About Unclutterer

File BoxUnclutterer is the website for home and office organization. It’s not just for the helplessly disorganized who would lose their heads if they weren’t attached, and pack rats looking to put their stashes on a diet, but also for obsessive compulsive neat freaks looking to squeeze even more order into their lives. We hope we can make getting and staying organized fun and informative.

Chances are you don’t have as much space as you’d like, so you need to make the most of the space you do have. This doesn’t just mean finding a new nook in which to cram more clutter, or devising a clever way to stack piles of papers. Instead it’s about streamlining your space and your possessions so that you can be more efficient at work and enjoy a more relaxing and serene environment at home.

Unclutterer features tips, organization strategies, product reviews, reader questions and more. We’re not a personal productivity blog or a site about interior design, but we still hope we can help you in those areas. Getting uncluttered and organized can be the first step to more efficiently tackling your projects and realizing a better-looking space.

So sit back, subscribe to the RSS feed, and enjoy the tips and solutions. Feel free to email us and ask questions. We read all the email and respond to as many as time allows. If you like what you see, tell a friend. Cheers.

About the writers

Erin Doland is Editor-in-Chief of Unclutterer and lives in the Washington, D.C.-area. She was once a pack rat who held on to objects like her third grade math assignments and every note she passed in high school. When she moved into an 850 sq. foot, one bedroom apartment with her husband, however, she realized that it was time to change her ways. Now, she borders on having a fanatical commitment to a more minimalist and simple lifestyle. She believes in buying quality over quantity, and experience has taught her that a clean, uncluttered home is an essential component of a less stressful life. Feel welcome to drop her a line.

Matt Niemi is a senior writer for Unclutterer and operates in a mild state of clutter. He’s trying to work his way out of the mess one day at a time with his wife and daughter in Pennsylvania. He enjoys photography, music, movies, and spending time with his family. He occasionally blogs and dabbles in amateur photography.

Teri Kieffer is a part-time writer and researcher for Unclutterer. She’s a marathon runner who joins us from Chicago. She lives in an apartment with her husband and puppy, and she has found that an uncluttered life is mandatory for keeping sanity in their small space.

Jerry Brito is the founder and a contributor to Unclutterer. A lawyer and writer living in Washington, D.C., he loves systems. He’s a Mac enthusiast and he enjoys reading and cooking.

Our on-staff tech gurus, Brian, Gary, Chris, and PJ, contribute more than their technological gifts to the production of the site. They routinely produce story ideas and write posts, in addition to code.

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