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Left 4 Dead

You've got red on you
Just go on without me!" I shout. I'm pinned to the ground, a swarm of infected stamping on me. I fire blindly into the crowd, trying to help another survivor who's being tongued to death. A stray bullet severs the lengthy, constricting tongue and he runs for the safe house. Someone is in there already, waiting by the door. Norman, I think. Just like him to get away. As I'm overwhelmed the safe house door is closed. BLAMMO, BANG. "DIE YOU ZOMBIE BASTARDS!" Level over.

Yes, I said "level". For a moment there I was in an '80s action movie, sacrificing my life so that others could live. Left 4 Dead does that to you. It's an entirely new way of playing games with friends. You and up to three others battle through one of four movie-inspired apocalyptic backdrops, trying to reach safety, and that generates war stories like nothing else I've played. With four players working together against the overwhelming odds, plans are born out of desperation, some meagre supplies and a lot of luck.

My companions for my Left 4 Dead review were Norman Chan, Dan Stapleton and Evan Lahti of PC Gamer US. Which is handy, because at the start of every level there are always four of you. You can choose a biker, a pretty girl, an office worker or an old man. It makes no difference as they're all created equal and only there to differentiate between you and the zombies. The weapon choice is meagre: you get a pistol, a healthpack and either a shotgun, a rifle or an automatic weapon.

Along the way you'll find a few pick-ups, such as Molotov cocktails or pipe-bombs, as well as such environmental weapons as gas canisters and petrol tanks. You can play on your own, with three AI team-mates, but I'd suggest you seek out companionship. Even having one other human there makes all the difference, and with a full complement of friends L4D is absolutely extraordinary.

It's knowing you can scream for help and someone will come running that makes this game so compelling. Co-operative play is not just about having people on the same server: it's about sticking together and maintaining communication.

How many games have you played where a jittery group of four people are creeping through a hospital, reporting cleared rooms, checking on each other's state of health and ammo counts, the front two duck-walking so the two behind can fire over their heads? If someone falls behind, the team slows down. If someone gets too far ahead, you beg them to be more careful. In L4D your strength relies on the person beside you. You need to be able to call on that person at any time.

All this takes place in a world of perpetual night, so in debt to cinema clichés that the levels load with faux movie posters and the end credits point out how many zombies were "harmed in this production". The four missions take from between one and two hours each to complete, depending on the difficulty mode. You fight through a hospital, a forest, an airport and farmland. You hide in shacks, traipse through sewers, scurry over rooftops, shoot up offices and make dramatic last stands.

The backstory is told through graffiti on the walls: warnings from the people who went ahead of you, messages to loved ones, zombie death counts, conspiracy theories. Aside from an incredible opening movie, Valve use the techniques used in Portal and Half-Life 2, where the scribbling on a wall leaves you with an uneasy feeling about what's gone before. The settings are often mundane locations, but covered with blood, full of corpses and replete with dark corners for bosses and zombies to spawn in.

In your way are the infected, people from all walks of life now insanely enraged at the sight of you. In the hospital they're in backless gowns, at the airport some wear fluorescent jackets. There are camouflaged army infected, policemen, mums and office workers. They're scattered around the levels, depressed, slumped, leaning forehead-first against walls, crying, vomiting.

In isolation they're easy and plentiful targets, popping after a few bullets. One player can easily take down a group of five or six just by spraying them with an automatic rifle. But that's not the point. The infected will come at you in waves. You get no warning of this, unless you accidentally made too much noise or were hit by one of the boss monsters' special attacks. No, there's just a sudden sound cue and these seemingly easy targets swarm. Nothing stops them. If you've climbed on top of a bus, they'll scramble up the sides. They'll burst through doors and walls, and they don't shamble. They sprint, faces contorted with fury, and when they hit they swipe, and grab, and kick. They surround you, a furious mob seeking to drag you down and stamp you to death.

Their vast numbers and angles of attack are what makes the challenge. The surprise element comes from Valve's AI 'director', which does a remarkable job of making these static levels endlessly challenging. In co-op mode it dictates the frequency of swarms, bosses and pick-ups.

It's watching how you play, and planning ahead, either letting up if you need a break or giving you a challenge if you're tooled up and spoiling for a fight. It even watches for panicky moments. If your team is struggling it'll ease off briefly.

If you do get overwhelmed, you have a few options. Spray bullets and hope that you kill enough foes to create room to manoeuvre. Or, right mouse is a combination of melee and push, enabling you to lash out with whatever you're holding, even med-packs (in which case you must shout at the infected "Stop healing yourself! Stop healing yourself!"). Again, the idea is to make room. If you've formed a tight-knit team, now's the time to scream and hope they're able to help. If you're not within real-life shouting distance of the people you're playing with, or if you're not in possession of a microphone, your character yells automatically and your fellow players are alerted by on-screen text. You just have to hope that your friends are paying attention.

To fight off a swarm, your team-mates might throw a pipebomb, a brilliant piece of comedy weaponry that beeps and enrages zombies. The infected will follow it like a cat chasing a piece of string - except with more stomping. There's a lot of visual and aural information in Left 4 Dead. Icons lead you to extra ammo and pick-ups, and warn against doing certain things such as setting off alarms (which will bring a horde of enemies), or angering a boss. Each player also has a glowing outline that activates when they're out of sight and makes them visible through objects, like a wallhack. You're even able to tell when someone's in trouble by the body shape or colour of their outline. And finally, bosses are accompanied by distinctive, unearthly noises to help you ready yourself before they attack. The Boomer's distressing gurgle sounds like a swamp coming to life.

All the while, the game compels you to stick together, constantly asking you to be aware of your fellow survivors' predicament. Find yourself separated from the group and you'll have to take on a boss or a swarm all by yourself. If you're knocked or pinned down you won't be able to escape without another player's help. You'd better hope the others like you enough to save your idiotic ass.

And so we come to the boss zombies: the Boomer, the Smoker, the Hunter, the Tank and the Witch. They're the real threats. The first three spawn regularly, and each has a particular attack. The Boomer tries to ambush you: his vomit attracts zombies from everywhere. The Hunter pounces, pinning you to the ground. And the Smoker snaps out its hideous tongue, tying you up, draining health or enabling other zombies to mob you. For each attack you need the help of your friends. Boomer vomit blocks your view, the Hunter can only be knocked away by another player, and if you miss your chance to kill the Smoker he holds you until you're rescued or killed.

The other two bosses are rarely seen. The Tank is a powerful, hideous mass of muscle that runs like a gorilla, lobs chunks of scenery at you and knocks survivors back with a single blow. The Witch is a crying girl, the only boss you can't control when you get to Versus mode, and the only boss you can plan to take on or carefully avoid. Startle her and she comes running, pinning you to the ground and tearing into you with astonishing strength and fury. You need friends around to take both her and the Tank down.

Our group came across a Witch near a train track. The trouble was, she was in our way. We had to startle her or we couldn't get past. Norman was carrying a petrol can, and the Witch only had one route to us. So he placed the red can between us and her, we shot her and when she came screaming and screeching, we shot the can. A mass of flame erupted and the Witch came running through it, swatting at the flames that engulfed her. We all focused fire, and she fell just few feet from us. This wasn't a cutscene, it wasn't a set-up by Valve. No level designer had planned it. She wasn't there on a subsequent playthrough. It just happened.

You can play L4D in three different ways: singleplayer, co-operative and Versus mode. Valve haven't previously said much about that final one. The truth is it's the most tense, frightening, funny dimension of Left 4 Dead. Versus mode takes the co-operative mode and adds up to four human players as the boss monsters. Each team takes turns playing each side, but it's only scored on the survivors' side. The goal is to be better survivors than the other team, with your score determined by how far you get, how much health you have and how many people survive.

It's a different game when you're up against human controlled boss monsters. They can work together as a team, complementing abilities and laying traps far more effectively than the AI. Smart monster players wait for the chaos of a swarm attack before moving in, picking your character off at the moment of absolute terror.

Bosses are great fun to play. When you begin you have free run of the map: you can run around, invisible and immaterial, the better to place your character in the optimum position before spawning. That choice makes all the difference. You can hide your Boomer behind a blind corner, then run out and startle the group, puking or exploding all over them. Smokers are great for sneaky players who want to pick survivors off just when they're needed the most.

Imagine as a survivor seeing a Hunter pounce on a friend from behind a bush: it's up to you to beat the boss away. Now think how you'd feel as your heroic moment was snatched away from you - by a long tongue grabbing you from behind just as you made your pal-saving move. I've seen a Smoker snatch a man just before he got to the safety of a chopper. And I died rescuing him.

The Tank rarely spawns, but when he does a smart player can use him to all but wipe out a team of survivors. His powerful swipe knocks people across the map, leaving them unable to help each other and vulnerable to further attacks.

The best moments derive from the evil timing a boss can use to wreak havoc. My favourite came after I'd died and was watching one of the other players via Spectator mode. He'd had to contend with a swarm and a co-ordinated boss attack, and was limping towards a safe house. He looked like he was going to make it. Then a Boomer ran out of nowhere and vomited over him. I spun the camera around and watched him run, limping, as a mass of zombies and a Hunter pounded after him. We were shouting at him, urging him on as they closed in. He made the safe house at the last moment and a player already in there slammed the door shut. The crowd of undead screeched and clawed to no avail. Man, that was close.

Even when playing as a boss monster, co-operative play is where it's at. Alone, you're susceptible to easy counter-assaults from the Survivor team. A Hunter is no match for even two people together. It needs a Smoker to grab someone, and a Boomer to puke up a swarm-summoning load.

Versus mode is the way to play this game. Singleplayer is fun, and co-op is great, but Versus mode demands you take note of how far the other team made it into the level, creating an impetus for your own run through. You accept death, if you manage to get just that little bit further. Even though a team that sticks together wins, it's worth powering though a level simply to get as far past the other team as possible. Which is just funny as hell when you manage it.

Time to pick at the loose threads. Although it makes conceptual sense that your weapon choice is slim, L4D could use a bit more choice for the survivors. Also, it occasionally frustrates when things don't go your way in Versus mode: the random apportioning of the boss classes when you play as the infected can get annoying, particularly if you're forced to play as one class you're not very good at, or you don't get to play as the Tank.

If you're not going to play at least in co-op you'll miss out on much. The AI is good, but it does feel a bit like you're leading ducklings into battle. They really can't replace the human element. But then the '4' is right there in the title, folks. Get more friends. Only the four scenarios I've mentioned will be available at launch, and of those only the hospital and farmland will be playable in Versus mode, although needless to say, Valve will be filling in the gaps with subsequent Steam updates.

But that's not the point. You'll go back and play the same map again and again anyway, because no two run-throughs of Left 4 Dead are the same. The few static elements are just there to anchor you; the AI never does the same thing in the same place. I've opened a door to a house to find a Boomer behind it, waiting. He wasn't there the second, third or fourth time I played. By turning the spawns into a dynamic event not tied to the level architecture, Valve have made an endlessly replayable game. It's got all the nail-biting high tension of a control point assault/defence of Team-Fortress 2, mixed with the tightly designed levels of Half-Life 2 and the weapons of Counter-Strike. As long as they keep introducing new missions, there's no reason why it won't be sucking on your bandwidth for years to come.

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Posted by justy_uk
Damn this makes me want it even more!! Definitely a 'must buy'... co-op sounds awesome, this is gonna rock Xbox Live!
Posted by Schtee
Bah! Ordered this from Play, so having to wait for delivery. Why was it so expensive on Steam? CRY!
Posted by _Marty_
*wipes tear*
It sounds so beautiful....
Can't WAIT to get this. Hope my pre-order arrives early.
Posted by StonecoldMC
L4D sleeper hit of the year?

Thought that was a really good review and it has just made me want the game even more.

I have one concern though, TF2 has been very well supported on the PC with DLC and Valve have said already that the 360 will be getting the same DLC just that it wont be till next year.

L4D is quite short (with great replay value) but I would love some extra missions/movies to play through, I just dont want to wait 6 months more than PC Gamers (just realised, Mogs must be getting moist at this talk, :lol: ) so come on Valve, Im going to pay for it just dont take too long, please?
Posted by _Marty_
Exactly my thought too.
This needs to be well supported for people not to tire of it quickly. My one concern over the game is that it turns out to be too short, with not enough variety.
If they release a few more weapons for survivors a month or so after its out, and then a new horde boss a month or so after that, and then a whol enew level after that, I'll be more than happy. Won't take much more than a few tweaks here and there to keep this really fresh.
Posted by freaky_seb
The demo on XBL was enough to convince me alone, this may replace my CoD4 online antics!
Posted by R063rt
played the demo, this game is amazing the demo alone made me want to buy four copies and give them to my friends
Posted by StonecoldMC
Exactly, they could have a huge hit on their hands here, the one thing they dont want to happen is that half of the purchasers trade their copy in in a months time. I have high hope that it will get supported fully though.
Posted by pishers
i doubt that, he hates everything MS so as the founders of valve are all ex-ms employees he must hate them, plus you need windows (heaven forbid) :lol:
Posted by the688

No! This is the most eagerly anticipated game of 2008, easily. Perhaps not for the 360-crowd, but who's counting them, when it comes to real gaming. Your benchmarks are Halo and GoW. Not exactly anything that makes a PC-gamer's spine tingle. (Yes, I own both 360 and Ps3, but only for casual gaming)

Valve don't make sleeper hits unless you're a complete novice gamer. Valve has been the PC-gamers best friend for over a decade, where other companies have tried to feed us crap year after year.

It's Z-day!
Posted by StonecoldMC
Well speaking as a console Gamer first and a PC Gamer never, I was looking at it from a 360 perspective.

There are a lot of good games for both the 360 and PS3 this Xmas and I was worried that Valve may have missed the boat on this one and drowned in amongst the other console big hitters. The fact that the Demo was No.5 on XBL though is brilliant considering the games that are out at the moment and that is why I think it might be a sleeper hit may have been appropriate.
Posted by The_KFD_Case
Sounds exciting, nerve wracking and fun! I've been keeping my eye on this title for months and I like what I've seen. Now comes the "however" bit: Given that the game may well lose a lot of its appeal if you can't find a few humans to play and get along with coupled with the so far small amount of levels I can easily envision this turning into a "ho hum" experience. So, with that in mind, I will wait at least several months before once more taking this title up for consideration of purchase.
Posted by RumbleThunder
The game is absolutely awesome. Set the difficulty to expert and just try to get through it with three other friends. Sometimes it's very tense, others chaotic, and you'll get some priceless moments.

In the demo level, there's a car alarm you can set off that triggers a colossal amount of them to raid you. We found a small closet and so decided to set it off for fun. We all bunkered, one of us going out to shoot the car. As soon as the alarm went off, he got raped by a smoker and we had to rescue him, all while the infected poured from every point.
We limped desperately back to the closet, and jumped over the desk, just managing to make it.

My other friend who was waiting prepared a molotov, as planned. As he warned us all of the bomb, one of us shut the door...

We all burnt to a hideous humiliated crisp.
Posted by Mogs
Ex-MS. EX. They saw the error of their ways and went on to form a company which is infinitely better. :wink:
Posted by strapp31
Ok, I just have to throw this out there....

The Metacritic score for Left 4 Dead (so far) is 89. Gears of War 2 has a 93. Not a big difference, until you read the reviews and realize that those scores should be swapped (and probably not be as close, either). GoW2 was just an example, I'm sure it goes for most recent "big" releases.

I guess sequel/hype/blockbuster status nets you a 5-10% higher score. I would hope we'd be getting honest review scores though.

Ah well, my 2 cents.
Posted by Gorgeras
Gears of War 1 and 2 is populist crap though. There are only two types of people in the world: people that posted here and populist, bandwagon-chasing wankers.

To support my point: Kane&Lynch got nominated for a Bafta. This makes K&L 'critically acclaimed'. It was meant to be populist crap but was slightly more crapper than other mediocre populist crap.
Posted by scumlander
i played the demo and though it is a much better feeling to play with friends, the magic of this game pulls complete strangers together aswell. no matter who you're with, you'll fight side by side to the death.
Posted by the688
The KFD Case,

I can assure you, that atleast on PC, (can't say for 360) this game is *very* enjoyable even with AI teammates. Sure, it *really* shines with buddies, but the AI, while it doesn't take much initiative, is actually really helpful, and I've often given one of my medkits to an AI player, simply because - more often than I'd like - every single one of them will be needed to save my own skin later on.

On the higher difficulties, this game is absolute murder, and you'll still have countless memorable warstories afterwards, even though you're "just" playing with the AI (as you are in singleplayer in every other game out there - and a few of them are still great fun, right?)

The limited number of maps (20 is still a hell of a lot more than TF2 came with, or 4 if you're counting the campaigns that still last well over an hour, is not really an issue. I've played the demo maps (just two from one campaign) 30 times, and it's frankly never the same.

You'll tire of it, and go "****, I'm doing something else!" - and then in 20 minutes, you're itching to grab the shotgun again, and get at 'em.

I completed the 3rd campaign with AI only on Advanced last night, took me 1h 35mins, and we killed 2436 zombies in the proces. Oh, and I hate when tanks wait for you in the safe-room. That's cheating!! :)
Posted by johnway
i'm still very disappointed that there are no infected children to shoot. Or would the smaller little monsters combined with the adults makes them annoying.

Come on mod developers! i want to be found shooting my way through:

A circus (cue infected animals)
A lab
A police station
a mansion
a themepark
A stadium
An onrails car ride through zombie town
chocolate factory
a casino (cue lots and lots of car alarm like moments!)
holiday resort
Posted by MrPirtniw
Does anyone know whether this can be played splitscreen co-op? Is it worth buying if you don't have LIVE? I really like the sound of the game but it'll be a bit pointless if I can't get the most out of it!
It's not graphically superb (looks good enough though) so I reckon the 360 should be able to handle it... right?
Posted by Higgerz
Just noticed that they have a black guy as one of the survivors, cos im sure it use to be a all white cast! love it when games decide to mix in some colour. RE 5 style! :lol:

Definate lan party game that im going to love!
Posted by xNick09x
Ordered the 360 version today for 30 quid on Amazon. Can't wait to get stuck into it next week.
Posted by 2H2K
Not owning this game allready, puts you way down on the "people who are mostly right" list.
Posted by nevernow
@MrPirtniw: the game does feature split-screen coop.
Posted by matthewbarr
The co-op sounds amazing, so it would be great to play with Xbox-owning mates.
Posted by fieldofpoppies
got this game a couple of days ago and havent stopped playing it since. Got a mate round and we have been playing it splitscreen on xbox live and its so fun.

The only bad thing is if the people you are playing with are either selfish (taking all the health packs) or really rubbish (cause its so annoying reviving someone 10 times in 2 minutes)

Apart from that though (which is hardly valves fault) this is threatening to be my favourite online game for 360 ahead of gow2 and cod4. just hope that the dlc doesnt come too late and that theres some good stuff in there. this game is made for dlc.

(ps. still wont take css's top spot)
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