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8th & Ocean | Episode Breakdown

The Hills, hogan knows best, my super sweet 16, engaged and underage, the real world

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From their home in the heart of Miami's hot South Beach, ten beautiful people try to make their way in the cut-throat world of professional modeling...

Fading stars, naïve newbies and the party boys looking for love, 8th & Ocean shows you the work behind the glossy spreads, and the human drama that lives behind those pearly white smiles.

WARNING: Contains Spoilers

Episode 1- Sibling Rivalry

If Sabrina wants to get out of her identical twin sister's shadow then she needs to put a bit of punch in her pout...


Episode 2- Model Misbehavior

Latino lover-boy Vinci is out working his charms all night, and therefore misses his casting, and the agency isn't very impressed...


Episode 3- Skin Deep

Things are hotting up between Britt and Teddy; while Sabrina has to face a few harsh truths, and she doesn't seem to like it...


Episode 4- Just Another Girl

Tracie is afraid she looks too old to get work and Britt wonders if Teddy really is the man she thought he was...


Episode 5- Quarter Life Crisis

Kelly thinks she might need a boob-job, leaving twin sister Sabrina upset that they'll no longer be a matching pair...


Episode 6- She Wears It Well

When Sabrina outshines Kelly on a shoot everyone's impressed - the agency are thrilled apart from Kelly of course...


Episode 7- What Goes Around Comes Around

Though Teddy thinks things are going fine, Heidi's not sure he's the one she wants to be cuddling up to...


Episode 8- Mixed Messages

Kelly conveniently forgets to tell Sabrina about an important casting and when she finds out the claws come out...


Episode 9- Over Exposed

Britt is uncomfortable with the costume she has to wear on a swimsuit shoot. Is it the swimsuit or perhaps the lack of it?!


Episode 10- A Kiss Goodbye

There are more tensions in twin town when Kelly and Sabrina have a big fight after an important shoot...