Education-The Times of India
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KV tries to transfer retired principal

30 Jun 2008, 0539 hrs IST,Manash Pratim Gohain
In three days' time the transfer orders of 104 Kendriya Vidyalaya (KV) principals underwent seven modifications. However, many glaring discrepancies in the orders still remain.

Holistic 'Indian literature'

30 Jun 2008, 0538 hrs IST,Surbhi Bhatia
With the objective of creating the concept of a more holistic 'Indian literature' by increasing the interaction between regional literatures, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) plans to set up a School of Indian Languages.

Young climate champion

30 Jun 2008, 0535 hrs IST
Aditya Kumar, 16, has been chosen to attend the 'Green Journey' programme in China this July. He speaks to Sakshi Khattar about why he feels so strongly about climate change.

International business

30 Jun 2008, 0220 hrs IST
The Institute for International Management & Technology (IIMT), Gurgaon, has launched a master's in international business programme this year.

Even 90% not enough to book seat in top colleges

27 Jun 2008, 0528 hrs IST
For many DU aspirants, the fact that a 92% or 93% was being shown the door, just as a high 80 percenter, proved to be the last straw.

Delhi University's first cutoff list

26 Jun 2008, 0317 hrs IST
The low scores in the CBSE English results have had their fallout - cutoffs across colleges in Delhi University have not gone up as much as many had dreaded.

OU to embrace grading system

23 Jun 2008, 0352 hrs IST,Nikhila Henry
Osmania University is toying with the idea of switching over to grading system. The move is likely to benefit thousands of students who go abroad every year for higher studies.

St Stephen's to release list today

23 Jun 2008, 0410 hrs IST
St Stephen's College failed to bring out its admission list on schedule as the list had been sent to the bishop of Delhi for scrutiny.

Maths syllabus change irks faculty

23 Jun 2008, 0449 hrs IST
College teachers have approached the ministry of human resources against DU's proposal to change the curriculum for the mathematics (Honours) programme.

Amity offers courses which hone special skills

23 Jun 2008, 0450 hrs IST
At a time when more and more students want to turn their passion into career, Amity University has come out with innovative programmes to attract and groom budding talents.
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Indo-US nuclear deal
The UNPA said the PM won't get any support on nuclear deal before July 6.

Inflation: No end in sight? | Aarushi murder

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