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M.C. Rut Interview

middle class rut, mc rut, spanking new music, 2009,

If you’re a fan of US punk rock then this is the band to vote for in our Spanking New for 09 poll…

Californian rockers Middle Class Rut (shortened to M.C. Rut) are Zack Lopez and Sean Stockham.

Given that there are only two of them they certainly make a lot of noise. We spoke to Zack to find out more…

MTV: When did you meet and form?

ZACK: We formed just three years ago in 2006. Sean and I have known each other for about 15 years. Every band we’ve been in- we’ve been in together. The name of the band may be different but that’s the only thing.

What music influences your sound?

We were influenced by all the stuff in the 90s and all the Sub-Pop stuff. Singer-songwriter stuff and Queens Of The Stone Age type stoner rock. Sean is big into Radiohead too but we haven’t been influenced by anything that is too new.

What are your songs about?

I think lyrically it’s all pretty straightforward. It’s easy to make out what I’m saying. It’s about whatever we are going through at that time. It’s a timeline of what we happen to be up to.

Have you decided on what will be your first proper single?

We haven’t fully figured it out. We have so many songs right now! I think Busy B and Blonde is a good representation of what we do. That’s a song that we wanted as many people as possible to hear.

How much of your new album is recorded?

We have enough material to make a couple of albums. We probably have 10 songs written that we will record once we get back from touring. We have no idea at the moment which songs will make the record.

Have you been over to the UK yet?

We came over in November for a few weeks and stayed around London. The tour coming up will be our first proper touring experience in Europe. We’ve been waiting a long time to come over play to big crowds.

How does it feel to have a buzz about the band? Is there pressure

I don’t think we feel any pressure at all. Everything we do is organic and we have control over everything that comes out- so when anyone embraces us it’s great. Its exciting to have the exposure. We are looking forward to more people finding out about us.

What are your goals for the coming twelve months?

We are just trying to establish ourselves so we can headline our own tours. We are really good at adapting to whatever shows we are on. We feel like we can do our job real well.

