
These are some testimonials that have been sent in by users. If you have a story to tell share yours.

"I have been a loyal MovableType user for a couple of years now. I went to upgrade perl on my system (apparently 5.8.2 and MT don't like each other) and MT puked on me. I am a UNIX sysadmin by trade, so I am not ignorant of the ins and outs of upgrading software on a webserver. In spite of performing every test, upgrade, and change I could, including mod_perl and all of the modules required by MT, in the end, MT was still broken.

"When I first installed MT, I had been looking for a php based weblog engine, but could not find one I liked as much as MT. Having now discovered WordPress, I am a happy man, and will not be looking back.

"I managed to write a quick and dirty php script to migrate my existing MT entries in MySQL to WordPress, which was a paltry 147 entries. However, using php's ereg_replace and preg_replace functions, I was able to translate all of my MTMacros during the transfer. It was much simpler than any of the alternatives (manual mysqldump and edit — yuck!) and it was clean. I will be able to modify the script to migrate the other 2 weblogs I host (at time of this writing, I've already done one!).

"From my just under 24 hours of experience with WordPress, I'm a happy man. This is fantastic code, and it's only just getting on its feet! The updates that are forthcoming promise to make this one of the premiere weblog engines on the web today. Good work! I eagerly await your future versions!"

Aaron Mildenstein

"I was using b2, the development of which seemed to have somewhat stagnated, and I was searching for a way to put into it a few of the features floating around that other blog solutions had. That's how I found WordPress. What better solution than to use this elegant system as a replacement/upgrade for b2.

"Installation, usability and extensibility all packaged in a poetic package of code.

"I'm not looking back :)"


"Two antlers, WAY UP! Being one of the largest denizens of the coniferous forests of northeastern British Columbia, I have very particular needs. After my initial Blogger experience (can I say that word here?) I was left wanting more, but alas, I suffered from newbie shock when I moved on to other tools. Grey Matter beckoned, and I got it installed, but it was simply not for me. One evening, after a long day of tromping through the underbrush, I was googling for a new blogging tool, and tripped and fell over something called "WordPress." Well, I downloaded it, scoffed at the claim of a five-minute install, and tried it out. Five minutes or so later, I was typing my first test post...then I saw that version 0.72 had just been released. I quickly upgraded, and haven't looked back since. Ten out of ten moose recommend WordPress as THE publishing suite of the 21st Century."

Craig Hartel (aka Nuclear Moose)

"WordPress works great and is easy to use and setup on Mac OS X! Overall a great bit software if you are looking to setup and maintain your own blog."

R. J. Aubern

"Outstanding work. Installation was extremely smooth and easy — and it actually works, compared to my bad experience with MovableType. Got me up and running in nearly 1