Results tagged “bobdole”

I was a journalist when I started performing comedy and pitched a profile of Jon Stewart to a people-focused magazine. It was Jon’s first year on The Daily Show, just before their Millennium special, and the night after Bob Dole first appeared as a guest. And the magazine wanted me to ask questions like “When are you getting married and how does it feel to make a lot of money?” Instead, I asked how he made people laugh not realizing it’s practically unanswerable but realizing the questions they wanted me to ask were ridiculous. Jon paused for about two minutes and said “It’s sad you’ve asked me a question I should know the answer to but don’t.” So we spent the time exploring that, and I wrote a piece entitled “ Jon Stewart: What makes people laugh,” which was killed, it never ran, and that’s the last piece I wrote for that magazine. Inside Joke came from that afternoon, and I’ve been lucky to take the stage with amazing people, all of whom happen to be comedians in one way or another. That interview with Jon is on the Inside Joke Web site too.

Did you know that Mayor Bloomberg proclaimed that January 10 is now "BBDO Day"? BBDO, the ad agency behind Pepsi, FedEx, and Bank of America, was named the US agency of the year by AdAge and global agency of the year by Adweek, and made a lot of money last year, meaning that January 10, which Gothamist will remember as The Day the 2nd Avenue Deli Cleared Out is actually BBDO in the city's files - check out the mayoral proclamation that Adfreak found! While we love stupid stuff the city does, this is just sad - unless it's some secret deal the city made with the midtown restaurant and bar assocation to give BBDO more reason to celebrate in the area. Or was the Mayor trying to placate the Republican party, as BBDO has used Bob Dole in their Pepsi and Visa ads. Well, we're glad to see that the Mayor's Office is keeping busy.

-A Brownsville man was found stabbed to death Thursday when his landlord and a police officer broke in to evict him.

Paul Boocock, Actor and Writer

There's a video compilation of SNL's Clinton-Lewinsky scandal sketches, with Hammond as Clinton, Molly Shannon as Monica, Ana Gasteyer as Hillary, and in a brilliant stroke of casting, John Goodman as Linda Tripp. Other SNL takes on presidental types (and wannabes): Chevy Chase as Gerald Ford, Dana Carvey as George Bush, Darrell Hammond as Al Gore, Norm MacDonald as Bob Dole, and Dan Ackroyd as Nixon and Jimmy Carter, not to mention The X-Presidents. Also, there's the book Live From New York, the extremely comprehensive (just no Eddie Murphy) look at SNL.



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