Beauty Before Health?

Beauty Before Health

    By Mary Kearl

    With certain hairdos causing hair loss and unsanitary nail salons spreading infections, one has to wonder, how often do we put our health on the line in the name of beauty? Here are some of the not-so-ordinary health hazards that we encounter in our everyday upkeep.

    Hair Dye Dangers

    Hair dye may be a must for your tresses, but it may also increase your risk for certain types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, a blood cancer involving the lymph nodes, according to a recent study conducted by Yale University published in the 'American Journal of Epidemiology'. The study found that women who started dyeing prior to 1980 had a 30 percent increased risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, compared with those who had never used hair dye. Among women who began using hair dye in 1980 or later, there was an increased risk only for those using dark colored dye.

    Check Your Lotion Label

    Do you use Dermabase cream, Dermovan, Eucerin Original Moisturizing Cream or Vanicream lotion? Because these four creams contain sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) and/or mineral oil, you may be increasing your odds of skin-cancer-related tumors, according to a June 2008 study published in the 'Journal of Investigative Dermatology.' These four brands of lotion were applied topically to UVB-pretreated mice -- meaning the mice had a high risk of developing tumors, comparable to humans who have had heavy exposure to sunlight early in life but develop skin cancer later in life. The study found that these creams increased the rate of formation and number of tumors in mice, compared with a control group who were treated with a lotion without mineral oil and SLS. The authors of the study note that mouse skin is much thinner and more permeable than human skin and further studies are needed to determine the effects on humans.

    Colored Contacts Aren't Just an Accessory

    Using any type of contact puts you at risk for conditions such as conjunctivitis (pink eye), corneal ulcers, corneal abrasion and vision impairment or blindness. To lower your chances of eye damage, make sure your contacts are legitimate. You must get an eye exam from a licensed eye care professional, obtain a prescription and buy the lenses from an eye care professional or a vendor that requires a prescription. Care for your contacts includes cleaning, disinfection and scheduling follow-up eye exams. "Buying contact lenses without a prescription is dangerous!" cautions the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

    Unsanitary Nail Salons

    Common manicure and pedicure health hazards, including allergic reactions, bacterial infections, candida (also known as yeast) and warts, can result from chemical exposure, unsanitary conditions and improperly attached false nails. In extreme cases unsanitary conditions can lead to gangrene, serious infectious diseases such as Hepatitis, HIV or staph infection. When used improperly, nail cosmetics can lead to nail diseases, such as paronychia, onycholysis and brittle nails, according to a 2006 study conducted by Columbia University's Department of Dermatology. Hand washing can reduce risk of infection.

    Hair Havoc

    Hair extensions have been reported to cause headaches and even traction alopecia -- a type of hair loss concentrated around the hairline and forehead. Certain hairstyles, including tight braids like corn rows and tight ponytails, can pull hair too tight and can cause this kind of hair loss. A recent study published in the 'British Journal of Dermatology' found that extensions, along with corn rows, were among hairdos associated with this kind of hair loss.

    Extractions Gone Bad

    An extraction is a facial procedure where an esthetician manually unclogs pores and removes blackheads that may involve a little less pampering and a little more pain than some other spa treatments. If done improperly or on someone with sensitive skin, extractions can cause broken capillaries and discoloration.

    Lash and Brow Dyes Spell Disaster

    "Never dye your eyebrows or eyelashes," warns the FDA. Any hair dye contact can damage your eyes and can cause blindess. For more information read the FDA's guide to hair dyes and relaxers.

    Prevent Scalp Burns

    "Any relaxer can burn your scalp if you use it the wrong way," according to the FDA. Avoid scratching your head or brushing your hair before using a relaxer. Protect your skin -- apply petroleum jelly to your scalp before applying the relaxer. While once thought to pose a breast cancer risk, the American Cancer Society (ACS) says using hair relaxers, even over a period of many years, does not appear to raise a woman's risk of breast cancer.

    Bleaching Your Skin

    Extended use of skin lightening creams can result in a condition called exogenous ochronosis, a darkened, bluish discoloration of the treated area, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD). A 2008 study of skin bleaching cream use in women in Africa found that health complications included impaired wound healing and a predisposition to infections.


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      Recent Comments

      1 - 10 of 18

      Seventheaven101 07:07:25 PM Sep 09 2008

      I have been using hair color for a long time.( dark brown) I have no history of breast cancer in my family. I went the doctor, They gave my a ultra-sound and found cancer (stage 2) in both breast. In two days, I go back to .the doctor, to find out if I am going to get chemo before surgey. or take a few treatments then surgey. It really makes me think, could it be the hair color? I hope not, I would not want anyone to go through what I am going through.

      Aralpharetta 12:14:40 PM Sep 09 2008

      Why do folks color their hair( or lack thereof ) anyway - to MASK the fact they are old???BEAUTY HEALTH = BEAUTIFUL ONE

      Hotsamman 11:54:07 AM Sep 05 2008

      Being in this Business for more than 15 Yrs. and now being an Owner of a beautiful Salon,I have learnt that Colors like Black and Darkest Brown have the contents of "Lead" more than all ohter Colors.If the Hair Colors were that bad,trust Me someone would have sued these companies long time back and people who Color their hair today would have been all grey and nasty Colors.I really dont think its Cancerious. Now a days they mention everything as Cancer!!

      Hotsamman 10:49:50 AM Sep 05 2008

      Well Color dyes do not give Cancer. Apperentely Colors like Black and Darkest Brown have the maximum amount of Lead in it. You would have to do the same amount of Color for decades every week,then You find that your skin in changing color. But in any ways its not cancer. Now a days they like to call everything Cancer!!!

      Mpireeinc 04:24:04 PM Sep 04 2008

      No disrespect Mzdrama1721 but your mom is ignorant for saying that..... WTF((shakes head))Well hope i dont get cancer for something like that but nowadays you cant do anything because everything causes cancer.But how are they saying that dyeing your hair causes cancer if they DONT KNOW what cancer is or how it is developed in your body?

      Logerfo324 12:50:01 PM Sep 04 2008

      as someone in the beauty biz for over 30 yrs (working for manufacturers) and behind the chair, there is not one proven case of anyone developing cancer from hair dye etc. this has been going on for years, just anotherr scare to upset people.

      MzDrama1721 11:18:12 AM Sep 04 2008

      my mom always made me bleach my skin because she sed dark skinned ppl r ugly....i learned to accept myself...but still she clears the bleaching shelves in the stores

      twilightgirl187 02:04:55 AM Sep 01 2008

      Makeup? Shampoo? If people lived their lives based on these ridiculous theories we'd all be crazy! All in a little bubble. EVERYTHING harms you..EVERYTHING.Lol, nail polish...I think I'm going to take my chances.

      jlainemorris 03:20:47 PM Aug 30 2008

      omg! breathing causes cancer too! and water and our houses, dogs, cats, and schools, our cars, planes, trains, and swimming pools, and the pizza place down the street. Lets just all jump off a cliff now so we dont die of cancer later!

      oneillsurferaz 05:02:40 AM Aug 30 2008

      wtf would you bleach your sking to look pretty

      1 - 10 of 18

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