Teenagers looking for summer jobs face some daunting circumstances. The employers they are most likely to approach — retailers and restaurants — are struggling with the downturn in the economy. Many are reducing summer hiring, leaving the newest workers out of the labor market.

To make matters worse, summer jobs are looking more attractive to unemployed adults, thanks again to the economy. Competing with experienced workers is like rubbing salt in the wounds of beleaguered teens.

Don't despair! If you are a job-seeking teenager or know one who could use a pep talk, these ideas may kick things up a notch.

1. Think! What is the ickiest, stickiest, least appealing job out there? It's yours. Seriously. Adults may be snapping up the server jobs in restaurants, but they're not begging to be dishwashers or potato peelers. Nor are they clamoring to scrub toilets, mop floors, clean up flooded basements or weed gardens.

2. Get off the application treadmill. Walking around the mall filling out applications is about as productive as ... walking around the mall filling out applications. For that matter, get out of the mall. Remember: You are not the only teenager who thinks it would be cool to sell jeans or electronics. If you want to stand out, you have to demonstrate some original thinking.

Instead, make a simple resume describing your key assets, such as your willingness to work hard or your friendly manner with customers.


dress neatly and start walking, busing or biking to the nearest establishments.

It doesn't matter what the place is — an accountant's office, a gas station, a storage warehouse — if it's a business, someone works there. Why not you?

Square your shoulders and ask to see the manager. Then explain you are looking for summer work, that you live nearby and you have a resume to drop off.

Ask for a phone number, and say you will call back tomorrow or the next day to see if they have thought of a way to use you. Then go on to the next place.

Stop by at least five places a day for at least three straight weeks before you dare to feel a twinge of discouragement.

It's a numbers game, and giving up too quickly is one of the classic mistakes made by job seekers of all ages.

By the way, this is definitely an in-person paper approach. No e-mailing or texting here, as you are trying to make an impression with your personal charm and presence.

3. Ask adults for help. Parents, neighbors, teachers, clergy, coaches — give everyone a copy of your resume and ask them to pass it to employers they know.

4. Emphasize your assets as a teenager. Remember that employers are struggling with money, too. If you are willing to work part-time hours or for low wages, you have a better chance.

Adults usually have bills to pay and families, which makes it difficult for them to accept these conditions.

The boss also may be glad to hear you want only summer hours.

5. Check back. If someone quits on short notice or business picks up, you want to be there to get the opportunity.

6. Plan B. If you absolutely, completely, without a doubt can't get your hands on a job or another paying prospect for the summer, stop looking and go to Plan B. Or C, or D. Summers are short, and nothing will feel worse than having spent part of every day looking for work and the other part hanging around, feeling bad about not getting any.

A volunteer job can be just as good or better than paid work in terms of useful experience and learning opportunities.

Taking classes or getting a head start on a tough subject for the fall also can be a good idea.

Even working out every day in the back yard will be better than sleeping in and watching cartoons.

Sound idealistic?

Maybe, but ask yourself this: If it's hard to find a job now, how will it be next year, if you have to tell employers you spent this summer sitting on the couch?

Not only will you feel better about yourself if you get moving, you'll look more impressive than the kids who just hung around for three months.

Amy Lindgren owns a career consulting firm in St. Paul. She can be reached at alindgren@ prototypecareerservice.com.