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Review: 'Culpa Innata' breathes new life into PC adventure genre

"Culpa Innata," an adventure game for the PC from Strategy First, is set on a unified Earth in the middle of the 21st century. It's no secret that the once-thriving PC adventure genre -- with such celebrated titles as "King's Quest," "Myst," "Grim Fandango" and "The Longest Journey" -- is one of the least popular game types today.

Review: New adventures creep their way to PSP

Traveling over the holidays? A portable gaming system can help keep you entertained while waiting for a flight, riding on a train or passing time in the back seat of the family minivan.

Review: 'Uncharted: Drake's Fortune' explores new territory

By the time Nathan Drake -- the smooth-talking, treasure-hunting descendant of famed privateer Sir Francis Drake -- arrives on a teeny island in the middle of the Pacific, you will agree that the Sony PlayStation 3 has a much-needed holiday hit on its hands.

Review: 'Rock Band' hits right notes for music fans

"Rock Band," the eagerly anticipated music game, lets you live out your childhood dream -- virtually -- as you play guitar, bass and drums and sing your way to stardom.

Review: 'Guitar Hero III' rocks with more of the same

The good -- and bad -- news for "Guitar Hero" fans is that in the latest game in the franchise, RedOctane didn't mess much with the formula that placed its predecessors among the hottest game sensations of our time.

Review: Cinematic thriller 'Assassin's Creed' hits the mark

If you ever doubted a video game could deliver a movie-like experience, pick up Ubisoft's "Assassin's Creed" for an adventure so engrossing it should've come with a crowbar to pry yourself away.

Review: 'Simpsons' really funny, but basic

"The Simpsons Game's" most notable trait is that it's funny, so funny that I can't believe how often I actually laughed out loud at the wonderfully produced cutscenes that have been made for the game, despite how weird it is seeing Simpsons animation in HD.

Review: 'Orange Box' packs action, value

"Halo 3" might be all the rage these days among first-person shooter fans, but those looking for the most bang for their buck won't find a better deal than the action-packed "Orange Box" from Valve Software.

Review: 'Spider-Man: Friend or Foe' good, simple fun

If you launch the latest Spider-Man video game expecting a comic book-inspired brawler for younger players, you won't be disappointed with this superhero adventure.

Review: 'Skate' grinds on Tony Hawk's turf

Skateboarding is all about cheeky defiance, which is exactly what Electronic Arts is sporting for going up against Activision's billion-dollar Tony Hawk skateboarding franchise.

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