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Modern Warfare 2 'to sell 11m' this year

Activision shooter will be bestselling game of '09, says analyst
Not only will Modern Warfare 2 be the biggest game of 2009, but it'll sell 11 million copies this year alone.

That's according to predictions made by industry analyst, Mike Hickey, who says that Infinity Ward's sequel will make Activision $803 million in 2009. Happy days.

"It's possible that the game could be one of the largest entertainment releases of all time," noted the Janco Partners analyst.

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"If you assume similar channel unit sales velocity as GTA IV, the game could potentially sell through 7.8 million units globally with an estimated retail value of more than $569 million in the first week.

"Continuing the same channel logic, it's possible the game could sell through to consumers' 4.6 million units globally with an estimated retail value of more than $338 million in the first day."

Last week Activision CEO Mike Griffith said he expects Modern Warfare 2 to be the best-selling Call Of Duty game to date.

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Posted by KMakawa
Thanks for stating the obvious Activision.
Posted by KK-Headcharge78
Hard hats on here comes the tide of emotional drivel including such pearls of wisdom as:
1) Why does CVG print this s**t
2) COD4 was rubbish, Killzone is better blah blah blah
3) It better have co-op or I will cry
4) It will be lucky to sell 2 copies...
5) A Wii version would be better than a 360 or PS3 version
6) I won't be buying it cos its got a high RRP, whinge, whine..

Hooray for fanboys
i thought its RRP would be the same as every other game. and then the retailers will knock off a fiver and everyones happy.

I don't like COD but i know its really popular , so unless theres somekind of shock announcement its pretty much guarenteed that the FIFa of the fps world will sell well. Casual gamers eat that shit up.
Posted by Mark240473
If any type of person is worse than a fanboy, it is the one who thinks he is better than everybody else.
Posted by The_KFD_Case
Now might be a good time to opt for some Activision and/or Infinity Ward stock if they are publicly traded. Wait for the release of MW2 and then consider selling it all a few weeks or months later. Hm. Maybe I should look in to it.
Posted by The_KFD_Case
I'm not convinced. While that particular brand of personality can have it's share of insufferableness, the outright rabid fanboys are in a league of their own. Sadly that league isn't hermetically sealed and quarantined with strict military precision from the rest of human civilisation.
Posted by Triffic
7) Will there be a Zombie mode?

No, that would be stupid.
Posted by KMakawa
Potential plot for a movie.. Please get in touch with warner bros and sell them the idea, before someone else does!
Posted by svd_grasshopper
people like you he is talking about.
Posted by svd_grasshopper
hooray for attention seekers.

couldnt think of a cliche of your own? :?
Posted by ingy
I just wish developers would slow the run'n'gun gameplay down a bit, it's an easy way out to just bring out more of the same ,just a bit quicker.

When you can respawn endlessly there just isn't any incentive to play any other way, even sniping is useless because of the moving respawns,(not that i like sniping, the little shits)

Just think how good the maps would be if teams were fighting over and creating choke points on the map, just a thought.
Posted by KMakawa
It would be nice to see more strategy in the game, like actually work as a team, and also map building tools too... bring that on any day.
Posted by svd_grasshopper
on that note, id like to be able to create my own maps. pc users get to i think.

that would give people a real reason to buy this as a sequel.

whats to say its not more of the same with a load of gimmicks thrown in. (swimming, snowmobiles, frosty beards etc)

maps could be given stars like in LBP and rated... but that would endanger DLC wouldnt it.
Posted by The_KFD_Case

Sold! :lol:
Posted by Jensonjet
If you want strategy you have to play co-op with sensible gamers on the toughest difficulty, with one life each. Playing multiple life adversarial games is not where you'll see much strategy. Fortunately MW2 does have co-op so everyone's catered for this time around.

Totally agree about the map making. If a game like Far Cry 2 can give you an excellent map editor, there's little excuse other games can't do the same. It's not like Infinity Ward have budgetry constraints with such large sales predictions and profits from the original to add such a feature.

Headcharge78, seriously, what is the point of your post. State a fact, argue a point, express an opinion, but complaining about possible posts content is pathetic. Do you really have so little to add to a forum you attempt to ridicule others?
Posted by The_KFD_Case

Difference being that I actually have a clue whereas you just come across as some chav prat with anger management issues.
Posted by lwill
This is the third time I've heard something along these lines from someone who works for Activision/ Infinity.

Obviously, they're simply trying to force it into become a halo/GTA.

Which frankly, I don't believe they need to do anyway, especially seeing as the people that are going to read this will probably already know if they're buying the game or not, it's everyone else that needs 'persuading' and this isn't the way to do it.
Posted by wiikii007
COD is so over rated it's untrue.
Posted by svd_grasshopper

you come across as a boarding school loser who cant make any friends in real life so you had to buy a second hand 360 specifically to justify lingering around these games forums - obtusely choosing words that noone uses anymore in a bid to flex your IQ. ****ing loser!!
Posted by ted1138
So that's why they've hiked up the RRP(Ł54.99) on it then? :?
Posted by Warman93
Regardless on peoples views of whether this game will be good or not, it will undoubtedly be the biggest selling videogame to date, and I guarantee that at least 85% of the people that have the oppurtunity to buy this game will. I certainly will, because I think it will be a great game, despite the Call of Duty franchise definately milking the cow's tits until they bleed. One thing that would make this game even better than it already will be is if they get a Zombie Terrorists mode, it would be top-notch, not likely, but we can hope right?
Posted by KK-Headcharge78
Oh please Jenson give the bleeding heart sh*t to someone who gives a toss, I was not aware we were posting in contention for the nobel peace prize. What is worse me for posting a wedge of sarcasm in the vain hope that this would not turn into another COD is legend/COD is crap thread (some valid posts but we all know where it is going) or you for highlighting my post to satisfy your false illusion of moral high ground whilst ignoring the actual topic altogether?

Ok so adding something....

.... I so hope it has more chuck norris.
Posted by The_KFD_Case

It would appear I struck a nerve. Feeling insecure and perhaps suffering from an inferiority complex, are we Svd? :wink:
Posted by The_KFD_Case
Superman wears Chuck Norris pyjamas.
Posted by lawless1891
Posted by Jenson
Totally agree about the map making. If a game like Far Cry 2 can give you an excellent map editor, there's little excuse other games can't do the same. It's not like Infinity Ward have budgetary constraints with such large sales predictions and profits from the original to add such a feature.

You forget Activision like to give out DLC map packs of their own they don't want console owners having as much freedom as PC owners that would never do.
Posted by horngreen
I'll buy it I'm sure but wasn't it some AHOLE from Activision saying he was dissapointed that there had not been further hardware price drops? I mean if you're about to make a BILLION dollars from a rehashed game engine couldn't you drop the price of the game a little? That or keep your mouth shut. I do wonder how long this can last, you know, parading out a couple COD games a year using different developers? Sooner or later something will dethrone it. The hype is amazing though, people getting all "excited" about driving a ****ing snowmobile or climbing a wall? I enjoy it but it's not like it's groundbreaking. MS was smart with LIVE and the friends list. You soon figure out you're buying games your friends buy. Next thing you know you've got 7 COD games!
Posted by Jensonjet
Lawless1891, fair point, but of all the games that could have a user created map-making feature, why do so few have this. They don't all have this excuse. Personally I think developers simply cannot be bothered because they think no-one cares for it. Either that or they feel the time spent working on the feature wouldn't make them any more profit.

Personally I'd be more than happy to lose half the weapons, and a handful of developer created maps just to have the opportunity for the community to create their own.

If Activision really believe their map packs are good value, they shouldn't be worried about competing against the community.
Posted by Cernunnos
i honestly cant be bothered with a map-creator, and i think its too soon to discuss the games flaws before its even out. im too excited for this game to let small issues like map-creators kill my enthusiasm.

lets just hope for a shitload more weapons, more realistic bullet damage and better paced online ranking. CoD 4 and 5 has a bit too much grinding waiting for the next weapon. new feature each level gained sounds good to me.

also lets hope they dont bring the high-tech stuff like the heartbeat monitor into the game.
Posted by pedroukuk
My grandad has a m8 who's son washes out the bins at Activision, he came home the other night stinking of fish, gotta laugh at him though cause he's got one leg longer then the other.
Posted by YouGuysRock7
I think I'll spend my money on Bioshock 2 instead of this.
Posted by Jensonjet
I guess you've not seen the video then. There is a heartbeat monitor in the game, or at least in part of it. I don't like the idea either. Heartbeat monitors, radars, maps, all this stuff detracts from the atmosphere of hunting and being hunted down by the enemy. Dilutes the atmosphere I think.

While you may not care for a map editor I can't believe you won't want more maps, not necessarily at first, but certainly after a few weeks or so. Personally I don't care for dozens upon dozens of weapons. Never seen the point when most are often ignored. What would be more useful and interesting would be a chance to add any of the actual accessories modern assault rifles, etc can have. I'm still excited about this. It'll be the pop-corn blockbuster to Operation Flashpoint's dramatic war movie.
Posted by Cernunnos
im sorry, i mis"spoke."
i meant that i hope its not included in multiplayer.

sure, i prefer lots and lots of maps, but thats not something i hold in a high point of priority.
i'd much rather have just 4 good maps, than 50 good maps wrapped into 700 bad ones.

i hope we get to have red dot sight and silencer at the same time, like in the campaign on MW.

other than that id be perfectly happy with a repackaged MW. there i said it...
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