Health/Sci-The Times of India
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Frequent sex halves ED risk in men

4 Jul 2008, 0255 hrs IST
A new study has revealed that frequent intercourse can cut erectile dysfunction (ED) risk in men.

New approach will finally kill herpes

4 Jul 2008, 0254 hrs IST
US researchers reported that they may have found a way to flush out herpes viruses from hiding - offering a potential way to cure pesky and painful conditions from cold sores to shingles.

Solar system oblong, not round

4 Jul 2008, 0252 hrs IST
The solar system may not be a nice round shape, but rather a bit squashed and oblong, according to data from the Voyager 2 spacecraft exploring the solar system's outer limits.

Yoga switches off your stress genes

4 Jul 2008, 0252 hrs IST
Scientists have achieved a significant breakthrough in understanding how relaxation techniques like yoga, meditation, and prayer improve health.

Cavemen had sound idea of acoustics

4 Jul 2008, 0249 hrs IST
Researchers have come to this conclusion by the way the hunters painted the sections of their cave dwellings where singing, humming and music sounded best.

Green tea good for heart: Study

3 Jul 2008, 1557 hrs IST
A study by the Athens Medical School in Greece has found that drinking green tea can be of significant help for people with heart diseases, thereby having important clinical implications.

For immortality, name a sea worm

3 Jul 2008, 0047 hrs IST
Jeff Goodhartz is single and has no children. But he wanted to ensure the family name would live on after he's gone.

Glow from 'magic' mushrooms lasts

3 Jul 2008, 0044 hrs IST
The "spiritual" effects of psilocybin from so-called 'magic' mushrooms last for more than a year and may offer a way to help patients with fatal diseases or addictions, US researchers reported.

Tourist spaceship unveiled in UK

3 Jul 2008, 0037 hrs IST
The London Eye gives you a bird's eye-view of the city at 440 feet. How would you like to go higher, say, 440,000 feet?

Flab fight is monkey biz at Japan zoo

3 Jul 2008, 0048 hrs IST
Losing weight has become monkey business at a Japanese zoo, which has put about 50 primates on a strict diet after some became so obese they couldn't move around.
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Indo-US nuclear deal
The UNPA said the PM won't get any support on nuclear deal before July 6.

Inflation: No end in sight? | Aarushi murder

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