Online community

On this page, you will find links to a collection of online community portals developed by the Museum of London that enables visitors to view, download and comment on content.

Museum of London blogs

The Museum of London has a number of regularly updated blogs written by employees. They include:

  • The working life of the Museum of London - written by various employees of the Museum, it provides a personalised account of working for the Museum, and an insight into the range of projects and 'behind the scenes' jobs:
  • Roman glass research project - written by Angela Wardle, covering the story of a year of research into the glassworkers of Roman London:

More about blogs

What is a blog?

A blog is basically an online journal where an individual or a group of individuals can share their personal insights and stories with the public. The site is frequently updated and the content is generally displayed in reverse chronological order and visitors are encouraged to leave comments.

Why is the Museum blogging?

The Museum of London decided to blog because the main websites deal with events, exhibitions and collection, but the vast knowledge and personal insight of employees involved in projects are often not made available. The blogs enable our employees to give their own personal account of activities taking place and the lessons leant. Also, as visitors are able to leave comments and ask questions, it opens up dialogue between the Museum and our visitors.

Where can I find it?

The blogs can be found at:

Can I comment on it?

Yes, anyone can leave a comment or ask a question about a particular blog entry. Please note that comments are moderated to filter out spam.

Can I subscribe to feeds?

This blog post explains how you can subscribe to our RSS feeds and be notified whenever we add new content:

The direct address to the main blog:

Roman Glass research project:

Museum of London on Flickr:

Find out about RSS and subscribe to other Museum feeds at:

Feeds from our blog

The Museum of London Group is funded by the City of London and the Greater London Authority. Museum of London, London Wall, LONDON EC2Y 5HN, United Kingdom. Copyright Museum of London. Legal notices & Disclaimer. This site is maintained by the Museum Systems Team.