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The Last Remnant

Get ready for the grind of your life...
The problem is that once you've raised the bar so very high for yourself, in a genre where you're widely regarded as King of Kings, any little slip up feels like a slap in the face for your fans. The irony for The Last Remnant is that it was supposed to be the JRPG which was to bridge the gap between East and West - an RPG that could be enjoyed equally by both Japanese and Westerners.

The truth couldn't be more different. Remnant is far from Square's best. Environments and towns lack detail and, crucially, any feeling of vibrancy and life. There's something very sterile, almost low-rent about the world's atmosphere. Where Final Fantasy XII took steps forward, The Last Remnant takes a running jump backward, with dungeon design that's woefully bland and characters that lack any sign of charm and boast some horribly awkward animation for even the most basic of movements.

Characters walk as though some of their most important muscles have been paralysed, and in one case, Rush, the game's lead, delivers hilariously misjudged pelvic thrusts in a cut-scene that had tears streaming down our faces. It's fair to say that the opening hour - usually something Square manages to nail perfectly - is more than a little lacking in quality and spectacle. It's really a crying shame, because underneath the game's immediate flaws lies a very solid, very challenging strategy role-playing game.

For everything that Last Remnant does hopelessly wrong, there's plenty more that it does right. For starters it has completely, impressively stream-lined many of the aspects you'd find in traditional RPGs. You don't really level up for one - or rather you do, but you don't notice it. No tediously watching your EXP count rise to numerical targets for example; instead, you just get the odd reminder from time to time that your units are getting stronger.

Laborious journeys have been pretty much completely cut out of the game too thanks to map menus which take you immediately to where you want to go and, thanks to the sheer amount of characters you'll be recruiting to your cause, the game looks after their development too - equipping them and improving their weapons automatically. The only say you have in their overall development is what to focus on in their training (combat or magic) and, by selecting key skills during combat itself, those skills and techniques level up of their own accord.

Oddly, despite concealing the barrage of stats usually associated with RPG's, the whole carrot and stick mentality that drives you on is much, much stronger. With so many areas characters can develop, every battle usually ends with something or other being improved, whether it's an HP boost, increased strength or some new ability under your belt.

Ah yes, the battles. With overworld exploration cut to a minimum, and meaningful character interaction stripped down to short dialogue skits and lengthier cut-scenes, the bulk of the action takes place on the battlefield - a place where the game will live or die in the eyes of anyone who's invested in it. It's an... unusual system, putting an emphasis on tinkering with formations, selecting your team's leaders and grunts and stabbing buttons for the occasional tiresome QTE to maximise hit damage. The learning curve is a little steep - requiring plenty of trial and error and humiliating defeats, but once you've 'got it' it's hugely rewarding.

Will many people have the patience for it? Doubtful. The amount of grinding required to survive is high, and the hours you need to put in before the battles start to show their true tactical colours will be a little too much for most people to bear. If you've got the stomach for it, jump right in - there's every chance you'll love it. But don't say we didn't warn you...

Xbox World 360 Magazine
// Overview
A massive RPG, which could break the will of all but the most dedicated of fans.
  Smart battle system
  Grinding for the long haul
  Not the prettiest of RPG's
// Interactive
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Posted by Dajmin
And not a single mention of the crap voice acting!
Maybe that's to be expected from SE translations these days. How sad.

Yet another JRPG that completely fails to make my watch list, let alone my must-buy list.
bought it. loved what i've played so far. Its not a JRPG without dodgey voice acting. and trial and error fights.

They forgot to mention the story itself is pretty damn good. usual good vs evil stuff.

The battle mechanics are top notch, as opposed to FFXII's bad WOW inspired combat.

Its not for fps drones but thats because its an RPG. if you have a brain and a little patience you'll love it. If you cvan only stand short stints of instant gratification then this game is not for you.
Posted by blagger
Very tempted to get this despite the middling reviews.
I loved Lost Odyssey and that got similar scores, so i'll give this a try i think.
As long as it has good music i don't mind too much about speech acting.
Posted by Railgun_Sniper
Sounds like a waste of time.
Posted by dremorack
For once I totally disagree with one of your reviews.

I thought this game was brilliant. I've played it through and completed the story, and i have to say the story was really well done, the battle system (whilst with a steep learning curve) worked really well and I completed the game having done no 'grinding' you mention at all.

I think if this was anyone other than square-enix the game would have received a higher score. You need to review the game on its own merit, not what the games creators have done before.
Posted by Liam 05
Ok, I'm only interested in replies from fans of the genre here - but being a huge fan of Lost Odyssey, is Last Remnant worth a go? Take into account that I only have a 20gb hard drive and will be unable to istall the game for shorter load times etc.

I'm sure I would enjoy it, but is it likely to be a dissapoinment if I come in expecting another Lost Odyssey?
Posted by Mark240473
If you enjoyed Lost Odyssey then I am pretty sure you could close your eyes, pick up any JRPG and enjoy it.
Posted by MrPirtniw
I preffered Lost Odyssey myself... until the god awful kiddy characters ruined it that is.
Remnant is alright- it's very... square enix-y- i feel their character designs are a bit bland (have been seen FF8 to be honest).

I've put several hours into it and have just managed to expand my 'army' with soldiers. Now I'm roaming around the most bland looking castle ever killing the same 2 types of monsters with the same 2 attacks! Hmmm...

Strange that the Japanese are so technologically advanced in everything except RPG's. Mass Effect and Fable 2 are the pinnacles of (console) RPG's for me.
Posted by B0MBJ4CK
As a gamer who wants to dive into JRPGS, what would you guys advise as being the best one on the 360?
I'm tempted by Lost Odyssey over the overs available, but any advice?
Posted by discostoo
Its not bad, its just not great.

Use it as a stop gap until FF13. Like the review said, it is quite bland, and lacking in unique ideas and originality. I actually think SE are using this as a pre-cursor to FF13. The response has been lukewarm from Japan and Europe to say the least.

When you compare this to Dark Chronicle, Chrono Trigger and Star Ocean it pales. If you find this on the cheap somewhere i can recommend it.

I believe the venacular is ...."meh".
Posted by Suivatam109PS3
Lost Odyssey picks up once you hit disk 2, the first is exceptionally laborious and spends a bit too long setting the scene.

Eternal Sonata was decent enough, probably dirt cheap now as well.

Enchanted Arms... avoid like the plague, garbage.
I'd go for Lost odyssey. Its a little slow to get going, but once it does you'll be hooked.

Its a great game and i've seen it in some places for as little as £10.

Blue Dragon is good if you liked Dragon Quest or Old school anime but i would reccomend it otherwise.

Infinite undiscovery was ok. great story but can be a little frustrating at times.

Personally i'd start with Lost Odyssey. If you ever played any of the old FF (pre 7) and liked em then you'll love it.
Posted by B0MBJ4CK
Cheers chaps! Lost Odyssey it is. Something take me through those long winter nights!
Posted by chainsawgerbil
just picked up last remnant in gamestation for £20 gonna play it after i finish valkria chronicles
Posted by Asaron
Lost Odyssey was fantastic as JRPGs go, the best I've played since FFVII. I'm not generally a big fan of the genre these days, but that one gets to stay in my collection.
Posted by CrippledHooba
Dont mind grinding in mmos to level up because thats the whole point of it. However cant stand it in single player rpg's, thats what put me off FFXII. I just wanna play through the damn story!
Posted by berelain
Im actually really enjoying it. Much like Infinite Undiscovery, the first couple of hours are tedious and frustrating in equal measure, but once you get past that Last Remnant becomes something of a joy. I've never had so much fun with a battle system, even though it can be obtuse and confusing, and whilst the characters aren't that detailed there are so damn many of them that its not a huge issue.

My take: Its not as good as Lost Odyssey, which remains the highlight of the genre for me, but its a great way to pass the time, and every bit on par with most other half decent JRPGs out there.
Posted by lonewolf2002
Yes it is worth playing ignore Sony boy :roll: (someone said a bad thing about the PS3 today and it was Square Enix), the battle mechanics are a little odd (although I am only about 6 hours in). So far pretty good reminds me of Lost Odyssey with the way you travel around world map (warping rather than walking).

Some of the graphics are nice I also only have 20GB HDD (damn your restrictive hardware policy MSoft) and that has my Fable 2 install on it. The slowdown and texture pop in looks to me like a caching issue which while very occasionally is annoying overall it does not ruin the enjoyment of this title.

The voice acting is way above any of the JRPG's released for the 360 so far (still not award material but bloody good imo). Also Game are selling this in store for 20 notes at the moment which in my opinion is a veritable bargain.

Bearing in mind that what I have written is based on only 6 hours with the game. :D 8)
as i previously said if your lucky enough to have the spare space to install it it does speed things up a bit. Also i think it negates having to swap discs if you install both. I managed to start the game from the beginning useing disc 2 and it hasn't asked me to swap yet.

Even though the beginning is a little confusing,if you give it a little time and patience then it really does become a treat to play.

Its cool to see that the old square enix of a sence hasn't lost thier touch with Lost Oddysey and Blue Dragon. I find it odd that the guys that created final fantasy and Dragon quest now have to disguise what would of been bonifide sequels to both if they hadn't of left.
Posted by potnoodle1
Question: Are we forced to have the English voices or is there a Japanese option as well? Not that it really matter I suppose, I'll be getting this either way, but I prefer the Japanese option.
Posted by lonewolf2002
I personaly have not found a Japanese voice option then again I havent looked too hard, but I am sure its english only(dont remember seeing any language options in settings).
Posted by Mark240473

Haha. A bag of shite is a bag of shite, no matter what console it lives on! Valkyrie Chronicles is a better game 'if' you own a PS3. If you don't, then Fable 2 is the best RPG on the market right now and has the benefit of not being a tedious Japanese trawl.

How's that for a Sony boy?
Posted by lonewolf2002

No you/others think it's a bag shite I/others don't dont end of. Yes the glaring techinal faults (SE need to take some lessons as other games with better graphics do not have these). Also after your tantrum after SE said the PS3 is harder to develop for you then lay into the 360 for no reason across 3 different topics I do believe, a good mature response from a 30 year old.

Alas your posts are so Sony biased you have only yourself to blame for the labels.

Valkyrie Chronicles is not my sort of RPG thanks, and alas (I wanted it to be good) WKC is getting average reviews maybe just goes to show that JRPG's are not everyones cup of tea.

And for a Sony fanboy thats the sort of post I expect tbh. Good day.

EDIT: Oh and I forgot to add the part about CVG being biased towards the 360 :roll:

EDIT 2: I do like Fable 2 but thats not without its issues now is it it has slowdown, plus in my case it f'ed up my disc of it with big grinds on the disc (the only game of mine to suffer with this). I had to swap the disc and then wait until the patch so I could install the bloody thing. Also lets not forget the other 1,000 bugs in it where people couldnt finish the game etc. At least so far LR has not had these issues.
Posted by dookiephonic
Get ready for the grind of your life...

I beg to differ CVG, you haven't met my gf have you?
Posted by lonewolf2002
I have :twisted:
Posted by dookiephonic
Lucky man *high five*
Posted by lonewolf2002
:lol: 8) unfortunately if you met mine you wouldn't be so lucky :cry:
Posted by lonewolf2002
Now if this is just me or not (or if this has been said elsewhere which I dont know) but when I unplugged the network cable from my 360 the slowdown and texture pop in whilst still there are very minimal.

Anyone confirm deny this?
Might be in your head but it would make a little sense since your 360 would no longer be buggering about with live in the background so much.

If we're going to wax lyrical about the best RPGs of this gen than surely Fallout3 wins hands down.

Fable 2s a great game but i think calling it an RPG is a bit of a stretch, by that token so is Zelda and any other adventure game with a tiny amount of character progression.

As far as the current crop of JRPGs go Last Remanant isn't a bad example of the genre and the battle system and not having to worry about HP from battle to battle are a refreshing change.

But in my opinion Lost odyssey is definately the best of the bunch (JRPGs) this gen.
Posted by lonewolf2002
Absolutely. Fable 2 I class as an action rpg although the same sort of goes for Fallout 3 as both do not go to battle screens.

Fallout 3 GOTY.
Posted by lonewolf2002
lol and I forgot that yes maybe the code they are usng to talk to live isnt good maybe a patch will fix this(assuming it is not in my head).
Posted by evileyecheese
Best RPG ive played since skies of arcadia
yes its a little confusing for the first hour. but the story is solid and some of the charcter design is ok, and i am enjoying it much more than lost odyssey.
final fantasy is garbage in my eyes but this I like !
Posted by lonewolf2002
I'm not a big fan of the new automated combat system myself (Why the AI would think I need a fully healed up union healed by another union instead of the union on 200 HP(and yes it ended in death) I never know). Otherwise a bloody decent RPG ruined by SE trying to westernise it (in my opinion).
Posted by evileyecheese
i suppose its the easiest propper rpg ive played since panzer dragoon saga and the battle system isnt as tactical as it appears to be. yes its dumbed down but its got a certain ammount of style. this review is a bit confused though it brings nothing new to the table tbh. its just a JRPG dumbed down for us thick lazy westerners but i still like it even though its poking fun at me
Posted by lonewolf2002

Quite what I expect, seeing as according to your gamercard stats you havent played Last Remnant how are you qualified to say it's shite?
Posted by evileyecheese
next time square make an rpg without magic because magic is gay!

swords, death and skulls
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