

Don't just build the toys - play with them. Then mop up the mess

Ever wanted to make your own amusement park? Yeah, neither have we. One only has to imagine all of the red tape, legalese, investment concerns, zoning issues, contract disputes, liability claims, piles of vomit everywhere... you might be dead before you get around to designing your first attraction.

No, making a real-life amusement park isn't very cool once you get down to it, so it's probably a good thing that LucasArts is about to release Thrillville. It's a simulation in every sense of the word; you don't only design and manage the park, you get to enjoy every single ride and attraction that you create. On the other hand, your patrons will indeed barf a lot, so it's not all peaches and cream. Sometimes, it's more like chunks of peach in a soup of creamy goop.

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The Knowledge

Genre: Family
Release date: Nov 14, 2006
Published by: LucasArts
Developed by: Frontier Developments
Multiplayer Modes:
4 player VS
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Don't just build the toys - play with them. Then mop up the mess
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