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Architectural Advisory Committee

How LCEF's Architectural Advisory Committee Can Help You

LCEF’s Architectural Advisory Committee is a team of professional Lutheran architects and liturgical artists who advise on architectural design, planning, construction and preservation of facilities for The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod ministries.

The committee exists to
For More Information
  • Encourage excellence in church architecture and ecclesiastical art.
  • Stimulate greater understanding of good church architecture and of sound planning for building projects.
  • Encourage architects and artists to strive for a higher level of excellence in planning church buildings.
  • Stimulate sound economic approaches to the planning of worship and educational facilities.
  • Promote responsible business principles and Christian stewardship throughout building project.

An architectural advisor will meet with a congregation on a one-time basis for expenses only. Any further arrangements are between the congregation and the architect as an individual contractor. For information about LCEF architectural services, contact your District Vice President or fill out our contact us form or call 1-800-843-5233 between 7:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m., CT, Monday through Friday.

A detailed booklet, “Architectural Handbook” is available.

Featured Information

Architect Helps Congregation Explore Options

St. John Lutheran Church in Charter Oak, Iowa, currently has education space in an old school building that needs either major repairs or razing. The congregation wanted to explore their options, so they turned to LCEF’s Architectural Advisory Committee (AAC). Architect Gary Landhauser walked St. John’s through the feasibility of education space that might also incorporate their needs for main-level fellowship and a carport. Members of AAC help congregations make decisions that meld theology and space. These experts see potential where others do not, and opportunity for expression among wood and wiring.

Messiah Gains Ministry Space, Witnesses with Laborers

This summer Laborers For Christ assisted the congregation at Messiah Lutheran Church, in Mandan, N.D., add over 6,100 square feet to its fellowship hall, shown here in the early stages of completion. Messiah serves over 300 members and is affiliated with Martin Luther School in Bismarck. Fellowship and spiritual support are important aspects to life on the project, and congregations gain more than just ministry space when Laborers participate in church activities. LCEF also assisted the congregation with a loan.

Merging Congregations Build New Facilities

Grace Lutheran, in Canastota, N.Y., relocated and built new facilities twice the size of its former facilities, with the congregation doing much of the work itself. As a result of the move and merging of two congregations, membership has grown and there is wonderful spirit of anticipation and expectation about how God is working through them. The church welcomed about 200 people to the August dedication. The congregation used LCEF’s help with a demographic study, an architectural consultation, and loan.

Study provides direction for North Dakota small town and rural community

Two Lutheran churches in North Dakota are working together after seeing the results of a demographics study. "Trinity and St. John represent a classic partnership of an open-field congregation and a small-town church," District Vice President Bill Sharpe said.

"A couple of things stood out for me: one was the average income of members and the other was the neutral perception of Lutherans in our area, when so many of them ARE Lutheran," said Pastor Dean Hartley of St. John Lutheran Church.

Working together, the churches can accomplish ministry goals and develop an awareness of stewardship to include all things, not just the financial part of stewardship but to extend to the care of church property, possessions, and providing access for all people.

Providing Architectural Advice to LCMS Organizations

Don Amt likes figuring out the "puzzles" LCMS organizations face when repairing or constructing a building. He sees potential where others do not. Amt is a member of the Architectural Advisory Committee, a unique ministry of Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) that brings together volunteer Lutheran architects and liturgical advisors.

The most common puzzle to be solved: finding a balance between functionality and costs. That's where the members of the Advisory Committee can make the most impact.

Discover God’s Plan for Your Congregation

Strategic Ministry Planning is a faith-based process, asking congregation members to seek their agenda from God. Strategic Ministry Planning is a fully participatory process that is different from other planning processes in that it is designed by Lutherans for Lutherans, grounded in the Word, about the calling of the congregation, and creates a comprehensive plan.

At the completion of the initial Strategic Ministry Planning process, an organization has a clearer focus on its ministry. It also provides members with a three-year strategic ministry plan; demographic study; site and facility review; and clear priorities with a defined timeline.

Think this is the wrong time to build? Think again.

Take advantage of lower construction costs. Now could be the perfect time to build! Not only are contractors eager for work, but LCEF's Laborers For Christ can help lower construction costs even more. Learn more about LCEF's Laborers For Christ.

Seize the opportunity to build with a low-cost LCEF loan. Whether you are needing commercial loan assistance to build, remodel or purchase equipment for your church, LCEF provides low-cost loans to build space and place to help fulfill God's mission.

See Who We're Helping

View a list of current and future projects. Are you interested in signing up for a project?

Art and Architecture Awards

The Architectural Advisory Committee honors select congregations and schools for exceptional artistic and architectural achievement during its Art and Architecture Award program. Held once every three years, the awards are given out during LCEF’s annual leadership conference.

SMP Working With Redeemer Lutheran Church, Las Vegas, Nevada

The pastor at Redeemer said the great thing about SMP is that the lay people continually focus on their "best understanding of God's calling and plan" for them. If they are having a meeting and decisions are being made, someone in the group will usually call attention to their SMP and say, "Remember our plan. Is this decision a part of our plan? Is this the direction that God's calling and plan for us is pointing?"

Architectural Advisory Committee Forms
Architectural Advisory Committee Brochures
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Have a question?
Contact your local LCEF District Vice President, contact LCEF directly at Contact Us, or call the Lutheran Church Extension Fund at 1-800-843-5233, 7:45 a.m. - 4:15 p.m., CT, Monday through Friday.