Better Health & Living

Issue: May 2008
Feel-Good Tips For Allergy Season
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Feel-Good Tips For Allergy Season

Sneezing, stuffy-nosed, watery-eyed Americans lose at least an hour of work each week during peak hay fever season, says a new Ohio State University study of nearly 600 people with allergies. It may not sound like much, but all that dragging in late and leaving early adds up, the researchers say, because 20 to 50 million of us have allergic reactions to the clouds of spring pollen released by trees, grasses, and flowering plants.

The forecast for 2008: Experts from the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology warn that this year’s hay fever season could be severe in areas of the country blanketed by heavy snows or drenched with heavy rains last winter—simply because extra moisture allows plants to grow larger and lusher, so they release more pollen. Your best bet for avoiding hay fever sick time during spring’s most glorious days? “Be prepared,” says David Khan, MD, associate professor of internal medicine at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and director of the asthma clinic at Parkland Memorial Hospital in Dallas. “Have the medications you need on hand and consider taking them as soon as pollen counts begin to rise. Knowing how and when to avoid pollen helps, too.” Dr. Khan offers these tips to help keep you sneeze-free.

How can I enjoy being outdoors without having an allergy attack?

First, try to avoid the times of day when pollen counts are highest. We used to think ragweed levels peaked in the morning, for example, but newer research suggests levels are highest at noon. Pollen counts can be higher on windy days and right after a thunderstorm. And don’t exercise in areas with car and truck exhaust. Studies show that tiny particles in diesel exhaust make allergy symptoms worse.

Take antihistamines and other allergy medicines before you go outdoors rather than waiting for symptoms to begin. And wear glasses or sunglasses to help shield your eyes.

If you love to garden, consider wearing a pollen mask and gloves and try not to touch your face or eyes while you’re outside. Consider getting tests to find out what triggers your allergies so you can keep those plants out of your garden.

My allergies are just as bad when I’m indoors. How can I make my home a sneeze-free zone?

Always wash your hands and rinse your eyes to remove pollen when you come indoors. At night, be sure to take a shower and wash your hair before bed. Pollen gets trapped in hair, and you could spend the night breathing it in from your hair and your pillow. When your allergies are active, keep doors and windows shut and use the air conditioner.

There are so many allergy medicines out there. Which ones are best?

Many people can get all the relief they need with products you can buy without a prescription. Newer antihistamines have an advantage in that they won’t make you drowsy. If you’re bothered by a stuffy nose, you may want to add a decongestant. But be careful: Decongestant nasal sprays work fast, but using one for more than a few days at a time can have a rebound effect, and you’ll have to use it more and more to avoid congestion. Tissues in your nose become “addicted” to it and swell up if you’re not using it.

If your symptoms are still bothering you, you may want to ask your doctor about a steroid nasal spray. These are the most effective allergy medicines of all, but you have to use them consistently and be patient. It takes about 12 hours after your first dose to see an improvement.

Is it true that more and more people are developing pollen allergies as adults?

You can develop a seasonal allergy later in life, especially if you’ve moved to a new place with different types of plants and pollens, but it’s very rare. Often, people who begin having trouble with congestion and postnasal drip in their forties40s, fifties50s, or sixties 60s are actually having a reaction to something in their environment such as perfume, the inks used to print newspapers and magazines, or cigarette smoke. The clues that it’s not a seasonal allergy are that it happens year-round, their eyes usually don’t itch, and antihistamines don’t help very much. The way to cope with these sensitivities is to stay away from perfumes and smoke and to wash your hands often to minimize contact with printing inks.

By Susan Flagg Godbey and the Editors of Better Health & Living®

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