Putting forward your views is all well and good, but correct me if I am wrong but you never had much love for the game...

I got exactly what I wanted out of The Conduit the very second it was announced. A Wii game filled to the brim with the effects the more intelligent of us knew it could do, pretty much perfect controls and arguably the best online gameplay on the platform (ok, this came much later). That is what all the hype was about, and it didn't disappoint.

There is nothing damaging in the game design, it was made with tons of ambition and the Wii has nothing on its level, how does that define second-rate?

Zak & Wiki looks not nearly as good as Wind Waker, is that second-rate?

You may not have asked for anything like this, but bear in mind far more gamers have. The game (which has done very well for first week sales apparently) does nothing but good for the Wii's image.
Posted by carterlink
Biggwedge, I'm speechless! - I can't be bothered writing a big response again. - I honestly don't begrudge you enjoying the game. I'm glad you're having fun with it, but it's almost as if you are describing a completely different game from the one I experienced.

I was never against a realistic FPS on Wii. What I was against was one developed by a bunch of second-rate games designers, deliberately to fill a gap in the market.
Posted by yuzi87
the game is no way as bad as people are making out, i bet half of the people on here havnt even played it and are taking these reviews and following the crowd

i have it and i think its fun and exactly what i was waiting for to come out on the wii especially the multiplayer wich is fun.
Posted by petpiranha
Wait 2 weeks and GAME will have it on offer for £20. Then Wii owners can make up their own mind.

Besides, Madworld is worth buying a Wii for providing you ignore the dull intro level. That game is more fun than most.
Posted by starsail
To Caterlink ...
Where you having a mature debate on this topic? I think there's more to life than having a serious debate on this. I do stick by my point tho as you haven't relly convinced. :(

More tech doesn't just add polygons and prettier graphics, the added processing power allows newer ideas to be achieved. Would you seriously suggest that BioShock would play the same on Wii? Crysis? Far Cry 2?

With regards to Metriod, I still assert that it would be a much more developed game if on current gen software (Xbox, PS3 and PC too). Its a series that continues to develop as well as getting prettier. You point holds no logic really.

I never stated Conduit was Wiis, answer to Killzone 2, there you go with the word putting again. I think the developers wanted to push the consoles technically and while PS3 was a success with its technically brillant shooter, Wii feel short. Ah well.

If you prefer Wii resort then good for you, I like those games for an hour or so as well.
Posted by carterlink
You really are failing to convince me. - For starters, we were not talking about Bioshock, Crysis or Far Cry 2, but specifically about Metroid. - It's all hypothetical, but I still believe that Metroid Corruption would have been a worse game on PS3/360 than on Wii. Not just in terms of control, but perhaps the game would have been twisted beyond all recognition, to pander to those consoles certain type of audience? - I dread to think of all the mandatory multiplayer modes Microsoft would have tacked onto it.- When all said and done, Metroid is more of an old-school, single-player adventure than an FPS.

Take it from me, give Sony or Microsoft a crack at a Metroid Prime and you'd end up with a more shallow, simplistic and short-lived single-player adventure with an emphasis on online multiplayer blasting. - Something I really hope is not happening with the Bioshock sequel.

And you did actually compare Killzone 2's popularity and ambition to The Conduit's in the same paragraph. Stop accusing me of putting fecking words in your mouth.

You're right though, there is more to life, which is why an hour or so enjoying something like Wii Sports Resort is a perfectly reasonable length of time to be sat playing games in one sitting.
Posted by milky_joe
I'm with you on that one, I shudder to think what Microsoft would do to Metroid in order to pander to the Halo market...
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