Get Active

Level 2: Got an Hour or Two?

Write a Letter to the Editor

The letters page is the most popular section of most daily newspapers and magazines. Get your message printed, and you could reach tens of thousands of people!

Turn Your Library Into ‘Vegetarian Central’!

With PETA’s exciting new vegetarian posters, you can create a beautiful, compelling display in your local library. Reach hundreds of people with a message of compassion.

Spend an Hour Handing Out Leaflets

Personal contact is powerful. You can reach hundreds of potential vegetarians and vegans in just one hour if you pick the right location.

Set Up an Information Table

This is a terrific way to get pro-vegan literature to as many people as possible!

Show Videos in Public Places

Showing PETA's "Meet Your Meat" video to friends and family members might be the single-most effective way to encourage them to go vegetarian. Showing "Meet Your Meat" to dozens of people at once multiplies the impact many times over! There are several set-ups that you can use to show a video in a public place, and PETA can send you a free copy of "Meet Your Meat."

Spread the Message to People of Faith

There are so many easy ways to educate people of faith about animal rights issues.

Plan a Demonstration

Organizing a demonstration is a great way to help animals, and it’s not as scary or as difficult as it might sound. In fact, demonstrations usually involve little more than passing out leaflets and holding posters. We have all the information that you’ll need to plan a successful demonstration!

Organize a ‘Feed-In’!

You know that vegan food is healthy and tasty—show others just how good it is to be a vegan!

Host a Vegan Dinner Party

So many people want to go vegan but just don’t know what to eat. Show them!

Get Active on Campus (Even If You’re Not a Student!)

College campuses are great places to spread the message of compassion, and we have two great ways to get started.

Stop Kentucky Fried Cruelty!

Restaurant chain KFC scalds chickens while they are still alive and burns off the highly sensitive beaks of baby birds. PETA has pressured the company to adopt important animal welfare reforms, but KFC has done nothing to stop its worst abuses. Visit to read more about the campaign and to learn how you can help.

Turn a Building Into a Movie Screen

Want to make a major impact? All you need is a flat outdoor wall, a video projector, and a copy of “Meet Your Meat.”