Indians Abroad-The Times of India
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British Indian MP accused of taking bribe to support bill

3 Jul 2008, 2128 hrs IST,Rashmee Roshan Lall
Ethnic Goan Labour MP Keith Vaz is alleged to have done a U-turn to support a bill pertaining to the detention of suspects.

Indian-Americans divided over invitation to Modi

3 Jul 2008, 1239 hrs IST
An invitation has been sent to Gujarat CM Narendra Modi to attend the second World Gujarati Conference to be held in New Jersey.

NRI lawmaker creates confusion in Malaysian parliament

2 Jul 2008, 2136 hrs IST
Suspended for defying the chair, Govind Singh Deo has caused confusion whether or not he apologised to the Speaker.

US govt sues company for not hiring Sikh

2 Jul 2008, 1248 hrs IST
A Texas company has been sued by the US government after it did not hire a Sikh who refused to shave his beard.

Indian appointed in US presidential committee

2 Jul 2008, 1110 hrs IST
Sambhu Banik has been appointed to serve as a member of the president's committee for 'People with Intellectual Disabilities'.

Sikh arrested in US for wearing kirpan

2 Jul 2008, 0508 hrs IST
Sachdev Singh was arrested for wearing a kirpan and his turban removed, while he was entering a court to contest charges.

NRI to carry Olympic torch in China

1 Jul 2008, 2049 hrs IST
Meena Barot is one of the eight foreigners living in China who have been selected to carry the Olympic torch on July 7.

Sikhs in NY march to protest hate crimes

1 Jul 2008, 1154 hrs IST
The Sikh community marched through the streets in Queens borough protesting a spate of hate crimes against Sikh school students.

2,000 Bahrain workers threaten to strike work after Indian's suicide

30 Jun 2008, 1923 hrs IST
Vinod Kumar, 32, choked himself in police custody on Saturday, two days after a delay in paperwork stalled his return to India.

Sikh brothers get jail for abduction in UK

30 Jun 2008, 0800 hrs IST
A British court has sentenced two Sikh brothers to four years' imprisonment for kidnapping and threatening their sister's boyfriend.
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Indo-US nuclear deal
The UNPA said the PM won't get any support on nuclear deal before July 6.

Inflation: No end in sight? | Aarushi murder

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