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Association of the Belarusian Nobility
- ZBS -
(Zhurtavannie Belaruskaj Sliachty)

Latest Update: 10 December 2002

Postal Address:
P.O. Box 124
Minsk 74
220 074 Belarus

FEEFHS Representative (US): George Tarnowski
2050 Spring Valley Road
Landsdale, Pennsylvania 19446-5114
eMail address: GTarnow610@comcast.net

ZBS Officers: Publications: Membership:
Membership is open to individuals of noble descent whose ancestors:
  1. were nobles in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and, on the whole, in the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, irrespective of whether they were subsequently confirmed in their noble status in the Russian Empire;
  2. were nobles of the former Belarusian-Lithuanian government (gubernias) of the Russian Empire (i.e. the former Russian government of Vilnia, Kovno, Grodno, Minsk, Vitebsk and Mogilev);
  3. were nobles of Livland and Courland, in as much as these lands either entered into the composition of, or were vassals of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and thereafter the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth;
  4. were nobles of the former Smolensk government of the Russian Empire, in as much as the Smolensk lands were a constituent part of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania for a long period of time;
  5. were Russian noble families, who were not entered into the genealogical books of the Belarusian-Lithuanian government of the Russian Empire, but who, in the course of at least two generations owned estates in the indicated government;
  6. were Russian nobles whose forefathers had their origins in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania;
  7. are nobles of other countries and who permanently reside in Belarus;
  8. are foreign nobles, having a permanent connection with the Association of the Belarusian Nobility.
After submission of appropriate documentation and a one time payment of 10% of the applicant's monthly wages, an individual is accepted as an aspirant-member. After collection of all necessary documents, the Supreme Council will make a decision on the acceptance of the aspirant into full membership. A certificate is issued to full members. Upon payment of the attendant fee, there is prepared a diploma, or a depiction of the member's family coat of arms.

Genealogical Searches:
The collection of appropriate documents is incumbent upon the aspirant.
Upon appropriate application, the King of Arms will make a search for documents in the archives.

Genealogy Research (in Belarus Archives):
For further information on genealogy research in the National Historical Archives of Belarus, please contact George Tarnowski:

George Tarnowski
2050 Spring Valley Road
Landsdale, Pennsylvania 19446-5114
eMail address: tarnowg@war.wyeth.com

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