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"The Wild Boy of the Digital World"
January 7 @ 8:30PM
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You know your obsessed with Digimon when...

[By TK]
...You start calling your friend's mom Mrs. Izumi.
...You stare at your computer all day waiting for a Digi Port to open.
...You start asking your little sister if she has a Digivice.
...You see a bat you scream Myotismon!
...Someone says the word tie, and you think of Tai.
...You throw your teddy bear away thinking it's Monzemon.
...You study the diffrent DigiModify postures.
...You yell Matrix Digivolve, hoping Calumon will appear.
...You try to copy Impmon's voice. (Kinda hard.)
...You eat all the bread you can, hoping to turn into Guilmon!
...Momentai is a household word for you.
...You make a huge site called The Digi Port.. ^^;;

[By Roxandrob@cs.com]
...You try to dig a hole deep enough to find Drimogemon or Digmon
...Your Monzeamon for halloween and you walk around saying come play with me at Toy Town!
...You put your toy digivice in water to see if it will get messed up and take you to the Digi World.
...You always dress like a composition Digidestine.(Tai's goggles, TK's 02 gilligan hat, ext.)
...You've seen every episode.
...You've got all the cards.
...Your cat's name is Gatomon.
...Your dog's name is Gabumon.
...Your lizard's name is Agumon.
...Your plant's name is palmon.
...Your birds name is either Biyomon or Hawkmon.
...Your bugs name is either Stingmon or Tentomon.
...In donkey kong you never kill the armadillos because Armadillomon is a good Digimon.
...You never stop at a hotel because it might be an alloution created by Devimon.
...You never go near a cairage because it might be Myotismon's.
...You never go near a mansion because it might be Puppetmon's.

[By gatomon_sdigimontamer@hotmail.com]
...your e-mail has to do with digimon
...when you can't miss an episode without going insane
...when all you dream about is getting a digimon
...when your PARENTS know their names!!!
...when you draw digimon in the middle of anything except when digimon is on
...when all you think about is digimon
...when you find yourself relating to the CHARACTERS
...when you play with your digivice and wish it was real
...when you SAY your digivice is real
...when you dress like the characters
...when you claim your favorite character names
...when you know all the times and channels Digimon is on
...when your younger sibling calls you down to watch, and you come running
...when all you talk about is Digimon
...when people tell you to be quiet when you mention the word "Digimon"
...then you say Momentai, and they scream
...when you know more Digimon's names than your younger sibling

[By Gohan12785@aol.com]
...you see a thief or robber and say "Digi Modify! Guilmon, go get him!"
...you dress your sibling up as a doll and call him, "Terriermon, My Miss Pretty Pants."
...you wear goggles on your forehead and stand on your bed with a fake digivice in your hand saying "I am Takato Matsuda, Tamer of the universe!"
...you own EVERY SINGLE DIGIMON TOY and pretend that it's the real thing!
...you say to your parents, "Mom, Dad, DNA digivolve to Parentmon!"
...you eat A LOT of peanut butter, hoping you'll digivolve to Wargrowlmon.
...when your mom tells you to clean your room, you give her the excuse, "But mom, Cyberdramon is being naughty again and I have to take him for a walk!!"
...you've read this article more than 3 times!!!

[By dpcurrie@cablerocket.com]
...you make snow digimon and try to make them digivole....
...you compare movie stars to digimon....
...you made a song called *The 12 days in the digiworld*....
...you star at the tallest building in your city and see if a digital riftappears above it....
...you dream of going to calarado to meet Teryermon and Lopmon....
...you make you younger sister cary a camp whistle every were she goes....
...you think that goggles are the best thing ever invented....
...you have memorizes every word your favorite character said for at least 5episodes....
...you chase you pet around the house with you digivice yelling "matrixdigivolution"...
...you get really excited when it snows when your at camp....
...you cover the walls in your room with a digimon wall of fame....

...you make up your own digimon with tons and tons of complicateddigivolutions
...you design and remember your own digivice down to the very lastmolecule
...you spend you whole computer time on digimon sites
...if you watch anything like yu-gi-oh and your mom thinks it's digimon.
...your dad knows what your digivice is
...you plan on making a digimon site with a newspaper completelydedicated to digimon stuff

...You name all of your pets after digimon/tamers
...You spend 6 hours straight on the internet reading stuff you already knewabout digimon
...You are throwing up every 5 minutes and still watch digimon when you shouldbe sleeping
...your dad tells you that he thinks you've lost it when you tell him,"Digimonis my life! I should be a Tamer!"
...At night you yell to the stars that you believe in digimon and ask where thedigital world is.
...You do live for digimon
...You create a new season for digimon in your head
...You have really done all these things

...When u almost kill your brother for saying Patamon is Pikachu, and calls Digimon a remake of pokemon... beleive me, i almost did! ^_^)
...When you learn japanese just incase the stop showing digimon in america! di(I've been trying to!)
...When you tape evry episode!
... When you compare the dubbing to the original.
... You buy googgles, get a D-Ark, and either yell "Digimodify! Speed Activate!" or "DIGI-PORT OPEN!" or both!
...You kill anyone that says anything bad about digimon.
...You did a report in "Digimon:Cloning of the future" and got an F.(Beleive me, Don't I came up with an idea of what to say! ^_^)
...You write an obsessed with Digi Article.
... You go crazy when you found out that LELOLA! and TDE were down! (need I say what I did?)
...In Your room you have a shrine to to Ken, Davis, Matt and Takato (and their digimon)
...You E-mail Bill Gates to see if they have a program about Digital life forms
...You memorize evry sing in evry CD,even if they're not in english!
...You own EVRY digimon toy,and game.
... You download episodes and YTV specials off **'s Fandub Site!
...Half of this list explains the things you do, it applies to me well!

...When you dream you are a digimon...
...When you dream you are a digidestined
...when someone talks about a reptile you are thinking about agumon or guilmon
...when you hold your toy digivice in front of your computer all day hoping a digiport might open
...When you are scared of puppets because you think it might be puppetmon
...When you go mad when your mom calls you while you are watching digimon
...When you feel nothing (hunger, pain, sleepy, etc.)when digimon starts
...When everyone runs from you when you mention the word digimon

...when you call your girlfriend Sora
...when you crack eggs hoping you'll find a digimon
...when you teacher says there is a school play, you suggest Digimon
...when your mom memorized the season 1 theme song
...when you beat all the digimon games twice
...when you try to bio-merge with a pet
...when you wear goggles to school
...when soccer is your fav sport
...when you hold your breath until your older sibling changes it back toFox Kids(when digimon is on)
...when you protest against egg eating
...when you move to Japan to see the season finale
...when you know all the digidestines`s addresses
...when somebody is going crazy you say momentie
...when you submit things like this

... You draw a picture of a made up Digimon hoping that it becomes real.
... When you see fog, you think it's a Digital Field.
... You find your self dressing like Ryo.
... You try to make your hair look like Tai's or Matt's.
... You pray that you get an e-mail that changes your life.
... That if you say "Digimon" in class the teacher gives you detention.
... You eat what the Digimon eat for everymeal.(Bread, chocolate,ect.)
... you have four pairs of goggles.Tai's, Davis's, Takato's, and Takuya's.

...when you make your own h-spirit and b-spirit.
...when you practice all the kinds of spirit evolutions and make your own. (how do I think up this stuff?...)
...when you check TDP every day for updates.
...when your willing to miss a ski trip just to see a new episode of frontier.
...when you don't care if it's a repeat episode.
...when you pause your GameCube, PS/2 or XBox and switch to Digimon even if your fighting the last boss of the game.
...when you ask TKTakeru to put your SN in an update you gave to him.
...when you care if a Digimon site went down.
...when you put time into thinking up stuff for the obsessed section.
...when your Mom knows what your D-Tector is.
...when your Mom orders the Digimon movies that haven't aired in America. (And ya don't speak or understand Japanese!)

...when you only eat chocolote like j.p.
...when you die if you miss an ep
...when you wan't to meet me (the biggest digimon fan)
...when you can't stop smiling when some one says the name kouji
...when you've memerized the fouth season theme song
...when your dad forbids you to talk about digimon in front of him
...when everybody changes the subject when you even start to say digimon
...when you think you will some day go to the digiworld
...when you know that someday you will go to the digiworld
...when you take the time to think up all these things

...when you believe in Digimon
...when your Dad knows its a new episode
...when you and your friends look for a Digiport
...when you draw your own Digimon
...when you dream about Digimon
...when you try to create a Digimon
...when you spell DIGIMON in capitals

...when you and your friends get together every chance you get, and pretend you are all the digidestined from season 4
...you go and e-mail a list like this one to all your friends, even if they think you are crazy
...when you make digimon out of everything you touch
...you start naming stuffed animal cats Koji and his spirits
...for your home ec profect you get a bengal tiger to sew, only to name it Lobomon
...you start singing "Butter, beans, and saurkraut, I'm gonna eat till I pass out!"
...when you go to school in a cardboard box, hoping your principal tells you good morning, since he's ALWAYS busy
...when you sit down and take time you are supposed to be getting ready to go to sleep to work on lists like this
...the only dreams you can remember are the ones including Digimon (=^;^=)

...you've played every single Digimon game that ever came out and mastered them all.
...you can't stop singing the songs from the series without dying inside.
...you check the net to see if an group of people are trying to form digital intelligence called 'Digimon'.
...you HIRE a group of people to create a digital intelligence called 'Digimon'.
...you, during school hours and nighttime, write awesome Digimon fanfiction and get it posted everywhere.
...when other Digimon fanatics read the fanfiction and swear that it could be the Tamers sequel.
...you do anything short of selling your soul to Old Scratch to become a Tamer/Digidestined.
...you would do anything INCLUDING selling your soul to Old Scratch to become a Tamer/Digidestined.
...every time you leave the house, you strap on your goggles, bring your Digivice, and think, "Well, maybe today is the day!"
...when anyone in your town hears the word Digimon, they immediately think of you.
...when 90% or more of the entire 'Obsessed' list on Digi Port applies to you (guilty, here).

...you and your friends normally call each other the Digidestined’s names
...you kill your brother if he’s watching something when digimon’s on
...you fall in love with a digimon trainer
...you go on walks, hoping you will find a digimon
...you were goggles everywhere
...you’re a digidestined for Halloween and your dog’s dressed up as your digimon, and everybody knows exactly who you are
...someone starts to talk to you, your clueless unless it’s digimon
...there’s not one thing in your room that’s not digimon
...you like your room messy, because Davis’s room is messy
...you break a window with a soccer ball on purpose
...you find yourself writing stories on how you’ll meet your own digimon
...you memorize every show and what happens
...you and your brother get mad at each other, you call him Lucemon
...you scream when there’s a virus on your computer, thinking its Deporamon
...you look at the clouds, alls you see is different digimon
...you start calling your brother Henry, then ask him if you can play with his Terriermon
...you go to New York to meet Mimi
...someone has the same name as a Digidestined, you ask them if you can see their digimon or you can go to the digiworld with them
...you go to the computer room every day, hoping you’ll find Davis, Yolei, Kari, Cody. and T.K. with their digimon
...during Easter, you color you eggs like the digieggs from season 2
...you go in you backyard and think your in the digiworld
...you wear the same thing everyday
...whenever you see a white cat, you think it’s Gatomon
...there’s a gang at you school and you call them the dark masters
...you call your big brother Henry, Matt, or Tai and you sister Sora of Zoey
...you stare at you cell phone all day, thinking you’ll get a message from Ophanimon

... Watch Digimon the Movie and pause it every 2 seconds
... Take your swimming goggles and pretend to be Tai, Davis, Takato, or Takuya
... Go to summer camp and think your getting sucked into the Digital world
... getting your friend who doesn't like Digimon to watch it with you
... When swimming, pretend your a Digimon

...When you beat the game, you pack your bags and wiat to transported to the digital world !
...When you take your D-Tector and go to the digimon website and wait to be transported !
...When you tape all of the eppisodes so you can watch them all day long !
...When you wont leave the couch if there is a digimon marathon !
... When you started to practice the swiping stances with your d-power !
...When you cried when you found out digimon was being canceled, and you dont have cable !
...When you think someone is crazy because they havent heard of digimon !
...When you would go online for ours searching for a digimon egg that would pop out of the screen !
...When you love digimon more than anything in the world !
P.S i have had all of these symptoms, and if you do dont worry just keep watching the show, and any digimon fans email me so i can talk to you : )

...look at your computer all day thinking a digiegg will pop out.
...all you dream about is digimon
...all the time you spend on the computer is on digimon sites
...when you miss an episode you blame your brother and go crazy
...you submit stuff like this
...you turn your brother's xbox(or other electronic devices)when digimon is on even if he gets mad
...you watch digimon episodes in japanese even if you dont understand them
...all of this applies to you

...When you pretend that Patamon is always beside you.
...When you get a job at a fast food place and you say "Hi Im burgermon may I take your order."
...When you say to your best friend that Takuya is your best friend and no one can take his place.
...When you spend most of your time looking at the sky hoping that a portal will open.
...When your cat named Gatomon hurts you, you think that Gatomon hates you and you will never go to the Digital world.
...When your friends hear you say "Digimon" they run away from you Screaming and crying.

...When you are dying to see all the Digimon movies.
...When you kill your best friend for not knowing what a Digimon is.
...When you have at least one Digivice (Guilty here, D-Power and D-3)
...when you wear googles to school.
...When you start speaking in Japanese.
...When you try to connect a D-Power and a D3.
...When you feel like suing JETIX for making various shows first on weekdays.

...You ask everybody you know if they like Digimon
...You've beaten each Digimon game. Twice
...You walk away covering your ears while screaming "LA LA LA LA!" repetitively if somebody mentions Pokemon
...unless they're making fun of it
...You write an essay describing how Digimon and Pokemon are different and how Pokemon sucks just to make sure that nobody gets confused anymore
...You give this essay to a teach in school as part of a project and she feels sorry enough for you to give you an A
...You look at the A on your paper and you think Analogman is watching you
...You write an essay similar to before and turn it in for homework
...You've tried creating a gate to the Digital World
...You've created your own Digimon
...When you miss an episode, you surf the web hunting down anybody with a downloadable copy
...You have all the mangas
...When a Pokemon obsessed dork posts something on Amazon.com to try to make Digimon look bad, you hack into the site's server and remove the post yourself
...You've checked with sites of "You're obsessed with Digimon when
..." and find that you match every single description on the site.
...You've got every Digimon card
...You've got the Japanese version of these cards
...You've written over 13 Digimon fanfics
...You've written a Digimon fanfic using everything that has to do with Digimon, from the first game to the last possible season, and made it work.
...You reading every single e-mail in your computer and got a virus and believed that it was a Digimon sent to open a gate to the Digital World in your computer
...You told your parents this when the computer got taken away
...You aren't allowed near the computer afterwards. EVER
...You never look at Digimon Hentai because you know none of the Tamers, Digidestines, etc. would ever do anything like that. Until they're 18
...You look at Digimon Hentai just to make sure they got the characters right
...You've dressed as a character from Digimon OUTSIDE Halloween
...You've raised each Digimon on the original Digimon and the Digimon Pendulum. Twice
...You can draw each Digimon with your eyes closed
...Everyone in your family runs when you get close to the T.V.
...Your girlfriend dumped you because you kept calling her Sora (or any female Digimon character's name)
...When you put your hand in your pocket, everybody within 50 feet know what you're going to pull out
...You've joined every Digimon newsletter
...You read every e-mail from the Newsletter each time
...You pray to G-d that someday you will be a Digidestined. Or a Tamer
...You've memorized every Digimon's name, stats, and attacks
...You wrote a strategy guide that explains how exactly to defeat Machinedramon in the Back Dimension in Digimon World
...You've actually used this strategy
...You remember what Analogman looks like
...When you here people talk about GAIA Online, you panic
...You're scared of the letter A
...Everybody you talk to knows what you'll say in 3...2...1...
...You say something that has to do with Digimon, and they say "I knew it!"
...You've seen and used every Digimon in the games
...You beat the Digivice games
...You make a Digimon RPG between your friends
...You made a Digimon timeline connecting the events from the first game to the last season
...You ask that your grave is buried under Jijimon's house
...You go to the ends of the Earth to try to make Digimon real or prove that they exist
...You've named something after Digimon
...You print out every Digimon fanfic and made them into a book
...You repeat something more than once that has to do with Digimon
...You repeat something more than once that has to do with Digimon
...You repeat something more than once that has to do with Digimon
...You make a family tree and draw a picture of your favorite Digimon next to your picture
...You made a perfectly detailed map of the Digital World
...You wonder why the Digidestined in Adventure never went to File City
...You point out people's mistakes when they try to draw a Digimon
...You end up having to draw that Digimon for them
...You waste your Bar-Mitzvah cash on Digimon stuff
...You quote the characters of the shows and games at each possible moment
...You laugh at people that like Pokemon
...You memorize the entire script of the games and TV series
...You write your own scripts
...You send these scripts in
...Your script made it to the TV screen
...You refuse to go outside unless it's foggy
...Your parents have to buy artificial fog in order to trick you into getting outside
...You get outside and never realized the fog was fake
...Your parents find you fast asleep in front of your PS2 with your Digimon game still on
...You tried to make your mom's minivan into a Digibeetle
...You made it into a Digibeetle
...The Digibeetle actually worked the way it should
...You play soccer and constantly quote Tai
...You dream of yourself Digivolving
...You've gotten more than 21 people to start liking Digimon
...You actually look for a portal to the Digital World
...You tried wearing a box to school
...You've had bread shaped like Guilmon
...You memorized the lyrics of the intro and credits
...You've written a fic with your own Digimon characters
...Your fic got an old Digimon fan to read it and thought it was real and ask you how much he missed out on
...You figured out what A.o.A. stands for
...You had a dream and actually believed you were in Digimon Online. Until you woke up
...If the letters A, o, and A are used in a sentence in that order, you get scared to death
...You trick your mom into singing the Digimon theme as a lullaby in order to get you to sleep
...You turn out to not want to sleep at all and just wanted to hear it, and you sneak out of bed to watch recorded episodes and play Digimon games
...You do this and don't get caught
...You try to have the same haircuts as your favorite characters
...You actually once thought you were in the Digital World
...You learned 13 foreign languages just to get somebody to stop liking Pokemon and learn to like Digimon
...In music appreciation class, you suggest the Digimon theme and everybody already knew you would
...You've read the mangas. Twice
...You change MLK's speech so it says "I have seen the light at the top of Mount Infinity"
...You dedicate mostly everything you do to Digimon
...You made your own Digimon series
...You compare mostly everything to Digimon
...You decorate your binders and everything with Digimon
...You believe that Digimon are real
...You believe that the events in the show were real
...You tried to get Bill Gates to create Digimon Online by showing him the essay from before
...Bill actually read the essay and considered it
...You create a shrine to under appreciated Digimon, such as Tekkamon and MudFrigimon
...You try to learn Japanese just to be able to go to Japan and talk to other Digimon fans there
...Your closet is full of Digimon cards and other Digimon stuff
...You hold you dad's chainsaw for 5 hours hoping to Digivolve into Giromon
...You made a sculpture of a Digimon
...You never download any program with the word "egg" in it's name because you fear Diaborimon
...You see a San Francisco Trolley and wonder if it's the same one from Adventure
...You wrote a "You obsessed with Digimon when
..." list with over 100 things on it
...You've copied everything on the list and made it into a checklist
...You check everything on the checklist
...You wrote this list in the first place

...You get D-ARK out connect it to the iternet swipe a card and say a digiport opens.
...You start looking like Tai, Davis, Takato, or Takuya.
...Start liking girls who act like and look like Sora, Kari, Jeri, or Zoe.
...and call call your dad a digimon that he looks like!

...When you've actually ask to buy a pair of goggles
...When you get excited when you get a text on your phone
...When you start learning Japanese just because Digimon is originally in Japanese!
...When you've recorded all the songs from all seasons and you listen to them
...When you try to sing along even if it's in Japanese
...You try to convince everyone that if you dig a hole deep enough, you'll find the Digital World
...Your login name and password is always something to do with Digimon
...When you never get bored of any episodes
...You give your friends Digimon nicknames
...When everytime you get a battle on your D-Power you actually shout out 'Digi-Modify! Power Activate!' and strike the pose
...When you're guilty of 50% above
...Guilty of 75% above
...And the grand-prize for guilty of ALL THE ABOVE!!

...when you can't go one day with out seeing DIGIMON
...when you instantly get mad if you miss a DIGIMON episode
...when you change your personality to match a Digidestined/Tamer
...when you've memorized every word from all the episodes (I know I have!)
...when you can sound exactly like the characters from all 4 seasons (I have)
...when you are jealous of the characters
...when you never can let a day go by with out talking about DIGIMON
...when instead of doing school work you doodle DIGIMON/characters/crests
...when your walls of your room are covered in DIGIMON pictures (and parts of the ceiling)
...when your nickname is after a digidestined (mines Mimi)
...when you call your friends you call them by the digidestined names
...when your pets are named after DIGIMON
...when you believe the DIGIMON are real
...when you start to hate a DIGIMON that destroyed your favorite DIGIMON (I can not forgive you Angewomon/Gatomon for doing what you did to Myotismon)
...when all you watch or think about is DIGIMON

...You're obsessed when you bang all four of your digivices against the computer hoping you fall through.(tried this)
...You're obsessed when you cry at night because you want to go to the digital world.(done this)
...You're obsessed when you keep your own sketch book like Takato.(I have this)
...You're obsessed when you look through your toy D-terminal to find the perfect match.(can't decide)
...You're obsessed when you wake up early in the morning so you can watch reruns.( Every morning)
...You're obsessed when you watch the digimon movie every week. (do this)

brandon vaughan
...You Stay in bed all day because you missed digimon one morning (almost guilty in summer of 2003)
...You have a digivice toy (Me)
...You have the american movie want to, or have seen the japanesee versions ( Me for the most part)
...You tape digimon episodes ( Me again)
...You have at least 2 digimon games ( Digimon world and rumble arena)
...You bought a discount box set of animated series trading cards (Am I a freak?)
...You force your parents to watch digimon ( I got my mom to)
...You are a teenager and love digimon (Guilty once again)
...You look at pictures of fan art (me)
...You get depressed if you miss an episode ( Summer of 2004)
...You make yor siblings watch it ( sorry, guilty only once)
...You have a digimon section in your favorites/bookmarks
...You qualify for for least 2 things on every obsessed list on this page ( Me again)
...You bother to read this.
...You pick out a set of spirits you like from frontier (I am either dark or fire)
...You go out with a human shaped digimon of oposite gender ( Maybye... Ranamon)
...You compare yourself to a tamer,digidestended of both genders ( Matt and Rika)
...You are obsesssed (Me for the jillionth time, not as much as i was but am still nonetheless)

...when you wash your digivice to make it look like it's opening a digiport
...when you hold your digivice to the sky and hope you'll get sucked into the digiworld
...when you say digimon evrey one yells SHUT UP

...you think your in Japan(Tokyo)
...you have a pet dressed up as a digimon
...you and your friends normally call each other the Digidestined’s names
...you think you are rika and are the digimon queen
...you dress like the characters on TV
...you think you are going to bioemerge with renamon
...you make a blue card and pretend you are matrix digivolving
...you are looking at the ground hoping a portal will appear
...you are pretending that your card reader is going to turn into a d-arc
...when your mother makes you put on a dress and becomes a model
...when you see a giant side sweeper and think it is a giant pig
...you see a person who looks like a monkey
...you make a site deacated to a digimon

...You have dreams where you actually tame Guilmon
...You're a girl, and still crazy about Digimon
...You want to buy a 40-dollar Digimon game
...You actually taped the entire Digimon marathon
...You own a Digimon book suited for a 1st grader
...You beleive in Digimon
...You sneak your imaginary Digimon (Lopmon, in my case) out of the car
...You have conversations with your imaginary Lopmon
...You think up an entirely new season in your head
...You write a character guide to your new season
...You design and remember your own digivice to the last molucule
...You name your Digivice (D-Laser)
...You write lists like these
...You have two (Soon 2 be 3) Digimon fanfics on the net
...One of your fanfics is on 2 different sites
...A fellow Digimon fan walks by; you get in an amazing conversation
...Some of your friends (Your friends who are boys, that is) get together to play Digimon, and Matt plays Matt, and u actually get it.
...Every time you see someone with a Digimon shirt, you either want the Digimon shirt or talk to Lopmon, hoping they'll notice and have a Digi-conversation with u
...Two of your friends (who knows, they may be relitives), your cousins, and a guy you made up all have Digimon you gave 'em
...Every item on this list applys to u (super guilty of this!)

...sometimes when you see a scary tree you think it is Woodmon or Cherrymon
...everytime you are doing something with the chinese zodiac you think of the devas
...anytime you talk about digimon near your friends they just sit there pretending to listen
...you make stories up about you a tamer\digidestined with your friends (guilty as charged)
...no matter what you do it has to do with digimon

...You smash your computer in two when your toy digivice doesn't open a digi-port
...Every time the power goes out you think a digimon has come to earth
...You look at the sun and you think it's the golden armor digi-egg
...When your teacher asks you if you saw the digimon show yesterday
...Carry a laptop on your back even when you go to summer camp
...You thought you heard Koromon saying, "This is the digital world!"
...Your pet fish dies and expect to see a digi-egg fly away
...You see a lion at the zoo and yell, "Leomon help me!"

...You have a dream that Guilmon calls you his best friend and is your Digimon, not Takato's
...You sneak your imaginary Lopmon out of the car every day
...Your not supposed to draw Digimon 24 hours a day, but you do anyway
...You tell your dad exactly how tall Lopmon's pizza stack is
...You make you and your friends into Digidestined, write a story, and make up a guy just so Terriermon can be with Lopmon
...You have at least 2 Digimon fics posted on anime admirers
...You wear your goggles, mess up your hair like a lunatic, strap on your D - Tector or put your D - 3 in your pocket (or both) and run around screaming "I'm the goggle girl!" in your head at least as you and Lopmon laugh with each other as you run down the hall
...Even when you're watching Pokemon, your other favorite show, you're comparing Digimon and Pokemon
...You waste your time making lists like this

Affiliates: Shining Evolution | DMA | The Digi World | Digital Starlight | LELOLA
The Digi Port, established April 29, 2001. © 2001-2007. Images, layout, information, site name, etc. © to TKTakeru. We do not own any part of Digimon, nor are we affiliated with Toei, Jetix, etc. We are just a non-profit fan site.