var _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____ = function(name) {return (self._wb_wombat && self._wb_wombat.local_init && self._wb_wombat.local_init(name)) || self[name]; }; if (!self.__WB_pmw) { self.__WB_pmw = function(obj) { this.__WB_source = obj; return this; } } { let window = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("window"); let self = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("self"); let document = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("document"); let location = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("location"); let top = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("top"); let parent = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("parent"); let frames = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("frames"); let opener = _____WB$wombat$assign$function_____("opener"); function jsTrim(s) {return s.replace(/(^\s+)|(\s+$)/g, "");} function Track(trackParm, objLink) { if (objLink.innerText && jsTrim(objLink.innerText)) { // anchor tag, use link text LinkText = objLink.innerText; } else if (objLink.all && objLink.all(0).alt) { // image, use alt text LinkText = objLink.all(0).alt; } var strDomain = document.domain; var s = trackParm.split("|"); var strLinkArea; var strLinkId; var strPageRegion; if (trackParm.substring(0,1) == "|") { strPageRegion = s[1]; strLinkArea = s[2]; strLinkId = s[2] + s[3]; } else { strLinkArea = s[0]; strLinkId = s[0] + s[1]; } if (typeof(LinkText)=="undefined" || !LinkText || LinkText == "") LinkText = strLinkId; ctUrl = objLink.href + "?LinkId=" + strLinkId + "&LinkArea=" + strLinkArea if (typeof(DCSext)!="undefined") { DCSext.wt_strHeadlnLocale = detectedLocale; DCSext.wt_strCat=strLinkArea+"|"+detectedLocale; DCSext.wt_strUrl = window.location.href.toLowerCase(); DCSext.wt_strArea = strPageRegion; } return false; } function TFly_Init(name, offsetLeft, offsetTop, alignment, anyIter, anyTime, staticHover, popupHover, popupLatency, hideLatency, onInit, onPopup, onHide){ var TFly = document.getElementById(name); TFly.alignment = alignment; TFly.DT = document.getElementById(name+"_Popup") TFly.F = document.getElementById(name+"_Anim") TFly.oX = offsetLeft TFly.oY = offsetTop; TFly.AnyIter = anyIter; TFly.AnyTime = anyTime; TFly.popupLatency = popupLatency; TFly.hideLatency = hideLatency; TFly.onPopup = onPopup; TFly.onHide = onHide; TFly.IsHover=false; TFly.className_ = TFly.className; TFly.DT.className_=TFly.DT.className TFly.onmouseover = function(){TFly.IsHover=true; if(staticHover!=''){TFly.className=staticHover}; TFly_Popup(TFly,true);} TFly.onmouseout = function(){if(staticHover!=''){TFly.className=TFly.className_};TFly_Popup(TFly,false);TFly.DT.blur();TFly.IsHover=false;} if(document.all){ TFly.onactivate = function(){if(!TFly.IsHover)TFly.onmouseover();} TFly.ondeactivate = function(){TFly.onmouseout();} }else{ TFly.onfocus = function(){TFly.onmouseover()} TFly.onblur = function(){TFly.onmouseout()} } TFly.DT.onmouseover = function(){ TFly.IsHover=true; if(popupHover!=''){TFly.DT.className=popupHover;};TFly_Popup(TFly,true);} TFly.DT.onmouseout = function(){ if(popupHover!=''){TFly.DT.className=TFly.DT.className_};TFly_Popup(TFly,false);TFly.IsHover=false; } TFly_CallClientFunction(onInit, TFly) } function TFly_Reposition(TFly){ var clientWidth = document.body.clientWidth - 20; //scroller width var width = TFly.DT.offsetWidth; var absX = TFly.DT.offsetLeft var d = TFly.DT while(d = d.offsetParent) absX += d.offsetLeft if(clientWidth<(absX+width)){ var diff = clientWidth - absX -width = TFly.DT.offsetLeft + diff + "px" } } function TFly_CallClientFunction(name, TFly){ if(name!=null && name!="") eval( name + "(TFly);"); } function TFly_SetPosition(TFly, obj){ = TFly.oY + TFly.offsetHeight+ "px"; = TFly.oX + (TFly.offsetWidth - obj.offsetWidth )*(1+TFly.alignment)/2 + "px"; } function TFly_Popup(TFly,value){ if(TFly.timer!=null ) window.clearTimeout(TFly.timer) if(value){ if(TFly.status=="on") return var timeout = (TFly.status=="active") ? 0 : TFly.popupLatency if(TFly.AnyIter>0 && TFly.AnyTime>0) TFly.timer = window.setTimeout(function(){TFly_AnimateStart(TFly,true,TFly.F.curIter);},timeout) else TFly.timer = window.setTimeout(function(){TFly_SetVisibility(TFly,true);},timeout) }else{ if(TFly.status=="off") return var timeout = (TFly.status=="active") ? 0 : TFly.hideLatency if(TFly.AnyIter>0 && TFly.AnyTime>0) TFly.timer = window.setTimeout(function(){TFly_AnimateStart(TFly,false,TFly.F.curIter);},timeout) else TFly.timer = window.setTimeout(function(){TFly_SetVisibility(TFly,false);},timeout) } } function TFly_SetVisibility(TFly, value){ if(value==true){ TFly_SetPosition(TFly,TFly.DT); = "visible" = "999" TFly_Reposition(TFly); }else{ = "hidden" = "0" = "-10000px" } } function TFly_AnimateStart(TFly, inout, curIter){ if(TFly.F.timer!=null) window.clearTimeout(TFly.F.timer); if(curIter==null) curIter=0; if(TFly.status !="active"){ TFly.status ="active"; = "visible";"hidden"; } if(curIter<0 || curIter>TFly.AnyIter ){ TFly.F.curIter = (curIter<1) ? 0 : TFly.AnyIter; TFly.status = (TFly.F.curIter==TFly.AnyIter) ? "on": "off"; = "hidden"; TFly_SetPosition(TFly,TFly.DT); ? "999" : "0"; if(TFly.F.curIter==TFly.AnyIter){ TFly.status = "on"; TFly_SetVisibility(TFly,true); TFly_CallClientFunction(TFly.onPopup, TFly) }else{ TFly.status = "off"; TFly_SetVisibility(TFly,false); TFly_CallClientFunction(TFly.onHide, TFly) } }else{ var per = curIter*(95/TFly.AnyIter)+ 5; = "hidden";*per + "px";*per + "px"; TFly_SetPosition(TFly, TFly.F); = "visible"; var timeout = (per==100 ) ? 0 : TFly.AnyTime - (TFly.AnyTime/(TFly.AnyIter)*(curIter)); curIter += (inout) ? 1:-1; TFly.F.timer = window.setTimeout(function(){TFly_AnimateStart(TFly, inout, curIter)},timeout); TFly.F.curIter = curIter; } } var search_state; var theForm = document.forms['aspnetForm']; if (!theForm) { theForm = document.aspnetForm; } if (window.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener('load', init, false); } else if (window.attachEvent) { window.attachEvent('onload', init); } function init() { //search_state = theForm.elements["ctl00$NavigationTabStrip$HiddenText"].value; if (search_state == "active") { theForm.elements["ctl00$NavigationTabStrip$SearchTextBox"].className = "TabStrip_SearchBoxActive"; } } function onMouseDownSearch() { if (search_state == "default") { search_state = "active"; theForm.elements["ctl00$NavigationTabStrip$HiddenText"].value = search_state; theForm.elements["ctl00$NavigationTabStrip$SearchTextBox"].value = ""; theForm.elements["ctl00$NavigationTabStrip$SearchTextBox"].className = "TabStrip_SearchBoxActive"; } } function IsPageRated(objID,labelID, text, flyoutID, btn){ obj = $get(objID) if (obj.Rated) { flyout = $get(flyoutID) TFly_Popup(flyout,false) window.setTimeout(function(){btn.disabled=true}, 100); return true; } else { label = $get(labelID) if(label.timer){ window.clearTimeout(label.timer) }else{ label.className_ = label.className; label.innerHTML_ = label.innerHTML; label.className = 'WarningMessage'; label.innerHTML = text; } label.timer = window.setTimeout(function(){ label.className = label.className_; label.innerHTML = label.innerHTML_; label.timer=null; } ,3000); } return false; } function tbNavParent(navUrl) { = navUrl; } function RegisterAutoSubmit( objName, btnName,tag){ window.onbeforeunload_autosubmit = window.onbeforeunload; window.onbeforeunload = function(){ if(window.onbeforeunload_autosubmit) window.onbeforeunload_autosubmit() SubmitRating(objName, btnName,tag) } } function SubmitRating(objName, btnName, tag){ var obj = $get(objName) var btn = document.getElementById(btnName) if(obj && obj.Rated && btn){ btn.disabled=false;; var d = new Date(); d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() +1) var CookieInfo = tag + "=" + escape("xxx") + ";expires="+d.toGMTString()+" path=/;"; document.cookie = CookieInfo; } } var minWidth = 0; var ideUA = false; var dragging = false; function windowLoaded(evt) { // prevent IE text selection while dragging!!! // Little-known trick! document.body.ondrag = function () { return !dragging; }; document.body.onselectstart = function () { return !dragging; }; } // CHange the color and image of the splitter bar function HighlightSplitterBar(strObjName, intOnOff) { var sliderBar = document.getElementById(strObjName); if (intOnOff == 0) { ='url(/msdn/controls/resizablearea/en-us/lib_grippy1.gif)'; } else { ='url(/msdn/controls/resizablearea/en-us/lib_grippy.gif)'; } return; } // Main // All global variables written by server control function DoControlSetup() { minWidth=0; = "DoControlSetup"; if (browser == "Netscape") { document.addEventListener("onkeypress",KeyPressOpenCloseToc,true); } document.onkeypress = KeyPressOpenCloseToc; FetchResizableAreaCells(); return; } // Layout the
elements based on the client side renderable area function FetchResizableAreaCells() { winWidth = parseInt(document.body.clientWidth); oContainerCell = document.getElementById(sContainerCell); oNavCell = document.getElementById(sNavCell); oSplitterCell = document.getElementById(sSplitterCell); oContentCell = document.getElementById(sContentCell); = "5px"; if (GetTocPanelCookie(cookieName) != -1) { sSplitterDefault = GetTocPanelCookie(cookieName); } if ( != sSplitterDefault) { = sSplitterDefault; = sSplitterDefault; = "5px"; = parseInt( + parseInt(sSplitterDefault) + px; } if (winWidth - parseInt( < minWidth) { var newWidth = winWidth-605; if (newWidth < 0) { newWidth = parseInt(; } = newWidth + px; =; = "5px"; = parseInt( + newWidth + px; } ResizeContentArea(); return; } // Attach Event Handlers function SelectSplitter() { // Required for Mozilla 1.0, Netscape 7.2 oContainerCell.className = "OverlayShow"; if (browser == "Netscape") { // NS4: document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE); oContainerCell.addEventListener("onmousemove",ResizePanel,true); oContainerCell.addEventListener("onmouseup",ReleaseSplitter,true); } // IE // document.onmousemove = ResizePanel; // document.onmouseup = ReleaseSplitter; oContainerCell.onmousemove = ResizePanel; oContainerCell.onmouseup = ReleaseSplitter; dragging = true; return; } // Changed to OnMouseMove functionality function ResizePanel(e) { // oSplitterCell var contentSizeLimit; if (browser == "Netscape") { e.cancelBubble = true; splitterX = e.pageX; } else { window.event.cancelBubble = true; if (window.event.clientX - 4 < 0) { splitterX = 0; } else { splitterX = window.event.clientX - 4; } } window.status = splitterX sSplitterCookieX =splitterX // alert("sSplitterCookieX = " + sSplitterCookieX); if (parseInt(sSplitterCookieX) == 0) { DisableTocPanel(true); } else { DisableTocPanel(false); } // = parseInt(sSplitterCookieX) + px; = parseInt(sSplitterCookieX) + px; // = sSplitterCookieX + parseInt( + px; // ResizeContentArea(); return; } // Changed to OnMouseUp functionality function ReleaseSplitter() { oContainerCell.className = "OverlayHidden"; // alert("sSplitterCookieX = " + sSplitterCookieX); if (parseInt(sSplitterCookieX) < 1) { DisableTocPanel(true); } else { DisableTocPanel(false); } sTmpNavCellWidth = parseInt(sSplitterCookieX) + px; = parseInt(sSplitterCookieX) + px; = parseInt(sSplitterCookieX) + px; = sSplitterCookieX + parseInt( + px; ResizeContentArea(); SetTocPanelCookie(cookieName,, days); oContainerCell.onmousemove = null; oContainerCell.onmouseup = null; dragging = false; return; } // ONKEYPRESS: // CHECK WHICH KEYS HAVE BEEN PRESSED // IF A MATCH IS FOUND, SHOW/HIDE TOC PANEL function KeyPressOpenCloseToc(e) { if (browser == "Netscape") { // // alert(e.which + "\n" +; if (e.which == 116) { if ( != "input" && != "textarea" ) { OpenClosePanel(); } e.cancelBubble = true; } } else if(window.event.keyCode == 116) { if (window.event.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase() != "textarea" && window.event.srcElement.tagName.toLowerCase() != "input") { OpenClosePanel(); } window.event.cancelBubble = true; } return; } // This function enables/disabled the nodes in the TOC, // depending on the state/size of the TOC panel. function DisableTocPanel(boolEnabled) { var tocPanel = document.getElementById(TocPaneNameId); if(tocPanel.disabled == "undefined") { tocPanel.disabled = boolEnabled; } if( == "none" && boolEnabled == true) { boolEnabled == false; } if (boolEnabled == true ) { tocPanel.disabled = true; = "none"; } else { tocPanel.disabled = false; = "inline"; } if(tocOpenCollapseHandler!=null && typeof(tocOpenCollapseHandler)=="function") { tocOpenCollapseHandler(boolEnabled); }; return; } // Simple Hide/Show Functionality // Need to add cookie setting // Add CSS ClassName change for ContentPanel function OpenClosePanel() { // alert( + "\n" + sTmpNavCellWidth); if ( != "0px") { sTmpNavCellWidth =; = "0px"; = parseInt( + px; = "0px"; DisableTocPanel(true); } else if ( ( == "0px" && sTmpNavCellWidth == undefined) || ( == "0px" && sTmpNavCellWidth == "0px")) { = "250px"; = "250px"; sTmpNavCellWidth =; = parseInt( + parseInt( + px; DisableTocPanel(false); } else { = sTmpNavCellWidth; = sTmpNavCellWidth; = parseInt( + parseInt( + px; DisableTocPanel(false); } if (winWidth - parseInt( < minWidth) { var newWidth = winWidth - minWidth - 5; if (newWidth < 0) { if (parseInt( > 76) { newWidth=76; } else { newWidth = parseInt(; } } = newWidth + px; =; = "5px"; = parseInt( + newWidth + px; } SetTocPanelCookie(cookieName,, days); ResizeContentArea(); return; } // Change the size of the Content container function ResizeContentArea() { if (winWidth - parseInt( < minWidth) { = minWidth + px; } else { = winWidth - parseInt( + px; } return; } /* ------------------------------------------ Cookies and Misc Functions ------------------------------------- */ // Set cookie on each event // Function to set the Toc panel size // Browser must support cookies and script function SetTocPanelCookie(sName, sValue, days) { if (window.navigator.cookieEnabled == true) { var expires = ";"; if (days > 0) { var cookieDate = new Date(); cookieDate.setTime(cookieDate.getTime()+(days*24*360000)); expires = "; expires=" + cookieDate.toGMTString(); } var CookieInfo = sName + "=" + escape(sValue) + "; expires=-1" + "; path=/"; document.cookie = CookieInfo; var CookieInfo = sName + "=" + escape(sValue) + expires + "; path=/"; document.cookie = CookieInfo; } return; } // Function to get the Toc panel size // Browser must support cookies and script // Special for VS, by default do not show the TOC on first instance, // and support the cookie state on subsquent pages function GetTocPanelCookie(sName) { var currentTocWidth = -1; var allCookie = String(document.cookie); var pos = allCookie.indexOf(sName); // alert(window.history.length); if (document.referrer == "" && ideUA == true && window.history.length == 0) { SetTocPanelCookie(cookieName, "0px", days); return currentTocWidth; } else { if (pos != -1 ) { var tocValue = allCookie.split("; "); for (i = 0 ; i < tocValue.length; i++) { var cookieValue = tocValue[i].split("="); if (sName == cookieValue[0]) { currentTocWidth = cookieValue[1]; break; } } } } return currentTocWidth; } function TocLoader_HideMessage(){ document.getElementById("tocLoadingMessage").style.display = "none"; } function EyeBrowMenuBarSetHeight(TFly){ var maxHeight = 200; var overflow = (TFly.DT.clientHeight > maxHeight); = ((overflow) ? maxHeight : TFly.DT.scrollHeight) + "px"; = TFly.DT.scrollWidth + ((overflow) ? 20 :0) + "px"; if(overflow)"auto" } var expcalallPres = true; var cleanedDivIds, cleanedImgIds, oExpColSpan, oExpColImg; var expState = true; function ExpCollAll() { expcalallPres = true; expCollButtonToggle(); cleanImgVars(); for (i = 0; i < cleanedDivIds.length; i++) { try { oDiv = document.getElementById(cleanedDivIds[i]); oImg = document.getElementById(cleanedImgIds[i]); if (expState) { = 'block'; oImg.src = CollPath; } else { = 'none'; oImg.src = ExpPath; } } catch(e) { } } } function expCollButtonToggle() { if (typeof(oExpColSpan)=='undefined') { oExpColImg = document.getElementById("ExpColImg"); oExpColSpan = document.getElementById("ExpColSpan"); } if (expState) { oExpColImg.src = ExpPath; oExpColSpan.innerHTML = ExpText; expState = false; } else { oExpColImg.src = CollPath; oExpColSpan.innerHTML= CollText; expState = true; } } var b = window.navigator.appName; var spr = " : "; // Show the languages list in the it's panel function DDFilterOn(e) { try { // Change Image ChangeDropDownImage(true); // Set Position = oMTPS_DD_ImgArrow.height; // Add Event Handlers if( != "inline") { = "inline"; if(document.addEventListener) { // Commented for # 32609 // document.addEventListener("keydown", HandleEvent, false); document.addEventListener("click", TestForResizableAreaControl, false); window.addEventListener("resize", TestForResizableAreaControl, false); } else { document.attachEvent("onkeydown", HandleEvent, false); document.body.onclick = HideFromClick; } } else { // = "none"; setTimeout(HideThisMenu, 0); } } catch(err) { throw err; } e.cancelBubble = true; oMTPS_DD_Div.normalize(); return; } // Handle the enter key for a section of a form, binding it to the provided submit buton function HandleEvent(event) { var nav = window.Event ? true : false; if (nav) { return NetscapeEventHandler(event); } else { return MicrosoftEventHandler(); } } function NetscapeEventHandler(e) { //trap for enter (13), escape (27) and "t" (84) if ((e.which == 13 || e.which == 27 || e.which == 84) && != 'textarea' && != 'submit') { setTimeout(HideThisMenu, 0); document.removeEventListener("keydown", HandleEvent, false); e.cancelBubble = true; e.returnValue = false; e.cancel = true; e.preventDefault(); } return; } function MicrosoftEventHandler() { //trap for enter (13), escape (27) and "t" (84) if ((event.keyCode == 13 || event.keyCode == 27 || event.keyCode == 84 )&& event.srcElement.type != 'textarea' && event.srcElement.type != 'submit') { event.returnValue = false; event.cancel = true; setTimeout(HideThisMenu, 0); document.detachEvent("onkeydown", HandleEvent, false); event.cancelBubble = true; } return; } // Only used by IE function HideFromClick(event) { var objClicked = window.event.srcElement; var objParent = objClicked.parentNode.parentNode; if ( != && != ) { setTimeout(HideThisMenu, 0); return; } else { window.event.cancelBubble = true; return; } } /// FF & NN only function TestForResizableAreaControl(e) { try { // For keydown events if (e.type == "keydown") { // alert(e.which); if (e.which == 84 || e.which == 13) { setTimeout(HideThisMenu, 0); document.removeEventListener("keydown", TestForResizableAreaControl, false); e.cancelBubble = true; return; } } else if (e.type == "resize") { setTimeout(HideThisMenu, 0); window.removeEventListener("resize", TestForResizableAreaControl, false); e.cancelBubble = true; return; } // for mousedown event if (e.type == "click") { if (e.which == 1 || e.which == 32) { var eNode =; if ( == 0) { // alert("returning false"); setTimeout(HideThisMenu, 0); document.removeEventListener("click", TestForResizableAreaControl, false); return false; } else { var pNode = document.getElementById(; if ( != { if ( != { setTimeout(HideThisMenu, 0); document.removeEventListener("mousedown", TestForResizableAreaControl, false); } } if ( == { setTimeout(HideThisMenu, 0); document.removeEventListener("mousedown", TestForResizableAreaControl, false); } if ( == { setTimeout(HideThisMenu, 0); document.removeEventListener("mousedown", TestForResizableAreaControl, false); } } return; } } } catch(err) { throw err; } } // Persist Menu long enough for client to click check boxes function HideThisMenu() { = "none"; oMTPS_DD_ImgArrow.src = ArrowOffPath; document.body.onclick = null; return; } // Handle Image changes function ChangeDropDownImage(boolOnOff) { if (boolOnOff == true) { oMTPS_DD_ImgArrow.src = ArrowOnPath; } else { oMTPS_DD_ImgArrow.src = ArrowOffPath; } } // Set individual checkbox function SetLangFilter(CodeSnipID) { try { if (CodeSnipID != null) { ToggleLang(CodeSnipID); oServerBool = false; } SetFilterText(); SetCodeSnippetLangFilterCookie(); } catch(err) { throw err; } return; } // This method is only for changing the value on the client side // The server side code should read the cookie and set the checkbox prior to rendering function ToggleLang(strThis) { var langArray = ""; try { langArray = eval(strThis); } catch(err) { // no script variables where written out by the server side code return; } try { for (i = 0; i < langArray.length; i++) { var thisCodeSnip = document.getElementById(langArray[i]); if (thisCodeSnip.className == "code") { thisCodeSnip.className = "codeHide"; } else { thisCodeSnip.className = "code"; } } } catch(err) { throw err; } return; } // set filter language test function SetFilterText() { try { var intSetoMTPS_DD_PanelLinkText = 0; var objLastChecked = null; var cbxColl = oMTPS_DD_PopUpDiv.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i = 0; i < cbxColl.length;i++) { if (cbxColl[i].checked == true) { intSetoMTPS_DD_PanelLinkText++; objLastChecked = cbxColl[i].value; } } if (intSetoMTPS_DD_PanelLinkText == 0) { oMTPS_DD_PanelLink.innerHTML = strConstLangFilterText + spr + strConstLangFilterNone; } if (intSetoMTPS_DD_PanelLinkText == 1) { oMTPS_DD_PanelLink.innerHTML = strConstLangFilterText + spr + objLastChecked; } if (intSetoMTPS_DD_PanelLinkText > 1) { oMTPS_DD_PanelLink.innerHTML = strConstLangFilterText + spr + strConstLangFilterMulti; } if (intSetoMTPS_DD_PanelLinkText == oMTPS_DD_PopUpDiv.childNodes.length) { oMTPS_DD_PanelLink.innerHTML = strConstLangFilterText + spr + strConstLangFilterAll; } intSetoMTPS_DD_PanelLinkText = 0; objLastChecked = null; } catch(err) { throw err; } return; } // This function redraws the selected code snippet controls, // based on the state of the check boxes in the drop down, // which is read from the cookie on the server side. function CheckDropDownClientCookie() { var cbxColl = oMTPS_DD_PopUpDiv.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (var i = 0; i < cbxColl.length;i++) { if (cbxColl[i].checked != true) { var tStr = cbxColl[i].getAttribute("arrayValue"); SetLangFilter(tStr); } } return; } // Set cookie on each event // Function to set the Toc panel size // Browser must support cookies and script // "days" variable declared in ResizableArea Control, line # 156 function SetCodeSnippetLangFilterCookie() { var cookieDate = new Date(); cookieDate.setTime(cookieDate.getTime()+(days*24*360000)); expires = "expires=" + cookieDate.toGMTString(); if (window.navigator.cookieEnabled == true) { var cbxColl = oMTPS_DD_PopUpDiv.getElementsByTagName("input"); for (i = 0 ; i < cbxColl.length; i ++) { document.cookie = cbxColl[i].id + "_" + i + "=" + cbxColl[i].checked + "; " + expires; } } return; } function CopyCode(elemName) { var obj = document.getElementById(elemName) window.clipboardData.setData("Text", obj.innerText); } var cleanedDivIds, cleanedImgIds, oExpColSpan, oExpColImg; var expState = true; function checkExpCollAll() { cleanImgVars(); var open = false; var closed = false; for (i = 0; i < cleanedDivIds.length-1; i++) { // alert(cleanedDivIds[i]); try { oDiv = document.getElementById(cleanedDivIds[i]); oImg = document.getElementById(cleanedImgIds[i]); if ( == 'block') { open = true; } else { closed = true; } } catch(e) { throw e; } } if (open != closed) { if (open) expState = false; if (closed) expState = true; if (typeof(expcalallPres)!='undefined' && expcalallPres == true) expCollButtonToggle(); } } function cleanImgVars() { if (typeof(cleanedDivIds)=='undefined') { var r1, r2, re; re = /undefined/g; r1 = ExpCollDivStr.replace(re, ""); cleanedDivIds = r1.substring(0, r1.length).split(','); r2 = ExpCollImgStr.replace(re, ""); cleanedImgIds = r2.substring(0, r2.length).split(','); } } // #5406 function ShowHideCollapsibleArea(strAreaId,strImg) { var oCollAreaDiv = document.getElementById(strAreaId); var oCollAreaImg = document.getElementById(strImg); if ( == 'none') { = 'block'; oCollAreaImg.src = imgMinus; } else { = 'none'; oCollAreaImg.src = imgPlus; } checkExpCollAll(); } var _contentID; var _contentLocale; var _contentVersion; var _noTagsMessage; var _errorMessage; var _browseByTagTooltip; var _removeTagTooltip; var _currentBlockID = 0; function TagEditor_AddATag(url,blockID) { if ( url != "" ) { // Need to authenticate document.cookie = "edit=" + blockID; document.cookie = "scroll=" + blockID; document.location.href = url; } else { // Already authenticated showTagEditorEditPanel(blockID); TagEditor_GetControl(blockID,'textbox').focus(); } return false; } function TagEditor_AddTags(blockID) { if ( blockID >= 0 ) { var value = TagEditor_GetControl(blockID,'textbox').value; if ( value != "" ) { _currentBlockID = blockID; Microsoft.Mtps.Rendering.Behaviors.Ajax.TagWebService.AddTags( _contentID, _contentLocale, _contentVersion, value, blockID, _browseByTagTooltip, _removeTagTooltip, tagEditorChangeComplete, tagEditorChangeFailure ); showTagEditorViewPanel(blockID); } else { TagEditor_GetControl(blockID,'message').innerText = _noTagsMessage; } } return false; } function TagEditor_BrowseTag(url,blockID) { document.cookie = "scroll=" + blockID; document.location.href = url; return false; } function TagEditor_CancelAddTag(blockID) { if ( blockID >= 0 ) { showTagEditorViewPanel(blockID); } return false; } //function TagEditor_ClickAddTag(evt) //{ // TagEditor_AddTags(TagEditor_GetBlockID(; // evt.preventDefault(); //} //function TagEditor_ClickCancelAddTag(evt) //{ // TagEditor_CancelAddTag(TagEditor_GetBlockID(; // evt.preventDefault(); //} function TagEditor_GetBlockID(controlID) { var count = TagEditorControls.length; for ( var i=0; i 0 ) { // Deal with DIV that is inserted when a tag is added from client if ( childElems[0].tagName == "DIV" ) { childElems = childElems[0].children; } if ( childElems.length > 0 ) { // Get tag values from spans (each has two hyperlinks - we need the first) for ( var i=0; i"){""; label.innerText = errEmptyContent; return false; } if (cont.trim() == editorObj.get_OriginalContent().trim() && title.trim() == lastTitle.trim() && tags.trim() == $get(tagDataID).value.trim()){""; label.innerText = errSameContent; return false; } if( headerID!=null && headerID!="") { SwitchToView(headerID, editorId, titleID, saveID, cancelID, blockID); } $get(hfDataID).value = cont; $get(tDataID).value = title; $get(tagDataID).value = tags; return true; } function DoCancel(headerID, editorID, titleID, saveID, cancelID, labelID, blockID, hfDataID, tDataID){ var label = $get(labelID);"none"; var bodyHF = $get(hfDataID); var titleHF = $get(tDataID); if ( bodyHF.value || titleHF.value ) { $find(editorID).set_OriginalContent(bodyHF.value); $get(titleID).value = titleHF.value; bodyHF.value = ""; } SwitchToView(headerID, editorID, titleID, saveID, cancelID, blockID); } function toggleEditUI(editorId, titleID, saveID, cancelID) { var titleLabel = $get(titleID); if (titleLabel) { if ( == "none") = "block"; else = "none"; } var saveButton = $get(saveID); if (saveButton) { if ( == "none") = ""; else = "none"; } var cancelButton = $get(cancelID); if (cancelButton) { if ( == "none") = ""; else = "none"; } } function GetHistoryItems(btnLoad){ var btn = $get(btnLoad); if(btn) //eval(btn.href) window.setTimeout(function() {eval(btn.href)},400); } function SwitchToEdit(headerID, inlineEditorID, titleID, saveID, cancelID, blockID, tagTextboxID, cpHistoryID) { var tagEditor = TagEditor_GetControl(blockID,'panel'); if ( tagEditor ) { = "none"; var tagEditorTextbox = $get(tagTextboxID); tagEditorTextbox.value = TagEditor_GetTags(blockID); } if ( cpHistoryID !== undefined ) { var cpHistory = $find(cpHistoryID); cpHistory.set_Collapsed(true) var header = $get(headerID); = "none"; header.parentNode.className = "wkViewerContainer_Edit"; } try { $find(inlineEditorID).switchToEditMode(); toggleEditUI(inlineEditorID, titleID, saveID, cancelID); } catch (e) {} } function SwitchToView(headerID, inlineEditorID, titleID, saveID, cancelID, blockID) { var header = $get(headerID); = "block"; header.parentNode.className="wkViewerContainer"; $find(inlineEditorID).switchToViewMode(); toggleEditUI(inlineEditorID, titleID, saveID, cancelID); var tagEditor = TagEditor_GetControl(blockID,'panel'); if ( tagEditor ) { = ""; } } function wkItemHighlight(val,headerID,textID,collArea){ var header = $get(headerID); var text = $get(textID); if( == "none") val = false; // do not highlight in editMode if(val){ header.className+="Hover"; text.className+="Hover"; }else{ header.className = header.className.replace("Hover",""); text.className = text.className.replace("Hover",""); } } function wkScrollToView(elementID){ $get(elementID).scrollIntoView(); window.setTimeout("$get('"+elementID+"').focus()",0); } function wkAddNewItem(buttonID, newItemPanelID, editorID, titleID) { if( $get(newItemPanelID).style.display == "block"){ $get(newItemPanelID).scrollIntoView(); window.setTimeout("$get('"+titleID+"').focus()",0); return; } $get(newItemPanelID).style.display = "block"; $get(buttonID).className="ccAddLinkDisabled"; $find(editorID).switchToEditMode(); window.setTimeout("$get('"+titleID+"').focus()",0); } function wkRemoveNewItem(buttonID, newItemPanelID, editorID, labelID) { $get(newItemPanelID).style.display = "none"; $get(buttonID).className="ccAddLink"; $get(buttonID).disabled = false; $get(labelID).innerText = ""; $find(editorID).switchToViewMode(); } function saveNewWikiItem(editorID, hfDataID, titleID, tDataID, labelID, newWikiItemPanelID, tagTextBoxID, tagDataID) { var editorObj = $find(editorID); var title = $get(titleID).value; var cont = editorObj.get_ModifiedContent(); var label = $get(labelID); var tagTextBox = $get(tagTextBoxID); var tags = ""; if ( tagTextBox != null ) { tags = tagTextBox.value; } if(title == null || title.trim() == ""){ label.innerText = errEmptySubject; return false; } if(cont.trim() == "" || cont.trim() == ' '){ label.innerText = errEmptyContent; return false } $get(hfDataID).value = cont; $get(tDataID).value = title; $get(titleID).value = title; $get(tagDataID).value = tags; editorObj.switchToViewMode(); window.setTimeout(function(){$get(newWikiItemPanelID).style.display="none";},10); return true; } } /* FILE ARCHIVED ON 12:33:05 Jul 14, 2008 AND RETRIEVED FROM THE INTERNET ARCHIVE ON 15:45:20 May 05, 2024. JAVASCRIPT APPENDED BY WAYBACK MACHINE, COPYRIGHT INTERNET ARCHIVE. ALL OTHER CONTENT MAY ALSO BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT (17 U.S.C. SECTION 108(a)(3)). */ /* playback timings (ms): captures_list: 0.671 exclusion.robots: 0.086 exclusion.robots.policy: 0.075 cdx.remote: 0.066 esindex: 0.012 LoadShardBlock: 151.11 (3) PetaboxLoader3.datanode: 93.666 (4) load_resource: 99.625 PetaboxLoader3.resolve: 35.192 */