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EA Confirms Dead Space Wii

Regrets being caught out by Wii's success...
EA in the past has expressed regret that it was caught flat-footed by the success of the Nintendo Wii, but the efforts to get caught up on the platform will soon emerge with the release of more core titles.

EA CEO John Riccitiello said that his company will be bringing games based on mass market Hasbro and Sims properties to the Wii, but also core properties that "have legs," such as a certain horror title that released in 2008.

"A good example of this is Dead Space," he said. "We're bringing a Wii title to market this year, and it absolutely has the quality and fear factor that you got on the PS3 and Xbox 360 and PC last year."

He also said marketing efforts revolving exclusively around Wii games would increase.

Rumors of a Wii version of Dead Space emerged last year, but today's EA earnings call is the first time a clear confirmation has been issued.

Article supplied by Edge-Online

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sweet, if it handles as well as as resi 4 did, them we're definately on to a winner.

Hearing that Ea want to bring more core games to the system is also good news. Think we are going to be seeing a lot more core games for the wii this year. Its already shaping up to be a good year to be a wii owener.

Wonder if they'll make a version of Mirrors Edge for it? Star wars battlefront would be good too.
Posted by _Marty_
Is this gonna be to Dead Space what Resi 4 on the Wii was to Resi 4?

Frankly, I don't see it. There was a LOT of technical polish in Dead Space, and it's something I'm not convinced the Wii can handle. Hope they manage it though, this game is more than welcome on it.
Posted by J1GSAW
indeed, really dont see this working on the Wii, resident evil 4 is a gamecube/ps2 game, deadspace relys on its visuals alot when it comes to scares.
Posted by khr0nik
I agree with Marty an J1GSAW, I doubt this will run very well on the wii.

It'll be like Dead Space Lite if anything. Still, heres hoping its good.
Posted by ginsin
That's great news for Wii owners. I've gone through the 360 version a few times now, and Dead Space was definitely my GotY. If they can keep the atmosphere intact, and get the controls down, then it should be a great port!
Posted by Osiris25
Although there is no definite insight into the spec's of the Wii the general feeling in the industry is that it about touch more powerful than the original xbox. If that is the case then there is no reason why it couldn't have a decent version of Dead space or many other games for that matter. For example look at Farcry on the Xbox and that had amazing visuals and performance and was proberly the best looking game of the last generation of consoles. So if EA and others actually tap into the Wii's power limited as it may be then we could finally see what it can do. Otherwise we're stuck with crappy PS2 port and reused engines hence the poor visuals so far
Graphically I don't see it happening. Although if Mario Galaxy is anything to go by it could still be a very attractive game in its own right.

I think its the controls that are really going to sell this game. and set it apart from the already superb 360,PS3 and PC versions.

Its not going to take much thought really. turn the wiimote sideways to change the angle of your plasma cutter. shake to break the necromorphs hold on you. If they make it subtle yet effective it'll work like a charm.
Posted by ginsin
Of course graphically it's not going to happen, that's not the point. :roll:

If they can still keep the atmosphere regardless, then it'll be a good port.
Posted by milky_joe
If they put effort into in and try and get the best out of the console, then this could work pretty well.

If they take the lazy option (and this is EA we are talking about), then it probably won't...
Posted by svensk101
Good news, this and Fallout 3 were the games from the PS3/360 that appealed to me from last year. I hope they don't try and emulate the 360/PS3 visuals, though, as it tends to go pear-shaped when that happens. World at War is a good exception I suppose.

To be honest, I still love the look and feel of the original Resident Evil on GC and the Silent Hill games on PS2 so as long as they don't balls it up like AITD it shoud be fine. And I still think those games, along with Project Zero, are the best horror type games.
Posted by JuiKuen
Hmm, that's nice of them but I think if I do ever get this, it'll be on the 360. It should be cheap by the time I get around to buying in anyway.

Is this also to do with http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/riccitiello-well-rival-nintendo-on-its-own-platform as well? At least I can now see EA doing that (though not to Nintendo's standards really) much better than UbiSoft have. Ubi have released nothing but tat on the Wii and could never rival Nintendo's games. Even their 360/PS3 games I find uninteresting
Posted by J1GSAW
graphics were the main reason for deadspace's atmosphere. the Wii version will mangel it with low res texutures, flat lighting,inferior character models and less polish all around.

but im sure there'll be some nice shake the remote to break free from creature moments :roll:
Posted by ginsin
They may go down the same route as Resident Evil 4, which still holds up today with its visuals. Or course they could do a shoddy job at the port, in which case the atmosphere will be lost. We'll just have to wait and see...
Posted by Cernunnos
i really dont see this working at all. when comparing wii's hardware with pre-gen consoles, it falls short of the original xbox's specs. sure; software and programing has increased, making it easier to do eqally good or better, with less. but dead space relied very heavily on visuals.

and the wiimote is crap as far as i am concerned (though my interrest is piqued as far as motion-plus goes) so i really dont see it selling based on gameplay.
sorry bud but the wii is actually al ittle bit more powerful than an original xbox and it has already been shown that it is more than capable of creating some bloody good visuals. If they get the style of the game right it won't matter if it doesn't have all the bells and whistles that the 360 and the ps3.

Silent Hill on the psone still ranks as one of the most terrifiing games ever made in my opinion even though now the graphics are quite dated it still gives me the creeps.

THeres more to gaming than graphics. Something alot of people on this site need to rmember me thinks.

Any hoo just saw another article about this on another site that also says that Mass Effect 2 is going muliti platform and they're working on a sequel to Bad company. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/

Oh Happy day.
Posted by leefear1
Well the Gamecube was quite close to the original xbox in terms of power and the wii is something in the region of 2.5 times the power. I would say this makes it more powerful than the original xbox! I do admit though that many of the games have not shown this power. However Mario Galaxy, Metroid etc have shown how to do it properly. Also the Wiimote is not crap it has just been badly and lazily implemented. If you look at Zack and Wiki, RE4+, Galaxy and Metroid and World of goo you will see how great the wiimote can be as a control method (however motion plus will make it even better).
Posted by leefear1
I agree, The original Silent Hill is probably the most scary game I have ever played. As the graphics got better the series seemed to loose the scare factor. I also prefered the game mechanic in the first one (light and dark worlds connected with portals).

Gameplay is everything.
Posted by ste hicky
i'll leave the 'wii can/can't run it' thing to others on here. we'll see when it releases.

i've moaned like a complete tw@t at the 3rd party support for wii for over 2 years now so it's only fair that i say kudos to ea.

now let's see if the rumours of modern warfare 2- wii edition are real.
Posted by kimoak
I am sure the port to the Wii will be fine. The game is not exactly brimming with colour. If Resi 4 is anything to go by, if they do it right, it will look just fine. It's about creating the atmosphere in the game, not how spiffy the graphics are. I don't see them when a stonkingly horrifying biomorph is trying to jump down my throat and rearrange my internal organs.
Posted by J1GSAW
think thats mostly nostalgia talkin there. Ive got the original silent hill still and it's not scary at all anymore somewhat down to the very poor graphics, also silent hills scares and atmosphere have always been heavily reliant on the soundtrack.
Posted by almanac2015
Although I'm fine with the Wii having Dead Space (don't have the game myself) the wording scares me a little. That EA have regret getting caught out by the Wii's success...
EA have became really good in the last few months, they're no longer a joke and have some really nice games. I just hope this can continue over to the Wii, and the focus on Nintendo won't affect the quality of other games on other platforms.

Who knows, with the way EA has been going recently it could do the Wii a favour and release some really good games.
Posted by ricflair
Of course it won't work. There were never any scary or atmospheric games before we had the muscle of the 360/PS3, were there? Graphics whores!!!

The motion control won't add much to this game, however the pointer will. As I must've sid a million times, I'll take that over HD graphics pretty much every time. I preferred RE4 on the wii to the RE5 demo on my 360.

I think EA are just repeating what they said about a year or so ago, when they first stated they had been caught out by it's popularity.
Posted by leefear1
The RE4+ controls are so good I will really miss them on RE5 (it will be like stepping back a generation). I do hope we see more games like this on the Wii as the controls are brilliant.
Posted by Mappman
How is releasing a lower spec port of an existing game going to draw people away from their PC, 360 or PS3? If this is your kind of game you probably already own a console or PC that's flooded with this sort of stuff.

For me at least, there needs to be more than one or two "gap in the market" releases like RE4 and Dead Space to put the Wii in the core console bracket.

Anyway my opinions aside, the big question is: Why has it taken so long for one of the biggest publishers in world to notice such a glaringly obvious opportunity to cash in on the "hardcore" gamers favourite company?! An opportunity which arguably - given Nintendo's previous position with the N64 and Gamecube - was the most obvious.

But then that's just it isn't it? EA had completely written Nintendo off in the home console market and so the only reason they've managed to claw back any profit from their success is by the happy coincidence that the Wii's main demographic don't give two hoots for production values.

One can only presume that the over-saturated party and sim genres aren't quite as profitable as EA thought and so they've finally turned their attention to the games buying public; us lot. Don't think for a second that EA are doing anything for our benefit!
Posted by WiiFuelee
Why is it that everyone has a good whinge about the Wii not having any good core games and then when one is announced people cant stop saying negative things about it?

The games not even out and who said thats its going to be a direct port? Your a complete tool if you think thats the case and thats its going to be nothing but an inferior version of last years game.
Posted by seancuk23
Could the tide be turning on the casual phenomenon? I doubt it but this is a good start, the Wii is capable of some wondrous things, I hate the way things turned out last year perhaps this is the year that third parties finally take the platform more seriously. I just hope its not too late and the core have not abandoned the console just yet.
Posted by Dragonahcas
Lets hope they dont have a crappy waggle control gimmick added. That would just ruin the game.

"Waggle controller to get rid of the enemy trying to eat your face"

If they steer away from gimmicky controls like that we could have a winner.
Posted by YCshinobi
@ Dragonahcas, While I'd rather it not to have waggle sections, I don't think it would ruin the game if it did, it didn't ruin RE4.
Posted by Sinthetic
to be fair, yeh it may not be graphically incredible, saying that look at the conduit, that is slick as hell. they may choose to give it a very distinct graphic/art style to compensate.

the pro's would be that the controller would add immersion, for example, the speaker on the wii remote could heighten the noises/give feedback to your health status/fatigue/necromorph awareness and so on. even for weapons, you could push forward on your controller to make your flamethrower's spray further etc...

the IR would be perfect for selecting from the inventory (minority report style)... also once you have been grabbed by the necromorphs you may actually shake the controller to get them off you. perhaps even little touches like when in zero g, you could hold the remote slightly differently and when you go into zero g, the sound purely comes through the speaker! sounds class right? lastly if they chose to include those asteroid shooting sections, the remote would surely be optimal for balancing annoyances regarding that on the ps/360 versions.

finally, who knows, they may have a very different story arc, it may touch on the origins (downfall style).

either way i'm dead excited (pun intended) ... dead space is my ultimate fave game and i literally throttled it and got every thing out of it and its story through the comics, movies and web episodes. it is a completely incredible world and has amazing potential for growth and expansion. the wii may just add a little something special to it.
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