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MTV TWO's New Specialist Music Slots!

Specialist slots MTV TWO

MTV TWO - Fresher than your mouthy kid sister...

MTV TWO likes to keep things fresh, fresh exciting... and so we've been toiling long and hard to improve your life with the very finest of shiny new specialist slots.

Every day we promise to bring you a shimmering slice of wonderful televisual programming - check them out at midnight Monday to Thursday.


MTV TWO Pioneers:

An hour of the most influential artists featuring cult classics, proper legends & the finest quality new releases...

Mondays from midnight


Headbangers Ball:

Presented by a revolving line up of the some of the finest current hard rock talent, the Headbangers Ball has the heaviest metal noise around...

Tuesdays from midnight


The Riot:

Presented by the biggest names in the scene, The Riot brings you the best in alternative rock in all its forms...

Wednesdays from midnight


DIY Disco:

Covering the best in electro, nu rave and danceable indie, you no longer need to leave the house for a cracking alternative disco...

Thursdays from midnight