Web services

Availability Checker Interface (Version 3.60)


This web service allows external sites to perform availability queries for all providers listed on this site (ADSL, Cable, SDSL, LLU, Wireless). Queries can be performed by phone number, postcode or address. Results are returned either as XML or PHP serialized arrays. This checker is available on request only (due to abuse of the previous one). Please contact me at sam@samknows.com for access and documentation. Please include a rough estimate of the number of queries you expect to make through the API per day.


Increased LLU, Wireless operator support. Better address-based checking. WBC checks for BT Wholesale.
Support for AOL LLU, Virgin Media and more comprehensive usage examples.
Support for more LLU operators, BT's 21CN rollout dates, faster line speed checks, and LLU and cease checks for phone lines.
Support for new services, increased redundancy, address based checking, more detail about line compatibility issues and precise user input validation.
Contact me at sam@samknows.com

Samknows Connect


SamKnows Connect offers a highly comprehensive feed of all the latest deals from the UK's most popular broadband providers. Our feed will allow you to get paid a highly competitive commission on every sale that results from your users clicking on our broadband package links.

It brings together the data from our existing Availability Checker API and overlays it with retail provider information. This single feed can then be incorporated into your site with ease, without you having to keep track of the ever changing products on offer or deal with the affiliate networks. Customised links per product and a detailed reporting console allow you to track the clicks and sales that your site generates.

Further information
Please visit connect.samknows.com