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Resident Evil 6 will be a full "reboot"

Resi 5 to be the last of its kind, says producer
The next instalment in the Resident Evil series will be a full franchise reboot, Capcom's Resi dev team has said.

Speaking to US site 1UP, producer Jun Takeuchi said Resident Evil 5 is likely to be the last of its kind, which is sure to please reviewers who've complained of its glaring similarities to the previous game.

The Resi 5 producer's comments echo those of departed series creator Shinji Mikami, who told Official PlayStation Magazine "I think Resident Evil 5 doesn't need to change the series, but Resident Evil 6 will have to reinvent the series with another full model change or else it won't be able to keep on going."

Xbox World 360 mag said in its exclusive review: "Resident Evil 5 is to Resident Evil 4 what Call of Duty: World of War is to Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: an imitation whose successes are predominantly ideas lifted straight from the previous game."

Sounds like a change might be for the good then. Frankly, we wouldn't mind a change back to the slower paced, zombie-filled mansion theme.

Resident Evil 5 is out on March 13.

// Interactive
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Posted by eHawK
Surely in the 5 years or so it took to make resident evil 5 they could have come up with some new ideas
Posted by Dajmin
What they mean is "damn, trying to cut and paste RE4 stuff into the sequel didn't work and we haven't sold that many copies, let's try going back to what DID sell".
Posted by svensk101
I agree CVG. The first RE on the cube is still the best IMO. RE4 was great but the all-action approach should be the exception rather than the rule. I am hoping Mikami will follow through with his stated desire to remake RE2. That would be awesome.
Posted by discostoo
Strange comment at the end there. COD 5 is nothing like COD4. COD 5 however is very similar in pace and style to COD 2 and 3.

Resi 6 needs to pull out all the stops. Resi 5 is clever in sections, like is forebearers before it, but as one of Capcom's largest franchises it needs to raise the bar in each direct sequal rather than jazz up the previous game engine.
Posted by fanboy
Totally agree with CVG in that it should be slower paced.

Nowadays its just showing its limitations.

You cant have a game that is mostly fast paced with a lot of action if the controls are that bad. After playing games like Uncharted it just seems like the controls in RE5 are all wrong.

If it went back to the old style of only fighting quite rarely then it would get away with it. All those people who say it has bad controls 'to build tension' would then have a point.

As it stands, having hordes of enemies running at you while you struggle to do basic things that any normal human could do (Run AND shoot) is not my idea of building tension.

I've never been a big fan of the RE series but I always thought the first one was the best, and control-wise the game has barely improved since then.
Posted by fanboy

Its EXACTLY the same! It may remind you of COD2 and COD3 cos its set in WW2, but COD5 uses the COD4 engine and is virtually the same game with different levels and graphics.
Posted by svd_grasshopper
anyone can make a cheesy action blaster.

what i played in the demo was absolute garbage.
Posted by Wozzakl
Strange that they're saying so even before 5 comes out, almost like they're apologising in advance. Not sure whether to get RE5.
Posted by Burgessappleton
I say bring on a Resi 2 and 3 remake for the next gen consoles. They remade Resi 1 so why not do the rest? I would be a happy man...

Resi 1, 2 and 3 on my PS3 :)
Posted by MuramasaEdge
Amen to that- it's what brought Resident Evil to the fore in the first place- when you think about it, the best game in the series is a Remake of the original game- says alot about the product now when an intelligently presented, visually stunning if slightly slow and full of tension and atmosphere remake can be better than a big, loud, Hollywood blockbuster wannabe of a game. (REmake vs Resi 5 ofc.)

It's not so strange as you may think; In terms of the COD4 and 5 argument, the point that was being made was that in the context of sales, COD 5 sold excellently, but only got that success on the strength of the previous product. I myself own a copy of COD5 thanks to Christmas, but I'd never have bought it because it's an inferior product to the one I still have and am still playing. Having said that, many people aren't like me, the general public generally buy on impulse rather than information (Not that the info on the game truly reflected how terrible an experience it was- review scores were too high to justify for this mediocre pile of bat piss.)

Same argument applies to RE5, I'll accept it as a gift, or rent it, play it obsessively to completion and never speak of it again. It too being the inferior product. I own both the Gamecube AND Wii editions of Resident Evil 4.....why? Because it's a damn fine game. It killed survival horror as a genre and is certainly not Resident Evil in nature or gameplay, but still a damn fine game.
Posted by _Marty_
I was thinking much the same. The Resi franchise now has gone WAY away from its roots now. There are no zombies any more, which is what made it so iconic in the first place, gone is the 'predominantly in one location' approach to the game, hence losing the 'Resident' part of the title. There are no puzzles any more either.

I loved Resident Evil 4, and I'm certainly willing to give 5 a day in court in co-op if nothing else. However, I want them to go back to what made the games so good in the first place. Hell, Dead Rising is a better setting for a Resi game than Resi 4/5. If that was more serious in nature, it would be far closer to the originals...

I'd just like to add that those that say REmake is the best are clearly forgetting Resi 2... REmake was grand, and looked jaw dropping, but Resi 2 was the 'Empire Strikes Back' of the series - all the special effects and deleted scenes in the world aren't gonna alter that.
Posted by eddiehitler
I just think it was a poor idea to design the entire game as a co op experience as it lessens the fear like in resident evil 0.

In my opinion the best game in the series is 3 as it manages to be both epic and claustrophobic at the same time whilst keeping in line with the puzzles and straight horror that the previous games accomplished so well.
It also added exra pace to the game by adding the Nemesis into the mix as the ultimate badass.

That it (and the rest of the ps1 titles) is not on PSN is a disgrace when you consider the Japanese have had it on theirs for months now.
Posted by Miss_Wacy
they need to take it back to what made it scary again, resi remake was prob the last spooky resi i played
Posted by _Marty_
Resident Evil has never been about fear anyway. Resi 5 demo was, in part, tense, and previous games had their jumpy moments (Resi 2s interrogation room mirror bowel loosener moment, for example), but they have never been scary.

Silent Hill on the other hand. I remember the first few minutes of Silent Hill, the weird camera angles and odd baby like enemies. I knew immediately it was a better horror game, even if it wasn't a better game.

However, as for co-op taking away from potential fears, I don't agree with that at all. I remember watching Blair Witch Project at the cinema. That movie terrified me - yet I was sat in a cinema with EASILY 100+ other people. The fact that you are sharing the fear with another/several other people doesn't take away from the fear IMO.
Posted by Random Hangman
100% agree. That was my first thought just based on the headline!

I think that they realise they may have dropped the ball on this.
Posted by ensabahnur
here's an idea, hire Redwood Shores from EA to build the game engine for them then just fill it with whatever story they want. it would be 10 times better than any of the last control pad console versions.
then again they may have their hands full already making another game to show up just how uninspired the Resi team have gotten. Dead Space 2 :D
Posted by kizzaland
Going back to its roots might be a good thing(without the rubbish menus and controls).

The original games were scary because of having little ammo and a group of zombies creeping towards you builds up suspense and tension. Then with little injections of fast pased enemies like the dogs, this was a perfect way to unsettle you.

I must admit with resi 4 it was a great game, but not scary at all when you compare it to the previous games. And i think this was because there were too many enemies with too much happening at the same time.. eventually you just became desensitised to the enemies and it was almost a normal shooter. Resi 5 looks to be even faster!

Im looking forward to Resi 5, but what a strange comment for them to make just before it comes out. I might have to wait for a few reviews now...
Posted by lonewolf2002
Going by the demo I would agree.
Posted by sweatyBallacks?
I think it is a real shame what Capcom have done with RE5.

From the demo, and from the rumblings in the press, the game is a big let-down. It is too actiony and seems to be catered for the Gears of War crowd with the co-op.

I remember the good old days when the game was actually a survival-horror. You'd be alone, walking down a dark corridor, with only a shotgun and 2 bullets to count on...

Even Silent Hill has gone downhill, although Silent Hill 2 was the pinnacle of the genre imo so a downturn in quality was inevitable.
Posted by _Marty_
Seems to be the second in the horror series is the best one <points at Silent Hill 2 and Resident Evil 2>
This bodes well for Dead Space 2 :)
Posted by Dajmin
I don't think it's related to the franchises themselves, more about the developers trying to pander to popular games.

RE4 went stellar and Capcom tried to replicate it, but you can't recreate something so big that happened naturally. They see things like CoD4, Gears 2, etc getting great reviews and selling millions of copies and they want a piece of that more than they want to risk sticking with the original formula. I'm assuming that Silent Hill went the same way, losing tension and pacing in favour of more action.

Dead Space works because with the number of franchises at their command, EA doesn't really feel the need to pander for the sake of sales. And this time the risk paid off.
wonder if the reboot i'll be on the wii. there was rumblings about a new resi for the wii. i hope its a remake of 2. then again everybody hopes for that somewhere along the line. if it was half as good as the remake of 1 it'd be a roaring triumph.

I think a better analogy for resi 5 is that its what resi 3 is to code veronica or 2. for many it feels like a step sideways more than a step forward. which in gaming is never a good thing.

Then again resi does that. Resi 2 is better than 1
4 is better than 3

the remake is better than 0 even games are genrally better than odds. but none of them are actually bad games. untill any of us actually play the full version of the game we're not going to be able to know for sure if its any cop.

Demos are misleading at the best of times. look at the deadspace demo. It out me off buying the game. luckily i got it for xmas and i have to say its one of the best games i've played in a long while.

all i'm saying is that it's be more worth your whiles to at least rent it and give it a proper chance than go on the 10 mins or so of out of sequence action the demo gave us.
Posted by Aphexman
by those words they admitted that re5 is a failure before it's even released .
Posted by MuramasaEdge
Blair Witch was a visual experience, the enemy they dealt with was unseen, they didn't have weapons, they didn't have loud bright colours and shimmering daytime environments and as you couldn't interact with it, you most certainly didn't have 100+ backup buddies, you had 100+ individuals experiencing the storyline for themselves, as opposed to a robot lackey who acts as your personal sentrygun or another person with human reactions, a set of guns and a headset to talk tactics. This is a game that will have co-op speedruns played for the hell of it because people will get so good so fast that the gametime will fall to miniscule proportions. Two humans headshotting and covering each other's backs sounds in the nearest sense to Gears of War- only you're not fighting ranged attack on ranged attack, you're two humans with guns versus a bunch of melee characters (And the odd.....erm.....crossbow?!! In Africa?! Word.) and the odd easy to kill (Because there's always stage props like barrels) boss monster. Blair Witch was made to be suspenseful, mystifying and frightening- Resident Evil 5 was made to be a balls out Action Horror with much guns, many corpses and an exciting.....erm.....car chase.

Two different animals, let alone types of entertainment.
Posted by _Marty_
Maybe, but how many other co-op horror games can you even think of, let alone ones that refute your claim that co-op detracts from the fear... :)
Posted by nobbyukuk
Well i totally agree with that article, Resident evil 5 in my opinion has not evolved as it should have and with games like dead space setting the new benchmark for survival horror games i think capcom need a big rethink for resident evil 6. To be honest i wouldnt mind them doing a completely revamped and up to date version of the playstation one original. That mansion was a great setting and with next gen software they could make an immense game. As for the comment at the end about CoD i agree with that too. You cant really deny that Treyarch did very little to add any more experience or depth to what was already a brilliant original game engine they inherited from Infinty ward (Cod4) As it seems like most people, i am still playing modern warfare and world at war had me disappointed to say the least. In terms of setting new boundaries the only differences i can see are tanks and decapitation, both of which were never enough to warrant my interest. They certainly sold a lot of copies on the back of modern warfare and i think the same will go for resident evil 5. Resident evil 4 was one of the best games i have ever played and it felt ahead of its time. Plus it is one of the familiar franchises that normally promises a great gaming experience. 5 years down the line and im also left wondering quite what they have done... i have the demo and apart from the lush graphics and cut scenes the gameplay is pretty clumsy and dull. One thing that really annoys me most tho is not being able to move and shoot! What is all that about!?? Surely they could have sorted that out... :roll:
Posted by Sinthetic
we haven't even played ****ing RE5 yet to completion and everyone is moaning about how it can be improved. get a grip.
Posted by ensabahnur
we did. we gripped our joypads and played the demo. and a lot of us were disappointed and, some of us being big Resi fans (not myself), we're entitled to voice our opinions.
Posted by _Marty_
I don't disagree - however, I will say that it is possible, no matter how remote, that the demo simply didn't do the finished article justice.
Posted by ensabahnur
»always a possibility as the Dead Space demo proved but the main drag on this game for me is not the co-op, setting, time of play or control scheme. its the fact you still cant walk whilst shooting. and i can't play a game like that. it was acceptable in the 90's when it was a new genre, but a series has to evolve.
look at tomb raider, the last one was basically the same as the first with a few extra moves chucked in but barring the adrenaline shot the combat still takes the backflip, shoot, repeat ad infinitum system from the PS1. and look at the worst tomb raider sales yet. they were nowhere near making their targets.
games have to evolve in a series so why in this day and age do we still have to stand still to shoot.
Posted by Sinthetic
i said played to completion. read.
Posted by Random Hangman

It's POSSIBLE but based on the few reviews I have read... They do seem to intimate that the full game follows the pattern of the demo. I haven't read about "the lengthy areas full of a sense of unease experienced whilst you explore a desolate village with the anticipation of something dreadful just about to happen"...

And THAT is what I look for in Resi game
Posted by steve w
I cannot belive people are still moaning about the controls they are the same as re4 at least capcom let us try the demo which is free if there was no demo I could understand people moaning about wasting there money on the full game.

If they reboot the series I hope keep the same characters it would not the same without wesker.
Posted by Picnic12
It's funny how when Resident Evil 4 came out 9/10 of people (no exaggeration in my experience) felt that Resident Evil 4 was head and shoulders better than the other Resident Evil games, mainly due to its action rather than its slower pre-rendered scenes. Relatively few erred any caution.

Now that Resident Evil 4's control system remains part of Resident Evil 5, reactions are quite often splitting between those wanting far more control and those wanting the control to match the environment- in other words to return to the more deliberate, considered Resident Evil games.

Personally I've always felt that Resident Evil 4 was an often odd and not always rich experience, particularly given the amount of 9/10 + scores. Right at the start you can't shoot the glass in the car and are not allowed to go back over the bridge. I realised that, like many previous games, that increased action did not mean that the sense of freedom was significantly increased. With stone statues chasing you, monks with mounted machine guns and a trader with a West Country accent popping up in the most ludicrous places, the game has what I would call a 'creepy kitsch' feel to it- and not in an ironic B-movie way- that the classy Cube remake never had.

I do disagree with the common opinion though that the game was not scary. I found the chainsaw wielding maniacs, the boss Vertugo in the enclosed basement area, the maze of dogs and the creatures in the sewers, amongst other scenes, very scary. But these were like throw backs in terms of atmosphere to the pre-rendered days. When the game was more open plan it wasn't as scary.

I suppose that Resident Evil 4 is Devil May Cry showboating meets survival horror. I just didn't feel emotionally attached to the floppy haired David Bowie/David Beckham hybrid Leon.

But perhaps the biggest issue is that I thought that the Resident Evil remake looked better. The remake's character models and expressions were subtle and affecting and the detail in each pre-rendered room was beautiful. It will not age anywhere nearly as quickly as Resident Evil 4. In fact, I would say that the remake has timelessly great visuals. Resident Evil 4's locations do not inspire the same sense of mystery in my opinion.

Resident Evil 4 is part Texas Chainsaw Massacre, part Hollywood film and almost entirely without puzzles. Later games such as Uncharted: Drake's Fortune and Bioshock have finally shown many people its deficiencies in a way that a classic like Metroid Prime will never suffer.

I know that it continues to remain a 10/10 experience for many people, and good luck to them, but it's a very different kettle of fish from the pinnacle of the series, in my opinion, the Cube Resident Evil remake. I wouldn't give Resident Evil 4 more than 8/10 overall and parts felt like 6/10.
Posted by robbie111222
I must admit im a little disappointed with resi 5, graphically amazing, but lacks that special something we all love in games, resi 4 was outstanding, and for me re-defined. And even from the demo of the latest instalment its resi 4 set in a different location, and whats with enemy's bubbling after they die, makes it feel to arcadey.

Well they should of let Mikami lead this project, the guys a legend and would of made this the game we all loved and expected, I will enjoy all 8 hours of the story( :cry: ), and the great looking boss fights, after that il go back to resi 4 with open arms.
Posted by T12AV15
I dont think co-op takes away the fear as resi 4 wasnt "scary" i just think co-op is a massive cop out by capcom to try and appeal to a wider audience rather than considering what their die hard fans wanted, resi has always been an immersive gaming solo experience, not a game to listen to your m8 swear and cus every 2 mins whilst he head shots zombies.

Great idea to take resi back to its roots. Slow it down make it atmospheric give us puzzles, hell even leave the control system in place as long as it goes back to its roots. I still think another game in the mansion, perhaps with barry having to go back a few days after the original events to show S.T.A.R.S members around the mansion and see if there is ote they can dig up.

Hell even just going back to the begining and remaking each game for the next few years would be brilliant, id kill to see resi 1,2,3 and code veronica remade, it would be so epic.....its done in the movies....superman, batman....why not with video games.
Posted by feeg86
Wow that really puts out the right message for people wanting to buy the game.

"I think Resident Evil 5 doesn't need to change the series..."

That then means, the games alright, but abit of a stinker from 5 years ago, nothing like what we WANTED to do and we'll milk as much out of a Resident evil 4 clone.

I was abit sceptical about getting the game but thats really put me off now.

Well done Capcom.
Posted by feeg86
Not only that, where else can they go with the storyline? I think its getting abit streched now.
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