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How it works
Highest pay
Salaried employees at these Best Companies enjoy the highest average compensation.
Company Average
annual pay*
Bingham McCutchen $211,017
Arnold & Porter $194,575
Alston & Bird $190,135
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Best companies by state
These states are headquarters for the highest number of America's Top Employers.
State No. of top employers
California 13
Texas 13
New York 9
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Job growth
Quicken added jobs at the fastest rate last year, but FedEx added the most jobs total: 10,187.
Company % job growth
Quicken Loans 68%
Google 60%
Healthways 42%
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Best benefits
These companies have the best benefit options.
Child care: Arkansas Children's Hospital
Telecommuting: Cisco Systems
Work-life balance: Edward Jones
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How we pick the 100 best
To pick the 100 Best Companies to Work for, Fortune partners with Great Place to Work Institute® to conduct the most extensive employee survey in corporate America. Of some 1,500 firms that were contacted, 407 companies participated in this year's survey. Nearly 100,000 employees at those companies responded to a 57-question survey created by the Great Place to Work Institute®, a global research and consulting firm with offices in 30 countries. More

100 Best Companies to Work For 

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See perks defined   |   How we pick the 100 Best Companies
Note: Granite Construction and PCL Construction Enterprises offer a compressed workweek on a seasonal basis only (i.e. summer hours.)
* : Time reflects local markets trading time.† - Intraday data delayed 15 minutes for Nasdaq, and 20 minutes for other exchanges.• Disclaimer