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Talk to America

Talk 2 America, T2A, is the Voice of America's on-line chat discussion with prominent personalities who are making our world better.

undefinedOur Next Chat:

19 November at 1800 UTC: The Ocean Census
Ocean Census in
New Zealand

Join us at 1800 UTC, when we learn about efforts to gather data on the ocean's inhabitants and plants from a global network dedicated to this work. The Census of Marine Life includes researchers in more than 80 nations engaged in a 10-year scientific initiative to assess and explain the diversity, distribution, and abundance of life in the oceans.

undefinedOur Most Recent Chat:

12 November at 1800 UTC: Coming to the United States

NEW gloria_49
Gloria Roa Bodin
oin our next webchat with Immigration attorney and VOA favorite Gloria Roa Bodin. Gloria returns to answer your questions about coming to the United States.

Gloria has been helping immigrants in Miami, Florida for nearly 30 years. Her area of expertise includes visas for those she describes as extraordinary ability individuals, especially professionals with advanced degrees and internationally acclaimed artists.

 Transcriptarrow left


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